Thomas Betson to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Betson to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/140
- Date
- 24 June 1478
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 218; Kingsford, Vol II, item 218
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
From A.C., xlvi, 140.
Jhesus. Ano xviiio.
Right honorable and worshipffull Sir, and my right synguler good
mayster, I recommand me unto your good maystershipe in the mooste
loffyngest wyse þat my hart can thynnke, be my trouth: thankynge
your maystershipe right hartely off your curtesse and loffynge letter, the
which I have resseyvid by my M. your brodyr John Croke. And in the
same letter I undyrstond by the worshipffull reporte off your mayster-
shipe the havyors off my Cussen Kateryn unto you, to my lady your
wiffe and to all oþer &c.: and truly it is to me right joyffull and com-
ffortable gladnes so to here off hir, and I besech our blissid lord ever to
preserve hir in all vertu and good lyffynge to his plesour, and to reward
your maystershipe with hevene at your endynge ffor your good disposi-
sion to hir wardes in good exortasions gyffynge: and þat I wote well off
old, or elles truly she cowd nat be off that disposision vertuous and
goodly, hir youthe remembrid and consederyd. And sir, bus as it hath
lykid your maystershipe to commaunde me to come unto Stonor to se
my best belovid &c, and also to make me mery, unto the which your
maystershipe saith I shall be hartly welcume, and so my lady, your
wiffe, affermes the same as ye wryte it: Right worshipffull sir, I know
it ffull well off old, ffor so I have ffull oftyn tymes preve it and nat
gretely off me deservid, but God knowith myn hart and myn entent
what I intend to my power and ever hath done: and sir, I besech your
maystershipe to pardone me ffor a whyle and to hold me exscused, and
as sone as I can I shall cumme and se your wellffare. I thynge1 longe,
so God help me, till I come, but be my trouth my labour and besynes
is such and will be a whyle, þat I can nat as yit with myn ease cum:
and þerffore Sir, I besech you now to helpe me and to be my good
mayster and exscuse me, þer as your maystershipe shall thynnke best.
And sir, in good ffeyth I am verry glad that my lady is so well amendid
off hir helth, and in lyke wyse the children. I besech God ffor his
mercy and our blissid lady to send your maystershipe and all youres as
well to ffare as I wold myn owneselff, and to preserve you in vertuous
lyffynge, and also to send you sad remembraunce off all good begynnynge,
and þan with owte dowte ye shall make with Godes helpe a worship-
full endynge to Godes plesour and to þe honour and worshipe off all
them þat loffe you hartely. Sir, I am to bold thus to wryte, but God
knowith myn hart, and som whattes I am infformed off the towardnes off
your good disposision, what ye intend: I shall dayly praye hartely to
God to be your good spede in all your such proffytable workes: yff ye
contenew your intent ye shall be glad ?erof or this day iij yere. I ffare
lyke a sory pyper, whanne I begynne I can nat leve: but yit ones
agayn our blissid Lord be your sped and your helpe. Le xxiiij jour
de Juyn.Be your servant Thomas Betson.
[In dorso] Sir, Remembre your maystershipe well, what ye have
written off my Cossen Kateryn, truly I shall whanne I speke with hir
tell hir every word, and yff I ffynd the contrarye our vycar here, so God
helpe me, shall crye owte upon h[ir] within this x wekes and lesse, and
by that tyme I shall be redy in every poy[nt] with Godes grace, and so
I wold she were, ffor sothe ye may beleve me off it.To the right honorable and my right spescyall good mayster, Sir
William Stonor, knyght, soyt dd.1 thynke.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
From A.C., xlvi, 140.
Jhesus. Ano xviiio.
Right honorable and worshipffull Sir, and my right synguler good
mayster, I recommand me unto your good maystershipe in the mooste
loffyngest wyse þat my hart can thynnke, be my trouth: thankynge
your maystershipe right hartely off your curtesse and loffynge letter, the
which I have resseyvid by my M. your brodyr John Croke. And in the
same letter I undyrstond by the worshipffull reporte off your mayster-
shipe the havyors off my Cussen Kateryn unto you, to my lady your
wiffe and to all oþer &c.: and truly it is to me right joyffull and com-
ffortable gladnes so to here off hir, and I besech our blissid lord ever to
preserve hir in all vertu and good lyffynge to his plesour, and to reward
your maystershipe with hevene at your endynge ffor your good disposi-
sion to hir wardes in good exortasions gyffynge: and þat I wote well off
old, or elles truly she cowd nat be off that disposision vertuous and
goodly, hir youthe remembrid and consederyd. And sir, þus as it hath
lykid your maystershipe to commaunde me to come unto Stonor to se
my best belovid &c, and also to make me mery, unto the which your
maystershipe saith I shall be hartly welcume, and so my lady, your
wiffe, affermes the same as ye wryte it: Right worshipffull sir, I know
it ffull well off old, ffor so I have ffull oftyn tymes preve it and nat
gretely off me deservid, but God knowith myn hart and myn entent
what I intend to my power and ever hath done: and sir, I besech your
maystershipe to pardone me ffor a whyle and to hold me exscused, and
as sone as I can I shall cumme and se your wellffare. I thynge1 longe,
so God help me, till I come, but be my trouth my labour and besynes
is such and will be a whyle, þat I can nat as yit with myn ease cum:
and þerffore Sir, I besech you now to helpe me and to be my good
mayster and exscuse me, þer as your maystershipe shall thynnke best.
And sir, in good ffeyth I am verry glad that my lady is so well amendid
off hir helth, and in lyke wyse the children. I besech God ffor his
mercy and our blissid lady to send your maystershipe and all youres as
well to ffare as I wold myn owneselff, and to preserve you in vertuous
lyffynge, and also to send you sad remembraunce off all good begynnynge,
and þan with owte dowte ye shall make with Godes helpe a worship-
full endynge to Godes plesour and to þe honour and worshipe off all
them þat loffe you hartely. Sir, I am to bold thus to wryte, but God
knowith myn hart, and som whattes I am infformed off the towardnes off
your good disposision, what ye intend: I shall dayly praye hartely to
God to be your good spede in all your such proffytable workes: yff ye
contenew your intent ye shall be glad þerof or this day iij yere. I ffare
lyke a sory pyper, whanne I begynne I can nat leve: but yit ones
agayn our blissid Lord be your sped and your helpe. Le xxiiij jour
de Juyn.Be your servant Thomas Betson.
[In dorso] Sir, Remembre your maystershipe well, what ye have
written off my Cossen Kateryn, truly I shall whanne I speke with hir
tell hir every word, and yff I ffynd the contrarye our vycar here, so God
helpe me, shall crye owte upon h[ir] within this x wekes and lesse, and
by that tyme I shall be redy in every poy[nt] with Godes grace, and so
I wold she were, ffor sothe ye may beleve me off it.To the right honorable and my right spescyall good mayster, Sir
William Stonor, knyght, soyt dd.1 thynke.