Thomas Betson to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Betson to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/139
- Date
- 17 May 1478
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 212; Kingsford, Vol II, item 212
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR17 MAY, 1478
From A.C., xlvi, 139.
Jhesu. An? xviij?.
Right honorable and worshipfull Syr, I recommaunde me unto your
good maystershipe in the mooste convenyent wyse I best can or maye:
and ffer?ermore, Syr, lykethe it you to wete that on trenyte evynne I
came to Cales, and thankid be be good lord I hade a ffull flare passege:
and, syr, with Godes myght I Intend as on Frydaye next to depart to
the marte wardes. I beseche the good lord to be my spede and helpe
me in all my warkes. And, syr, I truste to G des mercy, yff the world
be mery here, to doo som whatt that shalbe bothe to your profette and
mynne. As yit þer comethe but flew merchantes here: here after with
Godes grace þer will come moo. I shall lese no tyme whanne the
season shall come, I promytte you. And, syr, I beseche you þat this
symple writynge may have me recommendid unto my lady your wiffe.
And I beseche the good lord to send you bothe good helthe and ver-
tuuse lyffynge, þerin longe to endewre to Godes ple our And also,
syr, I beseche you to be my good mayster and ffeylhffull loffer, as ever
here to ffore to my knowlege I have ffoundyn you. And, syr. I trust
to God as ffor my parte so to indevour me ffor your maystershipe þat
with Godes grace bothe ye and my lady your wiffe shall well undyrstond
and know that I loffe bothe your worshipes, and your profett, and so it
shall prove in dede with Godes helpe. And, syr, whanne I come ffrom
the marte I shall send you word off all matters by the mercy off our
lord, who ever preserve your right worshipffull person in longe helth
and vertu, Amen, ffrom Cales the xvij day off May. Be your servauntThomas Betson.
To my right honorable and Synguler good mayster syr Willm. Stonor,
knyght, this letter be delyvered in hast. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR17 MAY, 1478
From A.C., xlvi, 139.
Jhesu. Ano xviijo.
Right honorable and worshipfull Syr, I recommaunde me unto your
good maystershipe in the mooste convenyent wyse I best can or maye:
and fferþermore, Syr, lykethe it you to wete that on trenyte evynne I
came to Cales, and thankid be þe good lord I hade a ffull ffare passege:
and, syr, with Godes myght I intend as on Frydaye next to depart to
the marte wardes. I beseche the good lord to be my spede and helpe
me in all my warkes. And, syr, I truste to Godes mercy, yff the world
be mery here, to doo som whatt that shalbe bothe to your profette and
mynne. As yit þer comethe but ffew merchantes here: here after with
Godes grace þer will come moo. I shall lese no tyme whanne the
season shall come, I promytte you. And, syr, I beseche you þat this
symple writynge may have me recommendid unto my lady your wiffe.
And I beseche the good lord to send you bothe good helthe and ver-
tuuse lyffynge, þerin longe to endewre to Godes plesour. And also,
syr, I beseche you to be my good mayster and ffeythffull loffer, as ever
here to ffore to my knowlege I have ffoundyn you. And, syr, I trust
to God as ffor my parte so to indevour me ffor your maystershipe þat
with Godes grace bothe ye and my lady your wiffe shall well undyrstond
and know that I loffe bothe your worshipes, and your profett, and so it
shall prove in dede with Godes helpe. And, syr, whanne I come ffrom
the marte I shall send you word off all matters by the mercy off our
lord, who ever preserve your right worshipffull person in longe helth
and vertu, Amen. ffrom Cales the xvij day off May. Be your servauntThomas Betson.
To my right honorable and Synguler good mayster syr Willm. Stonor,
knyght, this letter be delyvered in hast.