Thomas Betson to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Betson to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/138
- Date
- 16 April 1478
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 207; Kingsford, Vol II, item 207
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
This was written on a Thursday. So Monday next was 20 April. From
A.C., xlvi, 138.Jhesus. Ano xviij?
Right honorable Syr and my right synguler good mayster, I recom-
mend me unto your good maystershipe. And, syr, this same nyght I
ress[ayved] a bill from your maystershipe, by the which I undyrstond
þat you have sent me ij capons: and syr, þe same ij capons I have
ress[ayved] by the caryer Gardener, and they be right good: truly ffor
the which I thanke your maystershipe hertely for your kyndely remem-
braunce, ffor with your maystershipe I am nat forgettyn I ffynd, and so
all way, and I praye God reward you. Syr, I toke ij capons, but þei wer
nat the best, as ye counseled me by your letter to take, and in deed to
saye the trouthe I cowd nat be sufferyd. My lady your wiffe is reson-
ably stronge waxhid, the good lord be thankyd: and she tooke hir will in
that matter lyke as she doyth in all oþer. I dare nat wryte you the trouth
till you come home, the which we deme shalbe on Setterday next with
Godes grace, who ever preserve your right worshipful person in longe
helth and vertu to his plesour. At London, the xvj day of Apprell.Your servant T. Betson.
Syr, I wold have written you som tidynges but I know none as yit
þat be trew, save we intend here, with Godes grace, to begynne shippynge
apon Monday next. Syr, John Saye is deed, our lord have mercy apon
his soull.To my righte worshipful mayster, Syr Willm. Stonor, knyght, soyt dd.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
This was written on a Thursday. So Monday next was 20 April. From
A.C., xlvi, 138.Jhesus. Ano xviijo
Right honorable Syr and my right synguler good mayster, I recom-
mend me unto your good maystershipe. And, syr, this same nyght I
ress[ayved] a bill from your maystershipe, by the which I undyrstond
þat you have sent me ij capons: and syr, þe same ij capons I have
ress[ayved] by the caryer Gardener, and they be right good: truly ffor
the which I thanke your maystershipe hertely for your kyndely remem-
braunce, ffor with your maystershipe I am nat forgettyn I ffynd, and so
all way, and I praye God reward you. Syr, I toke ij capons, but þei wer
nat the best, as ye counseled me by your letter to take, and in deed to
saye the trouthe I cowd nat be sufferyd. My lady your wiffe is reson-
ably stronge waxhid, the good lord be thankyd: and she tooke hir will in
that matter lyke as she doyth in all oþer. I dare nat wryte you the trouth
till you come home, the which we deme shalbe on Setterday next with
Godes grace, who ever preserve your right worshipful person in longe
helth and vertu to his plesour. At London, the xvj day of Apprell.Your servant T. Betson.
Syr, I wold have written you som tidynges but I know none as yit
þat be trew, save we intend here, with Godes grace, to begynne shippynge
apon Monday next. Syr, John Saye is deed, our lord have mercy apon
his soull.To my righte worshipful mayster, Syr Willm. Stonor, knyght, soyt dd.