Thomas Betson to Dame Elizabeth Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Betson to Dame Elizabeth Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/236
- Date
- 18 June 1478
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 216; Kingsford, Vol II, item 216
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
As to Oxbrigge's money see No. 213. From A.C., xlvi, 236.
Jhesus. Ano xviijo.
Ryht honorable and my ryht synguler good lady, I recomaund me
unto your good ladyschipe in the mooste lowlyest wyse that I best can
or may, ever more desiryng to here and know off your wellffare, the
whiche I beseche almyghty Jhesu to preserve and kepe to his plesour
and to your mooste hartes desyre. And ffer?er more, liketh it your
good ladyschipe to wete that this same daye I come to London. And
at my commynge home it was told me how that my mayster your husband
had bene verry sore seeke: the which I know well hath not bene to
your hartes comfforte, nor also to the comfforte of your howsold: off
the whiche ffor sothe I am right sory. Nevertheles I undyrstond seth
by dyverse his maystershipe is right well amendid and well recovered:
off the which truly I am right joyffull and glad. And I beseche
Almyghty Jhesu send hym als vertuous helth as I wold have myselff,
and your good ladyshipe also. And yff I cowde do eny thynge here
that myght be to hys plesour and youres, I wold I knew it and it shuld
be done withouten ffayll. Truly your discomfforth is nat myn comffort,
God knowith it. Nevertheles your ladyschipe muste cause hym to be
mery, and off glade chere, and to put awaye all ffantasyes and unthryfty
thoughtes that comes no good off but onely hurtffull. A man may hurt
hymselff by ryotouse meanes; it is good to be ware. Good madame, I
besech you to be off good chere, and I praye God comfforte you and
send you vertuous helth. And also I besech you to remembre my
Cossen Kateryn. I wold she did well, God knowithe it, and ye deme,
as I trowe, yff I had ffownd hir at home here my comfforte shuld have
bene the more: but I thannke God off all: my payn is the more: I
muste nedes suffer as I have done in tymes past, and so will I do ffor
Godes sayke and hirs. I send my mayster a dossen quayles to ete: I
praye God they may do hym good to God ward, and all them that ete
of them. I can send your ladischipe no deyntees: I am but now
comen home. And our blissid Lord preserve your good ladishipe in
vertu ever. Amen. At London the xviij day off June.Your servaunt T. Betson.
Madaym, Goddard Oxbryge recommaundes hym unto your ladyschipe
and prayethe you that ye wold woochsaveffe to speke to my mayster
your husband ffor his money. He desyred me to wryte ffore it: it is
well done þat it be so paied ffor dyverse causes: a Cossen of his shuld
have it to pay it þer as he owith it. And our blissid Lord be with you,
ever, ever, ever, Amen.To my Right worshipffull and Synguler good lady, dame Elsabeth
Stonor, at Stonor this be delyvered. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
As to Oxbrigge’s money see No. 213. From A.C., xlvi, 236.
Jhesus. Ano xviijo.
Ryht honorable and my ryht synguler good lady, I recomaund me
unto your good ladyschipe in the mooste lowlyest wyse that I best can
or may, ever more desiryng to here and know off your wellffare, the
whiche I beseche almyghty Jhesu to preserve and kepe to his plesour
and to your mooste hartes desyre. And fferþer more, liketh it your
good ladyschipe to wete that this same daye I come to London. And
at my commynge home it was told me how that my mayster your husband
had bene verry sore seeke: the which I know well hath not bene to
your hartes comfforte, nor also to the comfforte of your howsold: off
the whiche ffor sothe I am right sory. Nevertheles I undyrstond seth
by dyverse his maystershipe is right well amendid and well recovered:
off the which truly I am right joyffull and glad. And I beseche
Almyghty Jhesu send hym als vertuous helth as I wold have myselff,
and your good ladyshipe also. And yff I cowde do eny thynge here
that myght be to hys plesour and youres, I wold I knew it and it shuld
be done withouten ffayll. Truly your discomfforth is nat myn comffort,
God knowith it. Nevertheles your ladyschipe muste cause hym to be
mery, and off glade chere, and to put awaye all ffantasyes and unthryfty
thoughtes that comes no good off but onely hurtffull. A man may hurt
hymselff by ryotouse meanes; it is good to be ware. Good madame, I
besech you to be off good chere, and I praye God comfforte you and
send you vertuous helth. And also I besech you to remembre my
Cossen Kateryn. I wold she did well, God knowithe it, and ye deme,
as I trowe, yff I had ffownd hir at home here my comfforte shuld have
bene the more: but I thannke God off all: my payn is the more: I
muste nedes suffer as I have done in tymes past, and so will I do ffor
Godes sayke and hirs. I send my mayster a dossen quayles to ete: I
praye God they may do hym good to God ward, and all them that ete
of them. I can send your ladischipe no deyntees: I am but now
comen home. And our blissid Lord preserve your good ladishipe in
vertu ever. Amen. At London the xviij day off June.Your servaunt T. Betson.
Madaym, Goddard Oxbryge recommaundes hym unto your ladyschipe
and prayethe you that ye wold woochsaveffe to speke to my mayster
your husband ffor his money. He desyred me to wryte ffore it: it is
well done þat it be so paied ffor dyverse causes: a Cossen of his shuld
have it to pay it þer as he owith it. And our blissid Lord be with you,
ever, ever, ever, Amen.To my Right worshipffull and Synguler good lady, dame Elsabeth
Stonor, at Stonor this be delyvered.