Thomas Betson to Dame Elizabeth Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Betson to Dame Elizabeth Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/235
- Date
- 17 May 1478
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 211; Kingsford, Vol II, item 211
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
Betson writes on Trinity Sunday, so had arrived at Calais on the previous
day, and was going to the Mart on 22nd May. From A.C., xlvi, 235.Jhesus An? xviij?.
Right honorable and my Synguler good lady, with due reverens as
is accordynge I recommaund me unto your good ladyshipe. Andffer?ermore lyketh it yowre good ladyshipe to know that on trenyte
evyne last passed I come unto Cales: and I thannke ?e good lord hartely
I had a ffull fare passege, and the bettyr I know well it was throw your
good prayers, off the which, iff y durst be so bold, I wille beseche your
ladyshipe off countenewance, and I to my power shall remembre your
good ladyshipe with all your loffers dayly amonges my poure prayers,
off the whiche, yff they be good and acceptable unto God, my mayster
your husband, your good ladyshipe, with all your children I beseche
him hartely ye may have parte: and I beseche almyghty Jhesu to send
your good ladyshipe as comffortable helthe and welffare at Stonor or
elles where as ever ye had in eny place to Godes plesour. And good
madame, I beseche your good ladyshipe to remembre my Cossen Kat-
teryn of all such matters as I spake unto your ladyshipe off at many
dyverse tymes, as ye know: I remembre hir ffull off, God know it: I
dremyd ones she was xxx wynter off age; and whanne I woyke I wyschyd
she had bene but xx: and so by lykelyod I am soner lyke to have my
wysche þan my dreme, the whych I beseche all myghty Jhesu hartely
may be whanne it shall plese hym. Also good madame, and it lyke you
to wete, as on Friday next after Corpus Christi day1 I intend unto the
marte wardes, our blissid lorde be my spede and helpe me þer and send
me good payment off all oure dettours. And I beseche your ladyshipe
to recommaund me unto my mayster your husbaund. And I praye þe
good lord to send me good tidynges ffrom you bothe and ffrom all
youres. Writen at Cales the xvij day off Maii, An?, ut supra.Be your ffeythffull servaunt, Thomas Betson.
And I send your ladyshipe a token here inclosed, the which youre
ladishipe knowith right well.At my commynge ffrom the marte, with Godes grace, your ladyshipe
shall have more writynge ffrom me how I have spedd, and in lyke wyse
my mayster your husbaund: and our blissid lord Jhesu Christ preserve
you bothe in honour and worshipe vertuosly to contenew to Godes
plesour, and also to send you good and proffitable counsell and grace
to doo þer after: this is and shalbe my prayer for sothe every daye:
your honour and worshipe off contenewaunce here after stykkythe as
nye myn hart as dothe eny freind, man or oþer about you, be my
trouthe, our blissid lord so helpe me. I will avyse you, madame, to
remembre large expensez and be ware of them, and in lyke wyse my
mayster your husbaund: it is well done ye remembre hym off them ffor1Corpus Christi Day was the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, i.e. in 1478 21 May.
dyverse consederacions, as ye know bothe right well. And our blissid
lord be your comfforther and help in all your good workes, Amen.To þe right honorable and my right Synguler good lady, Dame Elsa-
beth Stonole, this letter be delyvered in hast. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
Betson writes on Trinity Sunday, so had arrived at Calais on the previous
day, and was going to the Mart on 22nd May. From A.C., xlvi, 235.Jhesus Ano xviijo.
Right honorable and my Synguler good lady, with due reverens as
is accordynge I recommaund me unto your good ladyshipe. And
fferþermore lyketh it yowre good ladyshipe to know that on trenyte
evyne last passed I come unto Cales: and I thannke þe good lord hartely
I had a ffull fare passege, and the bettyr I know well it was throw your
good prayers, off the which, iff y durst be so bold, I wille beseche your
ladyshipe off countenewance, and I to my power shall remembre your
good ladyshipe with all your loffers dayly amonges my poure prayers,
off the whiche, yff they be good and acceptable unto God, my mayster
your husband, your good ladyshipe, with all your children I beseche
him hartely ye may have parte: and I beseche almyghty Jhesu to send
your good ladyshipe as comffortable helthe and welffare at Stonor or
elles where as ever ye had in eny place to Godes plesour. And good
madame, I beseche your good ladyshipe to remembre my Cossen Kat-
teryn of all such matters as I spake unto your ladyshipe off at many
dyverse tymes, as ye know: I remembre hir ffull off, God know it: I
dremyd ones she was xxx wynter off age; and whanne I woyke I wyschyd
she had bene but xx: and so by lykelyod I am soner lyke to have my
wysche þan my dreme, the whych I beseche all myghty Jhesu hartely
may be whanne it shall plese hym. Also good madame, and it lyke you
to wete, as on Friday next after Corpus Christi day1 I intend unto the
marte wardes, our blissid lorde be my spede and helpe me þer and send
me good payment off all oure dettours. And I beseche your ladyshipe
to recommaund me unto my mayster your husbaund. And I praye þe
good lord to send me good tidynges ffrom you bothe and ffrom all
youres. Writen at Cales the xvij day off Maii, Ano. ut supra.Be your ffeythffull servaunt, Thomas Betson.
And I send your ladyshipe a token here inclosed, the which youre
ladishipe knowith right well.At my commynge ffrom the marte, with Godes grace, your ladyshipe
shall have more writynge ffrom me how I have spedd, and in lyke wyse
my mayster your husbaund: and our blissid lord Jhesu Christ preserve
you bothe in honour and worshipe vertuosly to contenew to Godes
plesour, and also to send you good and proffitable counsell and grace
to doo þer after: this is and shalbe my prayer for sothe every daye:
your honour and worshipe off contenewaunce here after stykkythe as
nye myn hart as dothe eny freind, man or oþer about you, be my
trouthe, our blissid lord so helpe me. I will avyse you, madame, to
remembre large expenses and be ware of them, and in lyke wyse my
mayster your husbaund: it is well done ye remembre hym off them ffor
dyverse consederacions, as ye know bothe right well. And our blissid
lord be your comfforther and help in all your good workes, Amen.To þe right honorable and my right Synguler good lady, Dame Elsa-
beth Stonore, this letter be delyvered in hast.1 Corpus Christi Day was the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, i.e. in 1478 21 May.