Thomas Betson to Dame Elizabeth Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Betson to Dame Elizabeth Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/234
- Date
- 22 December [1477]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 185; Kingsford, Vol II, item 185
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
Since Betson is not yet married the date cannot be later than 1477.
The date of the year is omitted in the invocation in the original. Laurence
Fyncham was a trustee for John and Elizabeth Fenn—see vol. i, p. xxix.
This letter may refer to the same business as Nos. 183 and 208. The de-
scription of Elizabeth Stonor as "Dame" should indicate that her husband
had been already knighted; but it is not conclusive—see vol. i, p. xxx. From
A.C., xlvi, 234.Jhesu Ano.
My most synguler good lady, after all dew commendacion hadd:
please it your good ladishipe to wete that I am throw and agreyd with
Laurence Fyncham, and have sett hym such surte as with the same he
is right well pleased. Whereffore, good madame, I beseche you to re-
membre myn obligacion, the which ye have off myn, and lett it be
broken and sent me hiddyr to London by the next that comethe. Also
madame, I have spoken with Laurence Fyncham ffor the xviij. li. due
by Mayster Hampton, and he tellith me pleynly that mayster Hampton
will geve no more but xiiij. li. ffor them, that is after iiij. s. the unce:
and yff ye will nat so, ye shall have your baysens agayn. And þerffore,
looke how you þinke best, and þerafter send me word, and I shall doo
þerin as I wold doo ffor my selff. I spake unto my lady your modyr on
seynt Thomas daye,1 and she wold scarsely oppyn hir mouthe unto me:
she is displesid and I know nat whereffore, with owte hir old sekenes
be fallen on hir agayn: God send hir ones a mery contenaunce, and a
ffrendely tonnge, or elles shortly to þe mynnorres, wheroff she waxhith
wery now, as it was told me but late. I am wrothe with Kateryne, by
cause she sendith me no writtynge: I have to hir diverse tymes, and
ffor lacke off answere I wax wery: she myght gett a secretary, yff she
wold, and yff she will nat it shall putt me to lesse labour to answere hir
lettres agayn. Madame, I beseche the blissid trenyte to send you a
Mery Cristymas to your hartes ease, and ever to preserve and kepe you
in Ionge helth and vertu. At London the xxij day Discembre.By your owne sone and servaunt, Thomas Betson.
To my right synguler good lady, Dame Elyzabeth Stonor, soyt dd.
1 21 December.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
Since Betson is not yet married the date cannot be later than 1477.
The date of the year is omitted in the invocation in the original. Laurence
Fyncham was a trustee for John and Elizabeth Fenn—see vol. i, p. xxix.
This letter may refer to the same business as Nos. 183 and 208. The de-
scription of Elizabeth Stonor as “Dame” should indicate that her husband
had been already knighted; but it is not conclusive—see vol. i, p. xxx. From
A.C., xlvi, 234.Jhesu Ano.
My most synguler good lady, after all dew commendacion hadd:
please it your good ladishipe to wete that I am throw and agreyd with
Laurence Fyncham, and have sett hym such surte as with the same he
is right well pleased. Whereffore, good madame, I beseche you to re-
membre myn obligacion, the which ye have off myn, and lett it be
broken and sent me hiddyr to London by the next that comethe. Also,
madame, I have spoken with Laurence Fyncham ffor the xviij. [SYM]i. due
by Mayster Hampton, and he tellith me pleynly that mayster Hampton
will geve no more but xiiij. [SYM]i. ffor them, that is after iiij. s. the unce:
and yff ye will nat so, ye shall have your baysens agayn. And þerffore,
looke how you þinke best, and þerafter send me word, and I shall doo
þerin as I wold doo ffor my selff. I spake unto my lady your modyr on
seynt Thomas daye,1 and she wold scarsely oppyn hir mouthe unto me:
she is displesid and I know nat whereffore, with owte hir old sekenes
be fallen on hir agayn: God send hir ones a mery contenaunce, and a
ffrendely tonnge, or elles shortly to þe mynnorres, wheroff she waxhith
wery now, as it was told me but late. I am wrothe with Kateryne, by
cause she sendith me no writtynge: I have to hir diverse tymes, and
ffor lacke off answere I wax wery: she myght gett a secretary, yff she
wold, and yff she will nat it shall putt me to lesse labour to answere hir
lettres agayn. Madame, I beseche the blissid trenyte to send you a
Mery Cristymas to your hartes ease, and ever to preserve and kepe you
in longe helth and vertu. At London the xxij day Discembre.By your owne sone and servauht, Thomas Betson.
To my right synguler good lady, Dame Elyzabeth Stonor, soyt dd.
1 21 December.