Thomas Banke to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Thomas Banke to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/133
- Date
- 16 January [1482]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 303; Kingsford, Vol II, item 303
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
Thomas Banke was an Oxford D.D., who was Rector of Lincoln College
1493-1509, and Commissary of the University in 1501 and 1502. ?My
lord Edward? was one of the younger sons of John de la Pole, Duke of
Suffolk. In Oct., 1480, the University desired of Edward IV that he would
send his nephew, ?the lord Edward Pole,? to study at Oxford. They also
asked the Bishop of Salisbury to use his influence. In March, 1481, it was
reported that the Bishop would bring him there. On 28 March, 1482, the
University wrote to the King praising his nephew?s gifts of intellect and heart.
In another letter in the same year they repeated their praise, and thanked
the King ?quod Magistrum Stanley, infantem etiam nobilem atque litterarum
studiosum illi prenobili nepoti tuo studiorum suorum comitem adjunxeris?.
Edward de la Pole cannot have been more than fourteen when he went to
Oxford. He was Archdeacon of the East Riding from 15 Oct., 1480, to 6 Jan.,
1485, when he became Archdeacon of Richmond; he died not long after. (See
Epistolae Academicae, ii, 454-6, 462-3, 478, 484.) Master Stanley was
James, son of Thomas Stanley (afterwards Earl of Derby). He was first
cousin to Sir William Stonor?s third wife. Anne Neville, and was somewhat
older than Edward de la Pole. He was bishop of Ely from 1506 till his
death in 1515 (Dict. Nat. Biog., liv, 70). As to Sutton see No. 280. For
Master Edmund see No. 194. The references show that the date of the
letter must be either 1482 or 1483. Comparison with the reference to the
troubles of Stonor?s servants at Oxford in the next letter suggests that the
former year is the more likely. From A.C., xlvi, 133.Pleasyd Ʒour maistyrshyp to understond Þat I hayff beyn with doctor
Sutton, our commyssare, and I dyd shew to hym howe Ʒoure maistyr-
shyp boyth was and ys dysposyd to Þe universite, as in fyndyng and
relevyng off divers scolars to Þe same and also by relevyng off many
oÞer suche as cummys to Ʒour maistyrshyp at divers tymes in Þe Ʒere, lyke
as Mr. Eadmunde, Mr. Flynte, Mr. Kyckall, and I with oÞer moye dyd
layte; off whome I desyryd be commyssare to inquire Ʒour worshyptull
and gentyll behaveƷour to tham and to iche on off tham, because I
wolde he sulde gyff more credens to myn informacyon. Also, syr, I was
with my lord Edwarde and maistyr Stanley, and informyd tham in lyke
wyse, and dyd shew boyth to my lorde Edwarde, to maistyr Stanley,
and to maistyr commyssare; Þe delyng and Þe behaveзour off certan
scolars aƷanes Ʒour maistyrshyp and Ʒour servands, specyaly when Þai
cume to Þe universite for suche necessytes as Ʒe hayff to doo Þer: and
Þen my lord Edwarde and Mr. Stanley desyryd Þe commyisare at Þer
instanse to see an remedy, suche as Ʒour servandes myght boyth cume
and goo to or from Þe universite in sayffe garde off Þer bodes: and Þe
commyssare seyd he wolde doo as myche as he myght by Þe vertu off
hys offece to provyde an remedy: nott withstondyng all thys, me semys
?e moste suerte ys Ʒour awn wey to send for tham by privey selys.
Cadwey ys benefysyd in Oxfurte: he may nott flee. Syr, I sayd to Þe
comyssare Þat Ʒe wold send for tham by privey seles, bod yff Þe univer-
site dyd see an remedy: and Þe commyssare sayd, yff Ʒe dyd so he culd
nott blame Ʒe, in so myche as Þei wylnot be reulyd. No more, save I
besyche Jhesu preseryff Ʒo and Ʒores evermore, Amen. Frome Oxfurth
be xvj day off Januer.Ʒour servand and bedman Thomas Banke.
Syr, Maistyr Stanley, eftyr all Þe comunycacyon before rehersyd, dyd
send for Cadwey to cume to hym: for Cadwey is grete with hym: and
Þer maystyr Stanley declaryd howe ney off kyn my laydy Ʒour wyff and
he stande, and desyryd hym as he wolde hayffe hys gude Maistyrshyp to
owe hys luffe and favour to Ʒour servandes in Oxfurth or owte off
Oxfurth wharsoever Þei dyd mete: for Maistyr Stanley sayd Þat he
moste nedes take Ʒour parte in all ryght: and so sayd my lorde Edwarde
also, when we dyd comon firste off Þe mater: and so Cadwey hays pro-
mysyd to Maistyr Stanley Þat he wyll neÞer doo ne sey aƷanes Ʒour
servandes, bod raÞer to helpe to convey tham yff anyman wolde doo or
sey a3anes tham: bod Þis ys no suerte to Ʒour servandes for oÞer off hys
cuntremen. Warfor, me semes Ʒour awn wey ys beste, to send for tham,
or to cause Þe kyng to wryte to Þe universite for an remedy as Ʒe thynke
beste &c.To hys worshypfull Maistyr Syr Wylliam Stonor, knyght, be Þis de-
lyveryd. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
Thomas Banke was an Oxford D.D., who was Rector of Lincoln College
1493-1509, and Commissary of the University in 1501 and 1502. “My
lord Edward” was one of the younger sons of John de la Pole, Duke of
Suffolk. In Oct., 1480, the University desired of Edward IV that he would
send his nephew, “the lord Edward Pole,” to study at Oxford. They also
asked the Bishop of Salisbury to use his influence. In March, 1481, it was
reported that the Bishop would bring him there. On 28 March, 1482, the
University wrote to the King praising his nephew’s gifts of intellect and heart.
In another letter in the same year they repeated their praise, and thanked
the King “quod Magistrum Stanley, infantem etiam nobilem atque litterarum
studiosum illi prenobili nepoti tuo studiorum suorum comitem adjunxeris”.
Edward de la Pole cannot have been more than fourteen when he went to
Oxford. He was Archdeacon of the East Riding from 15 Oct., 1480, to 6 Jan.,
1485, when he became Archdeacon of Richmond; he died not long after. (See
Epistolae Academicae, ii, 454-6, 462-3, 478, 484.) Master Stanley was
James, son of Thomas Stanley (afterwards Earl of Derby). He was first
cousin to Sir William Stonor’s third wife, Anne Neville, and was somewhat
older than Edward de la Pole. He was bishop of Ely from 1506 till his
death in 1515 (Dict. Nat. Biog., liv, 70). As to Sutton see No. 280. For
Master Edmund see No. 194. The references show that the date of the
letter must be either 1482 or 1483. Comparison with the reference to the
troubles of Stonor’s servants at Oxford in the next letter suggests that the
former year is the more likely. From A.C., xlvi, 133.Pleasyd Зour maistyrshyp to understond þat I hayff beyn with doctour
Sutton, our commyssare, and I dyd shew to hym howe Зoure maistyr-
shyp boyth was and ys dysposyd to þe universite, as in fyndyng and
relevyng off divers scolars to þe same and also by relevyng off many
oþer suche as cummys to Зour maistyrshyp at divers tymes in þe Зere, lyke
as Mr. Eadmunde, Mr. Flynte, Mr. Kyckall, and I with oþer moye dyd
layte; off whome I desyryd þe commyssare to inquire Зour worshypfull
and gentyll behaveЗour to tham and to iche on off tham, because I
wolde he sulde gyff more credens to myn informacyon. Also, syr, I was
with my lord Edwarde and maistyr Stanley, and informyd tham in lyke
wyse, and dyd shew boyth to my lorde Edwarde, to maistyr Stanley,
and to maistyr commyssare, þe delyng and þe behaveЗour off certan
scolars aЗanes Зour maistyrshyp and Зour servands, specyaly when þai
cume to þe universite for suche necessytes as Зe hayff to doo þer: and
þen my lord Edwarde and Mr. Stanley desyryd þe commyssare at þer
instanse to see an remedy, suche as Зour servandes myght boyth cume
and goo to or from þe universite in sayffe garde off þer bodes: and þe
commyssare seyd he wolde doo as myche as he myght by þe vertu off
hys offece to provyde an remedy: nott withstondyng all thys, me semys
þe moste suerte ys Зour awn wey to send for tham by privey selys.
Cadwey ys benefysyd in Oxfurte: he may nott flee. Syr, I sayd to þe
comyssare þat Зe wold send for tham by privey seles, bod yff þe univer-
site dyd see an remedy: and þe commyssare sayd, yff Зe dyd so he culd
nott blame Зe, in so myche as þei wylnot be reulyd. No more, save I
besyche Jhesu preseryff Зo and Зores evermore, Amen. Frome Oxfurth
þe xvj day off Januer.Зour servand and bedman Thomas Banke.
Syr, Maistyr Stanley, eftyr all þe comunycacyon before rehersyd, dyd
send for Cadwey to cume to hym: for Cadwey is grete with hym: and
þer maystyr Stanley declaryd howe ney off kyn my laydy Зour wyff and
he stande, and desyryd hym as he wolde hayffe hys gude Maistyrshyp to
owe hys luffe and favour to Зour servandes in Oxfurth or owte off
Oxfurth wharsoever þei dyd mete: for Maistyr Stanley sayd þat he
moste nedes take Зour parte in all ryght: and so sayd my lorde Edwarde
also, when we dyd comon firste off þe mater: and so Cadwey hays pro-
mysyd to Maistyr Stanley þat he wyll neþer doo ne sey aЗanes Зour
servandes, bod raþer to helpe to convey tham yff anyman wolde doo or
sey aЗanes tham: bod þis ys no suerte to Зour servandes for oþer off hys
cuntremen. Warfor, me semes Зour awn wey ys beste, to send for tham,
or to cause þe kyng to wryte to þe universite for an remedy as Зe thynke
beste &c.To hys worshypfull Maistyr Syr Wylliam Stonor, knyght, be þis de-