The Erlys of Marche, Warwyke, and Salysbury.
RYGHT welbeloved, we grete you wele; and wher, for the tendre love that we have to the concervacion of the Kyngs peas, lawes, and justice in this his realme of Englonde, we have comaunded the Kyngs peeple in his
name, be oure letters and diverse writyngs, that no man shulde robbe or dispoile Sir Thomas Todenham, Knyght, John Heyden, John Wyndham, Herry Todenham, and John Andrws, and other weche have sued to us for oure seide letters; we, wolyng to eschewe that any person shulde have colour be oure seide letters to noyse us, or any of us, that the seide Sir Thomas, John Heyden, John Wyndham, Herry, and John Andrws, or any other of suspecte fame, be accorded with us, or any of us, for suche wrongs as they, or any of ham, have do to us, our servaunts and tenants or wellwellers, or that we shulde hafe hem in tendrenesse or favour to dis- corage trewe people to swe a yen hem be the lawe; We therfore notyfie to yow, as we woll that it be notyfid to all people, that we, ne noon of us, intende not to favour or tendre hem, or any other of suspecte fame, but rather to corecte suche be the lawe, for we made our seid letters soly for kepyng of the pease and justice, and not for favour of suspecte con- dicione. And the Holy Trynyte kepe yow.
Wreten at London the xxiijti day of Jule.
To all Meyers, Sceryves, Balyfys, Constables, and all
the Kynges Offecers and Ministres in Norffolk, and
eche on of hem.
1 [From Fenn, iii. 244.] This manifesto must have been issued in July 1460, after the battle of Northampton, when the King was in the hands of the confederate