The Vicar of Ermington, co. Devon, William Fortescue, William Strechlegh, jnr., Adam Bird, John Trych, John Huchyn and Walter Friend, to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- The Vicar of Ermington, co. Devon, William Fortescue, William Strechlegh, jnr., Adam Bird, John Trych, John Huchyn and Walter Friend, to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/155
- Date
- 16 December [?1480]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 279; Kingsford, Vol II, item 279
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
16 DEC. [? 1480]
The date cannot be earlier than 1478. If, as is possible, the vacancy in
the Chantry is the same as the one referred to in No. 281, it will be 1480.
The vicar of Ermington is in that case John Edgcombe, see No. 286. For
the sequel see No. 291. The chantry was possibly in the Chapel of St. Mary
in the churchyard, the presentation to which belonged to the Stonors, see
vol. i, p. xiv. From A.C., xlvi, 155.Ryght worshypfyll maister, We recommaunde us unto your gode
maistershyppe: plese hyt yow to understond that your Chaunterie of
Ermyngton ys voyde by þe dethe of syr John Kelowe, whych voydens
as we understond belongyth to your presentacion: yf hit wyll please
yow: your tytle of ryght, as your mastershyppe sayde þat ye wold geve
hyt at the nexte avoydens, nowe hyt ys yn season: we understond that
youre right ys as gode to present þe forsayde Chaunterie, as ye have the
advouson of the parsonage there. Also we pray yow hartely, that your
maistershyppe wyll present an honest pryst, whych hath dwellyd amongys
us by the space of ij or iij yere, well dysposyd and of gode conversacion:
whych pryst shalbe att your commaundment at al seasons there: whych
ys callyd Syr Ric. Knyght, now abydyng amaungys us. And the rather
thys be don, all the better for your tytle. Butt we fore lest John Hyll
and his feffes wyll present before yow. Notwithstondyng we be dys-
posyd to put us yn dever to resyst soche an [ILL]n as thay wyll present,
whatsumever he be, as ferr as owre power may extende, tyll we under-
stond how your maistershyppe wylbe dysposyd by þe grace of God,
whom have yow yn his blessyd kepyng. I-wrete att Ermyngton þe xvj
day of Decembre.By your Chapelyn þe Vyc. of Ermyngton,
William Fortescu,
William Strechlegh, the older,
William Strechlegh, þe younger.
Adam Byrde,
John Trych,
John Huchyn,
Walter Frende, with all oþer your
servantes and loveers.Thys letter be delivered to William Stonore, knyght, yn hast.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
The date cannot be earlier than 1478. If, as is possible, the vacancy in
the Chantry is the same as the one referred to in No. 281, it will be 1480.
The vicar of Ermington is in that case John Edgcombe, see No. 286. For
the sequel see No. 291. The chantry was possibly in the Chapel of St. Mary
in the churchyard, the presentation to which belonged to the Stonors, see
vol. i, p. xiv. From A.C., xlvi, 155.Ryght worshypfull maister, We recommaunde us unto your gode
maistershyppe: plese hyt yow to understond that your Chaunterie of
Ermyngton ys voyde by þe dethe of syr John Kelowe, whych voydens
as we understond belongyth to your presentacion: yf hit wyll please
yow: your tytle of ryght, as your mastershyppe sayde þat ye wo d geve
hyt at the nexte avoydens, nowe hyt ys yn season: we understond that
youre right ys as gode to present þe forsayde Chaunterie, as ye have the
advouson of the parsonage there. Also we pray yow hartely, that your
maistershyppe wyll present an honest pryst, whych hath dwellyd amongys
us by the space of ij or iij yere, well dysposyd and of gode conversacion:
whych pryst shalbe att your commaundment at al seasons there: whych
ys callyd Syr Ric. Knyght, now abydyng amaungys us. And the rather
thys be don, all the better for your tytle. Butt we fere lest John Hyll
and his feffes wyll present before yow. Notwithstondyng we be dys-
posyd to put us yn dever to resyst soche an oon as thay wyll present,
whatsumever he be, as ferr as owre power may extende, tyll we under-
stond how your maistershyppe wylbe dysposyd by þe grace of God,
whom have yow yn his blessyd kepyng. I-wrete att Ermyngton þe xvj
day of Decembre.By your Chapelyn þe Vyc. of Ermyngton,
William Fortescu,
William Strechlegh, the older,
William Strechlegh, þe younger.
Adam Byrde,
John Trych,
John Huchyn,
Walter Frende, with all þer your
servantes and loveers.Thys letter be delivered to William Stonore, knyght, yn hast.