To oure specyall good lord and mayster, Syr John Paston, Knyght, be this delyvered in hast.
RIGHT worchepfull and oure specyall good mayster and loord, after our dewe recomendacion with owre servyce. Please it yow to knowe that we arn grevously troubled, and not lyke to kepe oure tenourys, the whiche we holde of
you, but yf ye helpe us; for we wer bete at the boordourys syde, and afterwarde our servauntes wer bete at the plowe in Spoorle felde, and somme of them be lyke to dey. And we redyn to Maister Shereve and to Mayster Southwell for remedye, and thei advysed us to ryde to Mayster Wyngfeld; and thenne we understode that Mayster Wyngfeld was reden to London, &c. And so we stonden withoute remedye, and in grete doute of our lyves, and losse of our goodys. Wher- for we beseche you to socoure us accordyng to your right and owres. And ellys we kan nott abyde it, &c. Cryst kepe your good lordshep.
Be your poore tenauntes
of Spoorle.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The date of this letter is very uncertain, but as a good deal is said about this time of the manor and wood of Sporle, we insert it here for convenience.
Date uncer- tain
Date uncer- tain