The Earl of Oxford to Sir John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- The Earl of Oxford to Sir John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27446, f. 84
- Date
- ?27 March 1491
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol VI, item 1045; Fenn, Vol V, Henry VII item 23
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume V' (1st transcript)
To the right Worshipfull
my right intierly welbelouyd
Counsellour Sr John Paston
KnyghtRIGHT Worshipfull and right intierly Welbelouyd Coun-
cellor I comaund me hertely to you And for as moche as
for certayne espiall causes moving there be Sessions ap-
poynted to be holden at Gyppiswiche the Friday sevenyght
aftre Estre which shall be the xv day of Aprile where
J purpose then certaynly to be and to haue aswell the
matere by twene Sr Edmounde Bynyngfeld and Yelverton
there to be harde and Comenyd as diuerse othre grete
maters in that Contrey necessary to be had in comynycaccon
I therfor desire and pray you that ye fayle nat to be there
the same Day bryngyng with you the forseide Yelverton
trusting that then suche direccion shall be takyn in that
matere as can be thought resonable and to the weale of the
parties Nat doubting but that Sr Edmound Benyngfeld
shall be there in like wise And Almyghty god kepe you
Wretin at my Castell of Hedingham the xxvij day of MarcheOXYNFORD.
I have given this letter, as it shows the amiable and friendly disposition of a
nobleman high in office, and in the confidence of his royal master.The Earl seems sincerely desirous of terminating all matters in dispute be-
tween the gentlemen here mentioned, to the satisfaction of both parties.William Yelverton was the brother-in-law of Sir John Paston, having mar-
ried his sister Ann.Autograph, Pl. iv. No. 5.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume V' (2nd transcript)
To the right worshipful, and my right entirely well-beloved
Counsellor, Sir John Paston, Knight.RIGHT worshipful and right entirely well-beloved Coun-
sellor, I commend me heartily to you; and forasmuch as
for certain especial causes moving, there be sessions ap-
pointed to be holden at Ipswich the Friday sev’night after
Easter, which shall be 15th day of April, where I purpose
then certainly to be, and to have as well the matters between
Sir Edmund Bedingfield and Yelverton, there to be heard
and communed, as divers other great matters in the country
necessary to be had in communication. I therefore desire
and pray you, that ye fail not to be there the same day, bring-
ing with you the foresaid Yelverton, trusting that then such
direction shall be taken in that matter, as can be thought
reasonable, and to the weal of the parties; not doubting but
that Sir Edmund Bedingfeld shall be there in like wise. And
Almighty God keep you. Written at my Castle of Heding-
ham, the 27th day of March.OXYNFORD.
Hedingham Castle,
Sunday, 27th March,
1491. 6 H. vii.I have given this letter, as it shows the amiable and friendly disposition of a
nobleman high in office, and in the confidence of his royal master.The Earl seems sincerely desirous of terminating all matters in dispute be-
tween the gentlemen here mentioned, to the satisfaction of both parties.William Yelverton was the brother-in-law of Sir John Paston, having mar-
ried his sister Ann.Autograph, Pl. iv. No. 5.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume VI'
To the right worshipfull and my right intierly welbelovyd
counsellour, Sir John Paston, Knyght.RIGHT worshipfull and right intierly welbelovyd coun-
cellour, I commaund me hertely to you. And
forasmoche as for certayne especiall causes moving,
there be sessions appoynted to be holden at Gyppiswiche, the
Friday sevenyght aftre Estre, which shall be the xv. day of
Aprile, where I purpose then certaynly to be, and to have
aswell the matere by twene Sir Edmounde Benyngfeld1 and
Yelverton2 there to be harde and commenyd, as diverse othre
grete maters in that contrey necessary to be had in comynyca-
cion; I therfor desire and pray you that ye fayle nat to be
there the same day, bryngyng with you the forseide Yelverton,
trusting that then suche direccion shall be takyn in that matere
as can be thought resonable, and to the weale of the parties;
nat doubting but that Sir Edmound Benyngfeld shall be there
in like wise. And Almyghty God kepe you.Wretin at my castell of Hedingham, the xxvij. day of
3 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] As ‘Friday se’nnight after Easter’ was the 15th
April, Easter Day must have fallen on the 3rd in the year in which this letter was
written. This would suit either 1491 or 1496.1 Bedingfield.
2 William Yelverton, Sir John Paston’s brother-in-law, grandson of the Judge.
MARCH 271491(?)