To the worshipfull, and with alle myn hert right entierly bilovyd Sir John Paston, Knyght, this lettre be delivered.
RIGHT hertly welbilovyd, I grete you wele. And where I am for trowth enformyd that the Duchesse of Suffolk wolle hold a court on Monday next commyng at Coton, to th’entent that she wolle fynde the maner of Thempnals holde of hir by knyghts service and they that ben possessioners of the same shulde payle certeine of the Parke of Weverston; and by cause this is nat performyd nor don, thoo that ben possessioners shall at the said court be amersid. And it is agreed that Sir William Yelverton, Sir Thomas Hoo, shalle be at the said court and wolle pay the amercyment, and to delyver the said Duchesse possession of the said service and palyng, and so by this meane to be come tenauntes to the said Duchesse. And what wolle be falle more herof I kan nat sey. Wherfor me thinkith it were welle don ye were at the said court with your councell, and to do therin as they wolle avise you. Also as ye come to the said court take your wey by the said Duchesse to th’entent that ye come to se hir welfare, &c. Do herin as your councell wolle avyse you. I wolde ye dud welle. And to my power I wolle help you. And our Lorde kepe yow. Writyn at Tatyngston the vij. day of
Endorsed: Th’Erle off Oxenfford.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It will be seen by No. 690, that in October 1468 the Duchess of Suffolk had a design of suddenly entering the manor of Cotton and dispossessing Sir John Paston. This letter, in which it is said she proposes to hold a court there, was probably written in the beginning of the following year.
1469(?) JAN. 7