The Earl of Oxford to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- The Earl of Oxford to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34888, f. 169
- Date
- 28 December, year unknown
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol III, item 438; Fenn, Vol III, Henry VI item 32
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume III' (1st transcript)
To my Right trusty and
right welbeloued John
PastonRIGHT trusty and right welbeloved I grete you wele And
I am enfourmed that William Mathew of Norwich Bo-
cher hath brought an Accyon of dette agayn Nicholas Hert a
ten’nt of myn berer her’of And hath supposid by his Accyon
that my said ten’nt shuld ow hym lxxs for his hire of tyme
that he shuld a ben sruaunt to my said ten’nt Wher it is said
to me for trouthe that he was aprentyce to my said ten’nt and
neur othrwise wt holde but as aprentice and owith no mony to
haf of hym. I send to yow my said ten’nt to gif yow clere in-
formacyon of the matr And I p’y you that ye wole calle the
Iurry before yow that arn impanellid betwen thaym and opne
thaym the matr at large at myn instaunce and desire thaym to
do as Concyens wole and to eschue priury. And the trinite kepe
yow If ye take the matr in rule I p’y therof and wole be content
Wretyn at Weuenho the xxviij day of DecembrThe Erle of Oxenford.
11 ½ by 8½.
I have given this letter to shew the fairness and moderation of a nobleman, in an age
when the great men used to tyrannise almost with uncontrouled power over their inferiors.It does the Earl credit as a man, and makes us lament his untimely death, being brought
to the block in 1461 for his loyalty to his unfortunate Sovereign. Autograph. Pl. I.
No 8.Wivenhoe in Essex,
28 Decr.
most probably written
between 1450 & 1455.
29 & 34 H. VI. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume III' (2nd transcript)
To my right trusty and right well beloved John Paston.
RIGHT trusty and right well beloved, I greet you well,
and I am informed that William Mathew of Norwich,
Butcher, hath brought an action of debt against Nicholas Hart a
tenant of mine, bearer hereof, and hath supposed by his action
that my said tenant should owe him seventy shillings for his
hire, of time that he should have been servant to my said tenant;
where (as) it is said to me for truth that he was apprentice to my
said tenant, and never otherwise with-held but as apprentice,
and oweth no money to have of him. I send to you my said te-
nant to give you clear information of the matter, and I pray you
that ye will call the Jury before you that are impanelled between
them, and open (to) them the matter at large at mine instance,
and desire them to do as conscience will, and to eschew perjury;
and the Trinity keep you. If ye take the matter in rule, I pray
thereof, and will be content. Written at Wivenhoe the 23th
day of December.THE EARL OF OXFORD.
I have given this letter to shew the fairness and moderation of a nobleman, in an age
when the great men used to tyrannise almost with uncontrouled power over their inferiors.It does the Earl credit as a man, and makes us lament his untimely death, being brought
to the block in 1461 for his loyalty to his unfortunate Sovereign. Autograph. Pl. I.
No 8.Wivenhoe in Essex,
28 Decr.
most probably written
between 1450 & 1455.
29 & 34 H. VI. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume III'
To my right trusty and right welbeloved John Paston.
Right trusty and right welbeloved, I grete you wele. And I am enfourmed
that William Mathew of Norwich, Bocher, hath brought an accion of dette
agayn Nicholas Hert, a tenaunt of myn, berer hereof, and hath supposid by his
accyon that my said tenaunt shuld ow hym lxxs. for his hire of tyme that he
shuld a ben servaunt to my said tenaunt; wher it is said to me for trouthe that
he was aprentyce to my said tenaunt, and never othrwise with holde but as
aprentice, and owith no mony to haf of hym. I send to yow my said tenaunt
to gif yow clere informacyon of the mater, and I pray you that ye wole calle
the jurry before yow that am impanellid betwen thaym, and opne thaym the
mater at large at myn instaunce, and desire thaym to do as concyens wole, and
to eschue perjury. And the Trinite kepe yow. If ye take the mater in rule,
I pray therof, and wole be content.Wretyn at Wevenho, the xxviij. day of Decembr.
1 [From Fenn, iii. 138.]