The earl of Northumberland to William Gascoigne, esq.
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- The earl of Northumberland to William Gascoigne, esq.
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 55, p. 33
- Date
- 19 June [1478]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir William Plompton', item 26; Kirby, item 30
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
30 The earl of Northumberland to William Gascoigne, esq., 19 June
[1478] (No. 55, p. 33)Right trusty & right hartely beloued brother, I greet you well. And
forasmuch as I vnderstand that ye haue put vnder arrest in the castell
of knaresbrugh one Thomas Ward, for suerty of peace; he finding
sufficient suertie to answere to the king our soueraigne lord, I will þat
ye suffer him to be at his larg without longer empresonment. Not
failling herof as my trust is in you. And our Lord haue you in his
kepping. Written in my mannor of Lekingfeild, the xix day of June.Your brother Hen: Northumberland.a
Endorsed: To my right trusty and hartely beloued brother William
Gascoygnea Appended: Copied the 4 day of March 1612.
- Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my right trusty and hartely beloved brother, William
Gascoyyne.Right trusty and right hartily beloved brother, I greet you
well. And forasmuch as I understand that ye have put under
arrest in the Castell of Knarsbrough one Thomas Ward, for suerty
of peace; he finding sufficient suertie to answere to the King our
soveraigne Lord, I will that ye suffer him to be at his larg without
longer enpresonment. Not failling hereof, as my trust is in you,
and our Lord have you in his kepping. Written in my mannor of
Lekinfeild, the XIX day of June.a
Your Broder,
(Ante 19 June 1479.) HEN. NORTHUMBERLAND.a The date of this letter is prior to 20 Edw. IV. 1480; at which time William
Gascoygne of Gawkthorpe, com. Ebor. esq. the brother-in-law of the writer, Henry
fourth Earl of Northumberland, was already a knight. Sir William Gascoigne died
4 Mar. 2 Hen. VII. 1486 (Inq. virtut. officii, 11 Jun. 4 Hen. VII. Ebor.), leaving his
son William under age. To Dame Joan Grastock, the executrix of his will,
William Ryther acknowledges to have received (8 April, 9 Hen. VII.) ten marks, six
from Sir William Ryther his father, and four from herself. Sir William Gascoigne,
the son, was in his twentieth year, 4 Hen. VII. 1489, and then a knight. (Chartul.
No. 750.) One of the daughters is named in the will of her maternal uncle, the Earl
of Northumberland, dated 17 July, 1485: "Also I will that my neice Elizabeth
Gascoigne have to her marriage c markes." (See abstract of the will, Coll. Top. et
Gen. vol. ii. p. 65) She married (in 1494) George Talboys, son and heir of Sir Robert
Talboys, Lord of Kyme and Redisdale; the same who is spoken of as Mr. Talbose in
a subsequent letter. John Gascoigne and Ralph Gascoigne, esqrs. were brothers to
the Sir William Gascoigne who died in 1486; Dame Agnes Plumpton, and Dame
Margaret Ward, his sisters. Of these we find mention in the present correspondence;
a pedigree (MS. Add. 5530, f. CLX.) adds Elizabeth and Joan, said to have died un-
married, and Humphery who died young.