24 The earl of Northumberland to Sir William Plumpton, 6 June [1471 × 1479] (No. 2, p. 151; CB 612)
Right trusty and welbeloued cossine, I grete you wele,a and wheras varience dependenth betwixt you and my right welbeloued servant Robart Birnand,1 I therfore right hartyly desire [. . .]b and pray you therin nothing to doe vnto that I come into the contry. As my trust is in you, confirme you to the performing of this my desire, as ye intend to doe my pleasure; and our blesed Lord haue you, kussin, in his blessed kepping. Wryten in my maner of Lekingfeild the sixt day of June.c
Your cossine H. Northumberland
Endorsed: To my right trusty and wellbeloued coussin Sir William Plompton knight
a Marginal note. 2 letter.
b you deleted.
c Marginal note: Anno 1612, copied 9 December.
1 A man of some standing in Knaresborough, Robert Birnand held substantial properties in and around the town in 1462, including burgages and land in the town fields. Concurrently the family leased the mills, market tolls and borough court, B. Jennings (ed.), A History of Nidderdale (Huddersfield, 1967), 73, 90.