35 The earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Plumpton,1 9 October [1481] (No. 50, p. 31)
Right trusty and welbeloued I greet you well, & will and charge you on the kings our soueraigne lords behalfe, and also on myne, that ye, with all such persones as ye may make defensibly arrayed, be redy to attend vpon the kings highness & me, vpon our warnying, as ye loue me, and will answere to the king at your perill. Written at Lekingfeild, the ixth day of October.2
Your cousin
Hen: Northumberlanda
Endorsed: To my right trusty and welbeloued friend Sir Robart Plompton kt
a Appended: This letter hath a seale. Copied the 27 day of February 1612.
1 Robert Plumpton was knighted by Northumberland Aug. 1481, Hicks, NH, xiv, 107.
2 Not until some time in Oct. 1481 did Edward IV announce his decision not to lead the army against the Scots. Gloucester and Northumberland were therefore left to besiege Berwick during the winter of 1481–2, Ross, 282–3.