To my Right hartely beloved Cousin, Sir Robart Plompton,
Right hartely beloved Cousin, I commennd me unto you, and
desire and pray you to cause suer search to be made, what horse
and cattaille ther be, that goes in my spring within my parke at
Spofford;a and such as can be found their, I pray you to se them
dryven and voyded out therof: and also henceforth, that ye will
se neither horse nor cattell goe within my said spring, as my
speciall trust is in you, whom God preserve. Written in my
mannor of Semar, the ij day of Aprill. Over this, Cousin, I har-
tely pray you to se my said parke vewed, and that the dere within
the same may be easily delt withall, and what remaines within
the same I pray you to certefie me, after the said vew be taken.
Yor loving Cousin,
a It appears from this and the following letters, that Sir Robert Plumpton was
steward of the manor of Spofford under the Earls of Nothumberland, as his father
had been before him.