73 The earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Plumpton, 1 April
[?1489] (No. 39, p. 27)
Right trusty and welbeloued cousin, I commend me vnto you, and desire and
[. . .]a pray you that in such things as my right intierly
beloued cousin, Mary Gascoigne, hath to doe with you as touching hir right of
herytaunce,1 that ye will giue vnto hir ayde and supportance, as
right law & conscience will, as my speciall trust is in you, whom God keep.
Written in my mannor of Seamer the first day of Aprill.
Your loving cousin Hen: Northumberland
Endorsed: To my right hartely beloued cousin Sir Robart Plompton kt
a A word deleted.
b Appended: this letter hath a seale.
Copied the 22 day of February 1612.
1 The matter relates to the house in Plumpton
referred to by Sir William Gascoigne in 61 as belonging to his uncle,
Ralph Gascoigne, of Burnby in the East Riding, 4th son of Sir William
Gascoigne (d.1463/4), who died, 1488. In his will he mentions two unnamed
daughters, Test.Ebor., iv, 15; CB 747, 748.