THIS endenture witnesseth that where Richard, Duc of York, by his lettre of saal [sale] bering date the xv. day of the monneth of Decembre, the xxxjti yere of the regne of oure soverain Lord Kyng Henry the Sext, hath bargaigned, aliened, solde, graunted, and confermed unto John Fastolf, Knyght, the jowelles undrewriten:—That is to wite, a nowche of gold with a greet poynted diamand sette up on a roose enameled white; a nowche of gold in facion of a ragged staf, with ij. ymages of man and woman garnysshed with a ruby, a diamande, and a greet peerle; and a floure of gold, garnysshed with ij. rubyes, a diamande, and iij. hanging peerles. To have, holde, and rejoyce the same jowelles to the saide John, his executors and assignees, frely, quietly, and pesibly for evere more, like as in the saide lettre of saal more openly is conteened. Nevertheles the saide John wolle and graunteth herby that yif the saide Duc paie or doo paie to the same John or to his attornee, his heires or to his executors, in the Fest of the Nativitee of Sainte John Baptist next commyng, iiijc xxxvijli. [£437] sterlinges withouten delay, that than the saide letter of saal to bee hold for notht; but he to delivere ayein unto the saide Duc, or to his attornee paieng the saide iiijc xxxvijli. sterlinges in the saide Fest, the saide jowelles. And yif defaulte bee made in the paiement of the saide iiijc xxxvijli.
in partie or in all ayenst the fourme aforesaide, than wolle and graunteth the saide Duc herby that the forsaide lettre of saal, by him as is abouve saide made, stande in ful strengh and vertu, this endenture notwithstanding. In witnesse wherof, to the parte of this saide endenture remaynyng towards the saide John the saide Duc hath sette his seel. Yeven at Fodringey, the xviije day of the saide monneth of Decembre, the xxxjti yere of the regne of oure saide souverain Lord King Henry the Sext.
Seal attached mutilated.
1 [Add. Charter 17,242, B.M.]
1452(?) NOV. 16
1452 DEC. 18