The Duchess of Norfolk to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- The Duchess of Norfolk to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 43488, f. 25
- Date
- 8 June 1455
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol III, item 288; Fenn, Vol I, Henry VI item 22
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume I' (1st transcript)
To oure right trusti and welbelovid John Paston esquier.
The Duchesse of Norff’.
RIGHT trusti and welbelovid we grete you hertili weel
and for as muche as it is thought right necessarie for divers
causes yt my Lord have at this tyme in the p’lement suche
p’sones as longe unto him and be of his menyall S’vaunts
wherin we conceyve yor good will and diligence shal be right
expedient. We hertili desire and pray you that at the contem-
placion of thise oure L’res as our special trust is in you ye
wil geve and applie yor voice unto our right welbelovid Cosin
and S’vaunts John Howard and Syr Roger Chambirlayn to be
Knyghts of the Shire exorting all suche othir as be your wisdom.
shal now be behovefull to the good exployte and conclusion of
the same.And in yor faithful attendaunce and trewe devoyre in this
partie ye shal do unto my Lord and us a singler’ pleasir and
cause us herafter to thank you therfore as ye shal holde you
right weel content and agreid with the Grace of God who
have you eve’ in his keping.Wreten in Framlyngham Castel the viij day of Jun’.
11 ? by 7.
Framlingham Castle,
8th of June.I have placed this, and the following Letter together, as they both contain instructions
from the Nobility, for returning Persons of their Nomination as Knights of the Shire.We have here a true picture of the dependency of the House of Commons on that of
the Lords.Neither of the Letters have any Date of the Year.
Autograph of Ellenor, Duchess of Norfolk, Query. P1. II. No 16.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume I' (2nd transcript)
To our right trusty and welbeloved John Paston, Esquire.
The Duchess of Norfolk.
RIGHT trusty and welbeloved, we greet you heartily
well; and for as much as it is thought right necessary for
diverse causes, that my Lord have at this time in the parliament
such persons as belong unto him, and be of his menial Servants;
wherein we conceive your good will and diligence shall be
right expedient; we heartily desire and pray you, that at the
contemplation of these Our Letters, as Our special trust is in
you, ye will give and apply your voice unto our right wel-
beloved Consin, and Servants John Howard, and Sir Roger
Chamberlayn, to be Knights of the Shire; exhorting all such
others as by your wisdom shall now be behoveful, to the good
exploit and conclusion of the same.And in your faithful attendance, and true devoir in this
part, ye shall do unto my Lord and Us a singular pleasure,
and cause us hereafter to thank you therefore, as ye shall hold
you right well content and agreed with the grace of God,
who have you ever in his keeping.Written at Framlingham Castle, the 8th day of June.
11 ? by 7.
Framlingham Castle,
8th of June.I have placed this, and the following Letter together, as they both contain instructions
from the Nobility, for returning Persons of their Nomination as Knights of the Shire.We have here a true picture of the dependency of the House of Commons on that of
the Lords.Neither of the Letters have any Date of the Year.
Autograph of Ellenor, Duchess of Norfolk, Query. P1. II. No 16.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume III'
To oure right trusti and welbelovid John Paston, Esquier.
The Duchesse of Norfolk.
RIGHT trusti and welbelovid, we grete you hertili weel.
And for as muche as it is thought right necessarie for
divers causes that my Lord have at this tyme in the
Parlement suche persones as longe unto him, and be of his
menyall servaunts, wherin we conceyve your good will and
diligence shal be right expedient, we hertili desire and pray
you that at the contemplacion of thise oure lettres, as our
special trust is in you, ye wil geve and applie your voice unto
our right welbelovid cosin and servaunts, John Howard and
Syr Roger Chambirlayn, to be Knyghts of the shire, exorting
all suche othir as be your wisdom shal now be behovefull, to
the good exployte and conclusion of the same.And in your faithful attendaunce and trewe devoyre in
this partie, ye shal do unto my Lord and us a singlere pleasir,
and cause us herafter to thank you therfore, as ye shal holde
you right weel content and agreid, with the grace of God, who
have you ever in his keping.Wreten in Framlyngham Castel, the viij. day of June.
1 [From Fenn, i. 96.] From the time of year at which it was written, this letter
must refer to the parliamentary election of 1455.1455