The Bishop of Durham to Sir John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- The Bishop of Durham to Sir John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27446, f. 80
- Date
- 27 January 1490
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol VI, item 1040; Fenn, Vol V, Henry VII item 18
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume V' (1st transcript)
To the right worshypful
S’e and my right trusty
and right entierly wel
beloffed freynde S’e John
Paston KnyghtJHS. XTS.
RYGHT Wortchipful S’e and myne especial and of long
tyme apprevyd t’sty and feythful frende I in myne hertyeste
wyse rec˜maunde me un to you And for as myche as I hafe
coles and odyr thyngs in those parties and also ye hafe in
those parties cornes wyne and wax and as I am enfourmyd
ye be noght evyl wyllyd to dele wt me no more than I
am to dele wt you in uttryng and also in receyvyng of
suche thyngs the whiche myght be to the p’fete of us
bothe: J ther fore send un to you at thys tyme thys
berer Willia˜ Waltere gentylma˜ usshere of my Chamber to
Comune wt you herin so that by delyb’ation suche a wey may
be takyn in thys byhalfe as may be to the prfete of either
of us and wher by or familiarite and frendeship may be
encrescyd in tyme to cu˜ wher on to for or old acq’yntance
to gedyr ye shal fynde me ful redy aftr my powere by the
grace of or lorde Who eur kepe you and send ye myche
worship and long p’sprite scribyllyd in the moste haste at
my Castel or Manoir of Aucland the xxvji day of January
1489Yr own trewe luffer and
frende JOHN DURESME.8 by 6.
John Sherwood, the Bishop of Durham here mentioned, was raised to that
see by Richard III. in 1483. He was a man of great learning, an excellent
poet, understood the Greek language, and was a good lawyer; to which we may
add, from the information conveyed in this letter, that he was a man of busi-
ness, and desirous of benefiting the community by a proper exchange of mer-
chandize. He died in 1494. Coals at this time were very rarely used by
families in the country, wood was the general fuel; a scheme therefore of
bringing them into Norfolk, in return for the commodities of that county, would
be not only of great advantage to the inhabitants, but would most probably
enrich the individuals concerned in the traffic.Norfolk, we see, was then, as it is now, famous for its growth of corn.
Foreign wines appear likewise to have been then imported in sufficient quan-
tities to supply, not only its own consumption, but that of other parts of the
kingdom.Wax was also imported in addition to the quantities made in the county, from
the number of bees there kept. The quantity of those useful insects, whose
industry supplied themselves with food, and their owners with honey and wax,
is unfortunately much decreased of late years.The impression on the seal is imperfect, but it appears to have been an
Eagle, or some bird, standing on two balls. Pl. xxxiv. No. 10Autograph, Pl. xxxi. No. 19.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume V' (2nd transcript)
To the Right Worshipful Sir, my right trusty and right entirely
well beloved Friend, Sir John Paston, Knight.IHS XTUS.
RIGHT worshipful Sir, and mine especial, and of long time,
approved, trusty, and faithful friend, I, in mine heartiest
wise, recommend me unto you; and forasmuch as I have
coals and other things in these parts, and also ye have in
those parts corns, wine, and wax; and as I am informed ye
be not evil-willed to deal with me, no more than I am to
deal with you in uttering, and also in receiving of such things,
the which might be to the profit of us both; I therefore send
unto you at this time William Walter, Gentleman Usher of
my Chamber, to commune with you herein; so that by deli-
beration such a way may be taken in this behalf, as may be
to the profit of either of us, and whereby our familiarity and
friendship may be increased in time to come. Whereunto,
for our old acquaintance together, ye shall find me full
ready, after my power, by the grace of our Lord, who ever
keep you, and send you much worship and long prosperity.Scribbled in the most haste, at my Castle or Manor of
Aukland, the 27th day of January, 1489.Your own true Lover and Friend,
Aukland Castle,
Wednesday, 27th January,
1492. 5 H. vii.John Sherwood, the Bishop of Durham here mentioned, was raised to that
see by Richard III. in 1483. He was a man of great learning, an excellent
poet, understood the Greek language, and was a good lawyer; to which we may
add, from the information conveyed in this letter, that he was a man of busi-
ness, and desirous of benefiting the community by a proper exchange of mer-
chandize. He died in 1494. Coals at this time were very rarely used by
families in the country, wood was the general fuel; a scheme therefore of
bringing them into Norfolk, in return for the commodities of that county, would
be not only of great advantage to the inhabitants, but would most probably
enrich the individuals concerned in the traffic.Norfolk, we see, was then, as it is now, famous for its growth of corn.
Foreign wines appear likewise to have been then imported in sufficient quan-
tities to supply, not only its own consumption, but that of other parts of the
kingdom.Wax was also imported in addition to the quantities made in the county, from
the number of bees there kept. The quantity of those useful insects, whose
industry supplied themselves with food, and their owners with honey and wax,
is unfortunately much decreased of late years.The impression on the seal is imperfect, but it appears to have been an
Eagle, or some bird, standing on two balls. Pl. xxxiv. No. 10Autograph, Pl. xxxi. No. 19.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume VI'
To the right worshypful sire, and my right trusty and right entierly
wel beloffyd freynde, Sire John Paston, Knyght.IHΣ. Xρς.
RYGHT wortchipful sire, and myne especial and of long
tyme apprevyd, trusty and feythful frende, I in
myne hertyeste wyse recommaunde me un to you.
And for as myche as I hafe coles and odyr thynges in thise
parties, and also ye hafe in those parties cornes, wyne, and
wax, and as I am enfourmyd ye be noght evyl wyllyd to
dele with me, no more than I am to dele with you in utter-
yng, and also in receyvyng of suche thynges, the whiche
myght be to the profete of us bothe, I ther fore send un to
you at thys tyme thys berer, William Walkere, gentylman
usshere of my chamber, to commune with you herein, so that
by delyberation suche a wey may be takyn in thys byhalfe as
may be to the profete of either of us, and wher by our
familiarite and frendeship may be encrescyd in tyme to cum.
Where un to for our old acquayntance to gedyr, ye shal fynde
me ful redy after my powere, by the grace of our Lorde,
Who ever kepe you, and send you myche worship and long
prosperite.Scribyllyd in the moste haste, at my castel or manoir of
Aucland, the xxvij. day of January 1489.1Your own trewe luffer and frende,
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.]
1 1490 according to the modern computation, beginning the year in January in-
stead of on the 25th March.2 John Sherwood, Bishop of Durham. He was appointed to that see by the Pope
in 1485 at the solicitation of King Richard III. He was a man of high character and
learning, and one of the earliest Greek scholars in England.1490
JAN. 271490
JAN. 27