T Balkey to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- T Balkey to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 33597, f. 10
- Date
- n.d.
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol VI, item 1081; Gairdner, 'Paston Letters', item 103
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume VI'
To his ryght wurshipfull maister, John Paston, Esquier,
this byll be delyverid in hast.RYGHT wurshipfull and myne especyall good maister, I
comaund me vonto your good maistership. Sir, it is
so that there hath ben a gret rumour and mervelous
noyse of yower departyng ffro Yermoth; for summe seid that
ye were departed in a Duch ship and some seid in aspaynessh
ship and some seid in yower ship, and some seid ayein your
wyll ye were departed; of wych departyng my lord Steward
hadde knowleche and comaunded a noon after your old ser-
vaunt Rychard Fitzwater to ryde to Norwich, and so to
Yermoth, to knowe the trowth. And at Norwich I spoke
with your seid servaunt, and ther he shewed vonto me that
my lord hadde send another of his servauntis vonto my Lord
of Oxynford to shew vonto his lordship of your departyng,
&c., and fferthermore he shewed vonto me prevyly that my
Lord hath imagyned and purposed many grevous thyngis
ayens your Maistership; for wych cawse he shewed wnto me
that in any wyse your mastership shuld not come that wey,
and I shall shewe your maistership moch more at your
comyng, with the grace of God, whoo ever preserve your
good maistership. At Norwich the Sonday next after Sent
Marke.—Your servaunt, T. BALKEY.1 [Add. MS. 33,597, f. 10.] There is nothing in the rest of the Paston correspon-
dence to throw any light upon this letter, either as to the date at which it was
written, or as to the person addressed, whether it be John Paston the eldest or the
younger of the two Johns, his sons.Date
tain - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, 1422-1509'
Date uncertain
[Add. MS. 33,597, f. 10]
There is nothing in the rest of the Paston Correspondence to throw any
light upon this letter, either as to the date at which it was written, or as to
the person addressed, whether it be John Paston the eldest or the younger
of the two Johns, his sons.To his ryght wurshipfull maister, John Paston Esquier,
this byll be delyverid in hast.RYGHT wurshipfull and myne especyall good
maister, I comaund me vonto your good
maistership. Sir, it is so that there hath
ben a gret rumour and mervelous noyse of
yower departyng ffro Yermoth; for summe seid that
ye were departed in a Duch ship and some seid in
aspaynessh ship and some seid in yower ship, and
some seid ayein your wyll ye were departed; of
wych departyng my lord Steward hadde knowleche
and comaunded a noon after your old servaunt
Rychard Fitzwater to ryde to Norwich, and so to
Yermoth, to knowe the trowth. And at Norwich I
spoke with your seid servaunt, and ther he shewed
vonto me that my lord hadde send another of his
servauntis vonto my Lord of Oxynford to shew vonto
his lordship of your departyng, &c., and fferthermore
he shewed vonto me prevyly that my Lord hath
imagyned and purposed many grevous thyngis ayens
your Maistership; for wych cawse he shewed wnto
me that in any wyse your mastership shuld not come
that wey, and I shall shewe your maistership moch
more at your comyng, with the grace of God, whoo
ever preserve your good maistership. At Norwich the
Sonday next after Sent Marke.—Your servaunt,T. BALKEY.