Stonor v. Marmion
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Stonor v. Marmion
- Reference
- C 47/37/5/13
- Date
- 20 December 1482
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 323; Kingsford, Vol II, item 323
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
20 DEC.1482
Apart from its genealogical details the interest of this document consists
chiefly in its relation to Ancient Deeds, C. 2747 and C. 2320—see p. 175
below. The original is only a rough draft. The dispute seems to have
originated in the purchase by Sir William Stonor (in 1479) from Peter Mar-
myon of the manor of Beamys with manors, lands, and tenements in Shenyng-
feld, Swalowefeld, Farley, Sydenham, Tronkewell, Foxhill, and Sheperygge in
Berks, and Wilts, and of the manor of Nustelyngis in Hampshire. Part of the
consideration was the grant by Stonor of an annual rent of 5 marks for life
from Horton to Eleanor, wife of Peter Marmyon. There were similar grants
of 100s. to Robert, and of 40s. each to John and Peter, sons of Peter Mar-
myon (see Ch. Misc., 37, ix, 40). The "Requests" here given come from
Ch. Misc., 37, v, 13.71Thes byn the requestys of Syr Wylliam Stonore, K., made unto Peter
Marmyun the Elder of Tame in the Countie of Oxford, be the advyse
of the counsell of the seyd Syr W. of and ffor the performyng of serten
agrementes betwene the seyd partes of and apon the party of the seyd
Peryk to be fulfyl and performyd as aperyth by the tendyor of a re-
conysaunce made by the seyde Peryk unto the forseyd Syr W. S. afore
oure soveren lord the Kyng in hys chauncery the xx day of Desemb.
the yere of hys reyne the xxij.First the forseyde Syr Wylliam by the advyse of hys counsell requeryth
the forseyde Perkin Marmiun that he hym selfe come and cause his
wyfe and hys sunys Robard Marmyun and Jon Marmyun to come afore
my lord Bryan, chefe jeuge of the comon place, and by fore the seyde
lord Bryan that he and hys wyffe and hys ij sunys aforesayde do make
and every of them do make a seure and a sufficient knowlege in lawe by
fyne for the surcese of all the londes foulowyng to the forseyd Sir W.
Stonore and hys asynys for ever, and over that the seyd Syr W. S. by
the advyse of his counsell requeryth the forseyde Perkin Marmyun to
move and cause every person that ben or were infeffyd to the behofe
of Pers Marmyun or of Robard his eldyst sun or of Jhon hys sun that
they and every of them come afore my lord Bryan Chefe jeuge of the
comon place and that every of them make a sewre and a suffycent
knowlege in law by fyne to the behofe and surte of me Syr W. S. of
thys londes and of the parsell of them. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
20 DEC. 1482
Apart from its genealogical details the interest of this document consists
chiefly in its relation to Ancient Deeds, C. 2747 and C. 2320—see p. 175
below. The original is only a rough draft. The dispute seems to have
originated in the purchase by Sir William Stonor (in 1479) from Peter Mar-
myon of the manor of Beamys with manors, lands, and tenements in Shenyng-
feld, Swalowefeld, Farley, Sydenham, Tronkewell, Foxhill, and Sheperygge in
Berks. and Wilts, and of the manor of Nustelyngis in Hampshire. Part of the
consideration was the grant by Stonor of an annual rent of 5 marks for life
from Horton to Eleanor, wife of Peter Marmyon. There were similar grants
of 100s. to Robert, and of 40s. each to John and Peter, sons of Peter Mar-
myon (see Ch. Misc., 37, ix, 40). The “Requests” here given come from
Ch. Misc., 37, v, 13.Thes byn the requestys of Syr Wylliam Stonore, K., made unto Peter
Marmyun the Elder of Tame in the Countie of Oxford, be the advyse
of the counsell of the seyd Syr W. of and ffor the performyng of serten
agrementes betwene the seyd partes of and apon the party of the seyd
Peryk to be fulfyl and perfoimyd as aperyth by the tendyor of a re-
conysaunce made by the seyde Peryk unto the forseyd Syr W. S. afore
oure soveren lord the Kyng in hys chauncery the xx day of Desemb.
the yere of hys reyne the xxij.First the forseyde Syr Wylliam by the advyse of hys counsell requeryth
the forseyde Perkin Marmiun that he hym selfe come and cause his
wyfe and hys sunys Robard Marmyun and Jon Marmyun to come afore
my lord Bryan, chefe jeuge of the comon place, and by fore the seyde
lord Bryan that he and hys wyffe and hys ij sunys aforesayde do make
and every of them do make a seure and a sufficient knowlege in lawe by
fyne for the surcese of all the londes foulowyng to the forseyd Sir W.
Stonore and hys asynys for ever, and over that the seyd Syr W. S. by
the advyse of his counsell requeryth the forseyde Perkin Marmyun to
move and cause every person that ben or were infeffyd to the behofe
of Pers Marmyun or of Robard his eldyst sun or of Jhon hys sun that
they and every of them come afore my lord Bryan Chefe jeuge of the
comon place and that every of them make a sewre and a suffycent
knowlege in law by fyne to the behofe and surte of me Syr W. S. of
thys londes and of the parsell of them.