Stonor v. Fortescue: Articles
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Stonor v. Fortescue: Articles
- Reference
- C 47/37/3/15
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 79; Kingsford, Vol I, item 79
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
[? 1466]
These Articles seem to be the draft of a Chancery Bill, but there is no
corresponding document amongst the extant Early Chancery Proceedings.
They are clearly later than the Bill of Names—No. 72. Perhaps they may
be a draft of some contemplated proceedings in 1466, when the complaint of
John Frende was presented in Chancery—see No. 80. More is possibly Sir
John More, the father of Sir Thomas More. For Reyny, who was a Devon-
shire lawyer, see No. 100. Exst is possibly the Thomas Hext of Nos. 263
and 284. From Ch. Misc., 37, iii, 15.Memorandum of divers Artycles ayenst Richard Fortescu.
First, where that ther was award made by More, Reyny, and
Huddysfild, and in that award among othyr thynggis to be done the
seyde Richard shuld relese all manere of accion personall to suche per-
sonys as shuld be deliveryd to the seyde Richard by byil by the hondys
of Thomas Stonore: the seyde Thomas deliveryd to the seyde Rychard
a bylle endentyd of certeyne namys, the wyche where never relest unto:
and for defaute of suche reles many of the personys where sore amercyd
and troubyld to the charge and coste of the seyde Thomas &c.Also divers of my welwyllers have be causyd by Supplicavit and
I-put to ther ffynabus, sum vj. s. viij. d., sum x. s., sum xiij. s. iiij. d., sum
xl. d.Also sithyn that award ther was award made by mouthe by Thomas
Rogers of Greyysyn and Exst of the Tempyll, that I Sir Thomas Stonore
shuld have had of the seyde Richard a Aquitauns of all maner of
accions, the wyche is nott yet done and that altho personys Þat the-
seyde Richard had wrongfully take mony of for cause of me Þat he
shuld a restoryd ayen to hem in Ermyngton chyrche; the wiche is not
yet don, and for lak of that doyng hyt is to my grete hurt and damage
&c.Also the seyde Sir Richard wrongfully occupyyth my severel grounde
in occupyy[ng] of a wey thorowe the North park and in pasturyng of
his bestis ther also. . . .Also where he fette dyvers fursis, feld and sold by myne officers, oute
of Yarne Knolle to his use and there hurt, and woondyd John Ryt of
Holbeton to my grete cost and charge &c.Also where he suyth and avexyth divers pepill for love of me in
Plympton Cort and ahs(?) Cort and Tremyngton Cort to my grete
charge &c.Also untruly by hym brougte up Frend by a suppena and the party
not pryvy, and than withowte cause axyd Suryte of pees, the wyche
was &c. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
[? 1466]
These Articles seem to be the draft of a Chancery Bill, but there is no
corresponding document amongst the extant Early Chancery Proceedings.
They are clearly later than the Bill of Names—No. 72. Perhaps they may
be a draft of some contemplated proceedings in 1466, when the complaint of
John Frende was presented in Chancery—see No. 80. More is possibly Sir
John More, the father of Sir Thomas More. For Reyny, who was a Devon-
shire lawyer, see No. 100. Exst is possibly the Thomas Hext of Nos. 263
and 284. From Ch. Misc., 37, iii, 15.Memorandum of divers Artycles ayenst Richard Fortescu.
First, where that ther was award made by More, Reyny, and
Huddysfild, and in that award among othyr thynggis to be done the
seyde Richard shuld relese all manere of accion personall to suche per-
sonys as shuld be deliveryd to the seyde Richard by byll by the hondys
of Thomas Stonore: the seyde Thomas deliveryd to the seyde Rychard
a bylle endentyd of certeyne namys, the wyche where never relest unto:
and for defaute of suche reles many of the personys where sore amercyd
and troubyld to the charge and coste of the seyde Thomas &c.Also divers of my welwyllers have be causyd by Supplicavit and
I-put to ther ffynabus, sum vj. s. viij. d., sum x. s., sum xiij. s. iiij. d., sum
xl. d.Also sithyn that award ther was award made by mouthe by Thomas
Rogers of Greyysyn and Exst of the Tempyll, that I Sir Thomas Stonore
shuld have had of the seyde Richard a Aquitauns of all maner of
accions, the wyche is nott yet done and that altho personys þat the
seyde Richard had wrongfully take mony of for cause of me þat he
shuld a restoryd ayen to hem in Ermyngton chyrche; the wiche is not
yet don, and for lak of that doyng hyt is to my grete hurt and damage
&c.Also the seyde Sir Richard wrongfully occupyyth my severel grounde
in occupyy[ng] of a wey thorowe the North park and in pasturyng of
his bestis ther also. . . .Also where he fette dyvers fursis, feld and sold by myne officers, oute
of Yarne Knolle to his use and there hurt, and woondyd John Ryt of
Holbeton to my grete cost and charge &c.Also where he suyth and avexyth divers pepill for love of me in
Plympton Cort and ahs(?) Cort and Tremyngton Cort to my grete
charge &c.Also untruly by hym brougte up Frend by a suppena and the party
not pryvy, and than withowte cause axyd Suryte of pees, the wyche
was &c.