Sir William Gascoigne to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir William Gascoigne to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 72, p. 41
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 141; Kirby, item 161
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
161 Sir William Gascoigne to Sir Robert Plumpton, [19 March
1501/2]1 (No. 72, p. 21)Vncle Plompton, I recomannd me unto you as hartely as I can, shewing
you þat my lord Archbishop hath sent a letter to my cousin William,
your son, & a byll closed therin, which byll & letter I wold ye gaue
good heed to, & vnderstand whether it be kings comanndement or nay.
And also John Vavasour of Newton is departed to mercy of God sence
ye departed from home, & I haue inquered of the age of his son and
heire, which shalbe at ful age within a moneth, & then I am in a suerte
to haue the release of him. Also there is a mariage moved betwixt the
sone of Sir John Roklife and Jane Ughtred, sister to Henry Ughtred,2
and great labor haue they made to my lord of Northumberland for þe
same, which I have stoped, as yet, & thus þe sayd Sir John Rokclife,
Henry Ughtred, and Anthony3 draweth all one way; & I vnderstand
they will make more labor to my sayd lord hastely, for which cause I
will goe to Lekinfeld the next weke, where I shall know further herein
of my lords pleasure, which I know is your especiall good lord. And as
I can know further I shall send you wrytting shortly.And also, as I vnderstand, your aduersaries will lay a fine against
you,4 which fine is parcell of William Midletons evidence,a & is the fine
of the house in Plompton pat was my vncle Ralfe Gascoygne.5 I pray
you to send me some good tydings as sonne as ye can, of your good
speed in your matters, which I besech Gode may be to his pleasure &
your comforth & myne; & thus our Lord kepe you. At Gaukthorpe, in
hast, the second Sunday in Lenten.Your nephew William Gasconb
Endorsed: To my vncle Sir Robart Plompton kt be this byll deliuered in
hasta Marginal note: A fine of all of W. Midletons euidence in Plo. Raf. Gascoing.
b Appended: This letter hath a seale. Copied the 13th day of March 1612.
1 The dating of this letter presents a problem: the fine (note 4, below) was later
produced as evidence at the York assizes, Sept. 1502, suggesting a date prior to that
event, but the king’s precept to the archbishop was sent some time after the trial, 174,
175. A John Vavasour of Newton signed a release to Sir Robert’s son William in Aug.
1503, CB, 821; App. II, 64.2 Afterwards Sir Henry Ughtred of Kexby (d.1510). The marriage does not appear to
have taken place, Borthwick Inst., Prob. Reg., VIII, 333; 16, 58.3 Anthony Ughtred, made banneret at the battle of the Spurs, Aug. 1513, G.R. Elton,
England under the Tudors (3rd edn., 1991), 73.4 The fine was produced by John Vavasour JCP as clerk of assize, claiming that it
granted reversion of Sir William Plumpton’s Yorks estates to the heirs general, CB, 824;
Introd., p. 15; App. III.5 43.
- Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my uncle Sir Robart Plompton, kt. be thes byll delivered in hast.
Uncle Plompton, I recomannd me unto you as hartely as I can,
shewing you that my lord Archbishop hath sent a letter to my
cousin William your son and a byll closed therin; which byll and
letter I wold ye gave good heed to, and understand whether it be
Kings comandement, or nay. And also John Vavasour of New-
ton is departed to mercy of God, sence ye departed from home,
and I have inquered of the age of his son and heire, which shalbe
at full age within a moneth, and then I am in a suerte to have the
release of him.a Also there is a maraige moved betwyxt the sone
of Sir John Roklife and Jane Ughtred, syster to Henry Ughtred,b
and great labour have they mae to my lord of Northumberland
for the same, which I have stoped as yet. And thus the sayd Sir
John Rokclife, Henry Ughtred, and Anthonyc drawth all one way;
and I understand they will make more labor to my sayd Lord
hastely, for which cause I will goe to Lekinfeld the next weke,
where I shall know further herein of my lords pleasure, which I know
is your especiall good Lord: and as I can know furthere, I shall
send you wrytting shortly. And also, as I understand, your ad-
versaries will lay a fine against you, which fine is parcell of Wil-
liam Midleton's evidence, and is the fine of the house in Plomp-
ton that was my uncle Ralfe Gascoygne.d I pray you to send me
some good tydings, as sone as ye can, of your good speed in your
matters, which I besech Gude may be to his pleasure, and your
comforth and myne; and thus our Lord kepe you. At Gauk-
thorpe in hast, the second sunday in Lenten.Yore nephew,
(19 Mar. 1502-3.) WILLIAM GASCON.
a By deed, bearing date 6 Aug. 18 Hen. VII. 1503, John Vavasour of Newton, esq.
released to William Plompton, esq. all the right and title he had by reason of any feof-
ment made by Sir William Plompton, kt. grandfather of the said William, to his father
in Plompton, Folefote, Idill, Girsington, Braem, Stotheley, and Steton. (Chartul. No.
821.)b Henry Ughtred of Kexby, com. Ebor. esq. afterwards Sir Henry Ughtred, kt.
c Anthony Ughtred, made Knight Banneret at the battle of Spurs.
d See an account of the proceedings relating to this fine in the Memoirs.