Sir Thomas Brews to Sir John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir Thomas Brews to Sir John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 43490, f. 27
- Date
- 8 March 1477
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 902; Fenn, Vol II, Edward IV item 76
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (1st transcript)
To my Ryght Wurschypfull Cosyn Sr. Jhon Paston knyght be
this Lett’ delyu’ed, &c.RYGHT wurschypfull and my hertely welebelovyd Cosyn
I recōmande me unto yowe desyring to her’ of yowr
welefar whech I pray God may be as cōtynuall good as I wolde
hafe myn own and Cosyn the cause of my wryting un to
yow at thys tyme is I fele wele be my Cosyn John yowr
brodr yt ye hafe undyrstondyng of a mat’ whech is in comyni-
cacyon tochyng a maryage wt Godds g’ce to be concluded be-
twyx my saide Cosyn yowr brodr and my doghta M’gery wheche
is far cōmonyd and not yyt cōcluded ner noght schall ner
may be tyll I hafe answer from yowe agayn of yowr good
will and asent to the seid mater and also of the obligacyon
weche yt I sende yowe herewith for Cosyn I wold be sory to se
owther my Cosyn yowr brodr or my Doghtr dryvyn to leve
so meane a lyff as yei schuld do yf the vjxx li. schuld be payde
of ther maryage money.And Cosyn I hafe takyn my selfe so ner’ in levyng of this
vjxx li. yt wher as I hade layde upp an C li. for the mary-
age of a yong’ doght’ of myn I hafe nowe lent ye saide C li.
and xx li. ou’ that to my Cosyn yowr brod’ to be paide ageyn
be suche esy days as ye obligacyon weche I sende yowe her-
wyth specyfyes and Cosyn I wer’ ryght lothe to be stowe so
mech uppon on’ doght’ yt the oyr her Susters schuld far the
wars wherfor Cosyn yf ye wyll yt thys mat’ schall take effect
undyr suche forme as my Cosyn yowr brod’ hath wretyn unto
yowe I pray yowe put yrto yowr good wylle and sū of yowr
coste as I hafe done of myn mor’ largely yen eu’ I purpose
to do to any tweyn of hyr Susters as God knowyth myn
Entent whom I besech to send yowe yowr levest herts desyr.Wretyn at Topcroft the viij day of March, &c.
Be yor Cosyn,
Thomas Brews, Knight.
11 ¾ by 7 ¼.
Saturday, 8th of March,
1476, 17 E. IV.This Letter, I suppose, accompanied one from J. Paston, in which the exact terms
were specified, to his brother Sir John. Sir Thomas Brews seemed to expect that Sir
John Paston would likewise do something for his brother on this occasion.Sir Thomas Brewse lived at Stinton-hall, in the parish of Salle, and on the death of
Robert Clifton, &c. came into possession of an Estate in Topcroft: he died in 1482.
Pl. v. No 25. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (2nd transcript)
To my right worshipful Cousin Sir John Paston, Knight be
this Letter delivered, &c.RIGHT worshipful, and my heartily well beloved Cousin,
I recommend me unto you, desiring to hear of your
wellfare, which I pray God may be as continually good as
I would have mine own; and Cousin, the cause of my writing
unto you, at this time, is I feel (perceive) well by my Cousin
John Paston your Brother, that ye have understanding of a
matter, which is in communication touching a Marriage, with
God’s Grace, to be concluded betwixt my said Cousin your
Brother, and my Daughter Margery, which is far communed,
and not yet concluded, nor neither shall nor may be, till I
have answer from you again of your good will and assent to the
said matter; and also of the obligation which that I send you
herewith; for Cousin I would be sorry to see either my Cousin
your brother, or my Daughter, driven to live so mean a life
as they should do, if the six score pounds should be paid of
their marriage money; and Cousin, I have taken myself so
near in leaving of (parting with) this said six score pounds,
that whereas I had laid up an 100l. for the marriage of a
younger Daughter of mine, I have now lent the said 100l.
and 20l. over that, to my Cousin your Brother, to be paid
again by such easy days as the obligation, which I send you
herewith, specifies.And Cousin, I were right loath to bestow so much upon
one daughter, that the other her Sisters should fare the worse;
wherefore, Cousin, if ye will that this matter shall take effect
under such form as my Cousin your brother hath written unto
you, I pray you put thereto your good will, and some of
your Cost, as I have done of mine more largely than ever I
purpose to do to any two of her Sisters, as God knoweth mine
intent, whom I beseech to send you your levest (dearest) heart’s
desire.Written at Topcroft, the 8th day of March, &c.
By your Cousin,
11 ? by 7 ?.
Saturday, 8th of March,
1476, 17 E. IV.This Letter, I suppose, accompanied one from J. Paston, in which the exact terms
were specified, to his brother Sir John. Sir Thomas Brews seemed to expect that Sir
John Paston would likewise do something for his brother on this occasion.Sir Thomas Brewse lived at Stinton-hall, in the parish of Salle, and on the death of
Robert Clifton, &c. came into possession of an Estate in Topcroft: he died in 1482.
Pl. v. No 25. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
To my ryght wurschypfull cosyn, Syr Jhon Paston, Knyght,
be this letter delivered, &c.RYGHT wurschypfull, and my hertely welebelovyd cosyn,
I recommande me unto yowe, desyring to here of
yowr welefar, whech I pray God may be as contynuall
good as I wolde hafe myn own. And, cosyn, the cause of my
wryting un to yow, at thys tyme, is, I fele wele be my cosyn
John yowr broder, that ye hafe undyrstondyng of a mater,
whech is in comynicacyon tochyng a maryage, with Godds
grace, to be concluded betwyx my saide cosyn yowr broder,
and my doghter Margery, wheche is far commonyd, and not
yyt concluded, ner noght schall ner may be tyll I hafe answer
from yowe agayn of yowr good will and asent to the seid
mater; and also of the obligacyon weche that I sende yowe
herewith; for, cosyn, I wold be sory to se owther my cosyn
yowr broder, or my doghtr, dryvyn to leve so meane a lyff as
thei schuld do yf the [£120], schuld be payde of ther
maryage money.And cosyn, I hafe takyn my selfe so nere in levyng of this
vjxxli., that wher as I hade layde upp an Cli. for the maryage
of a yonger doghter of myn, I hafe nowe lent the saide Cli. and
xxli. over that, to my cosyn yowr broder, to be paide ageyn
be suche esy days as the obligacyon, weche I sende yowe her-
wyth, specyfyes. And, cosyn, I were ryght lothe to be stowe
so mech uppon one doghter, that the other her susters schuld
far the wars; wherfor, cosyn, yf ye wyll that thys mater schall
take effect undyr suche forme as my cosyn yowr broder hath
wretyn unto yowe, I pray yowe put therto yowr good wylle,
and sum of yowr coste, as I hafe done of myn more largely
then ever I purpose to do to any tweyn of hyr susters, as God
knowyth myn entent, Whom I besech to send yowe yowr
levest herts desyr.Wretyn at Topcroft, the viij. day of March, &c.
Be your cosyn,
2 [From Fenn, ii. 224.] The date of this letter, as of the last, is fixed by the
subject.MARCH 8