Sir T Lyng to Sir John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir T Lyng to Sir John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27446, f. 95
- Date
- November 1494
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol VI, item 1058; Fenn, Vol V, Henry VII item 33
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume V' (1st transcript)
To my Rigth wurchypfull Mastr
Sr John Paston Knyth in hastMd. That thes be the namys that war mad Knyts of the
Bath the Thwrsday befor Alhalow Day.Fyrst, My lord Herry Duke of Yorke
My lord Haryngton lord m’ cas sun
My lord Clyfford
My lord Fywaren
My lord Dakyr of the Sowth
My lord Strange lord Strangs Sun
Sir John Arundell of the West
Sir Water Grefyth of lonkastchyre
Sir Jarveys A Clyffton of Yorkechyre
Sir Roberd Harcorth of the West
Sir Edmund Trayford
Sir Heny Marney of Esexe
Sir Roger Newborow
Sir Raff Richer of Yorkechyre
Sir Thom’s Bawd of Harforth chyre
Sir John Speke
Sir Hemufrey Fulford
Sir Roberd lytton
Sir Pers Egecom
Sir Roberd Clere
Sir Thom’s Fayrefaxe
Sir Ric’ Knythley
Sir Wyllem ChekeAlso Mr Rob Southwell is Hey schreve of Norffolke
Md that saforn is at xvj s j li the lowest p’ce
Also the Kynge And the qwene went crowned on halow-
messe Day lastAnd my lord of schrewsbery bare my lord Harry Duke
of Yorke in hys harmys and x byschopis wt myters on ther
heds goyng be for the Kyng that Day rownd a bout West-
mynstr Hawle wt many odyr gret Astats Sr ther hath be so
gret cownsell for the Kyng maters that my lord Chawnsler
kept not the ster chawnbr thys viij days but on day at london
on sent lenards dayBe yowre pore prest and s˜unt
Sr ther hath records a yenst me Sr John Seyve vec˜ry of
Barton John Anond Richard Elwyn of Wytton John Bow-
lond of totyngton Sumnor whch are all forsworyn on the
crwsifyxe a yenst me.6 by 17.
Paper Mark,
The Letter P,
with a bend across it.
Pl. xiii. No. 1.Prince Henry, the King?s second son, was at this time created Duke of York,
when this list of Knights of the Bath was made. He was born on the 28th of
June, 1491.These shows were intended to amuse the people, some of the King?s actions
at this time having given great disgust.The Court of Star Chamber had been instituted in 1487. The Lord Chan-
cellor presided there, and had the casting vote.Autograph, Pl. xxxi. No. 22.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume V' (2nd transcript)
To my right worshipful Master, Sir John Paston, Knight,
in haste.MEMORANDUM, That these be the names [of those] that
were made Knights of the Bath, the Thursday before All
Halow Day.First, My Lord Harry Duke of York, (afterwards Henry VIII.)
My Lord Harington. Lord Marquis Dorset’s Son.
My Lord Clifford.
My Lord Fitzwaren.
My Lord Dacre of the South.
My Lord Strange, Lord Strange’s Son.
Sir John Arundel of the West.
Sir Walter Griffith of Lancashire.
Sir Jarvis Clyfton of Yorkshire.
Sir Robert Harcourt of the West.
Sir Edmund Trayford.
Sir Harry Marney of Essex.
Sir Roger Newborough.
Sir Ralph Rither of Yorkshire.
Sir Thomas Bawd of Hertfordshire.
Sir John Speke.
Sir Humphrey Fulford.
Sir Robert Lytton.
Sir Piers Edgecombe.
Sir Robert Clere.
Sir Thomas Fairfax.
Sir Richard Knightley.
Sir William Cheke.Also Master Robert Southwell is High Sheriff of Norfolk.
Memorandum, That saffron is at xvj shillings one pound
the lowest price.Also the King and the Queen went crowned on Halow-
mass day last; and my Lord of Shrewsbury bare my Lord
Harry Duke of York in his arms; and ten Bishops, with
mitres on their heads, going before the King that day round
about Westminster Hall, with many other great estates.Sir, there hath been so great counsel for the King?s mat-
ters, that my Lord Chancellor kept not the Star Chamber
this eight days, but one day at London, on Saint Leonard’s
Day.By your poor Priest and Servant,
Sir T. LYNG.
Sir, there hath records against me, Sir John Seyve, Vicar
of Barton, John Anond, Richard Elwyn of Witton, John
Bowland of Totington, Summoner, which are all forsworn on
the Crucifix against me.November,
1494. 10 H. vii.Prince Henry, the King?s second son, was at this time created Duke of York,
when this list of Knights of the Bath was made. He was born on the 28th of
June, 1491.These shows were intended to amuse the people, some of the King?s actions
at this time having given great disgust.The Court of Star Chamber had been instituted in 1487. The Lord Chan-
cellor presided there, and had the casting vote.Autograph, Pl. xxxi. No. 22.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume VI'
To my rigth wurchypful master, Sir John Paston, Knyth, in hast.
MEMORANDUM, that thes be the namys that war
mad Knytes of the Bath, the Thwrsday be for
Alhalow Day.Fyrst, My Lord Herry, Duke of Yorke.
My Lord Haryngton, Lord Marcas sun.2
My Lord Clyfford.
My Lord Fyvaren.
My Lord Dakyr of the Sowth.
My Lord Strange. Lord Stranges sun.
Sir John Arundell of the West.
Sir Water Grefyth of Lonkaschyre.
Sir Jarveys a Clyffton of Yorkechyre.
Sir Roberd Harcorth of the West.
Sir Edmund Trayford.
Sir Herry Marney of Esexe.
Sir Roger Newborow.
Sir Raff Rither of Yorkechyre.
Sir Thomas Bawd of Harforth chyre.
Sir John Speke.
Sir Houmfrey Fulford.
Sir Roberd Lytton.
Sir Pers Egecome.
Sir Roberd Clere.
Sir Thomas Fayrefaxe.
Sir Richard Knythley.
Sir Wyllem Cheke.
Also Master Robert Southwell is Hey Schreve of Nor-
ffolke.Memorandum, that saforn is at xvjs. jli. the lowest price.
Also, the Kynge and the Qwene went crowned on Halow-
messe Day last; and my Lord of Schrewsbery bare my Lord
Harry, Duke of Yorke, in hys harmys; and x. byschopis, with
myters on ther hedes, goyng be for the Kyng that day rownd
a bowt Westmynster Hawle, with many odyr gret astates.Sir, ther hath be so gret cownsell for the Kynges maters,
that my Lord Chawnsler kept not the Ster Chawmber thys
viij. days, but one day at London, on Sent Lenardes Day.Be yowre pore prest and servaund,
The lowest pryse of saforn is xvjs.
Item, the Knytes of the Bath.
Item, the Knytes of the Schyre.
Item, of recordes a yenst me.
Syr, ther hath record a yenst me, Syr John Seyve, Vecry of
Barton, John Anond, Richard Elwyn of Wytton, John Bowlond
of Totyngton, sumnor, whech arne all forsworyn on the
Crwsifyxe a yenst me.1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter gives the list of the Knights of the Bath
made on the occasion of Henry the King’s second son being created Duke of York
in 1494.2 Thomas Grey, son of Thomas Grey, first Marquis of Dorset, who succeeded his
father in 1501.1494