78 Sir Stephen Hammerton,1 to Sir Robert
Plumpton [1481 ? 1500] (No. 80, p. 44)
Right worshipfull brother <& syster>, I hartely recommend me vnto you.
Where ye haue made a search, they for me thanke you hartely therefore, & I
shall do service to you & I may therefore. I besech [you] to make a [. . .]a
throw search for my matter, as my trust is to you, & I wilbe ruled according
to right, as my frynds, & ye in specyally, thinke ?at I should be. No more at
this tyme, but the Holy Trenite haue you in keeping. I pray you giue credence
to the bringer of this byll.
Your loving brother Sir Stephen Hamertonb
Endorsed: To my right worshipfull brother Sir Robart of Plompton
deliuer thes
a tryall deleted.
b Appended: Copied the 17 day of March
1 Of Hammerton in Craven, he married Sir
Robert?s half-sister Isabel, and succeeded his father in 1480; knighted 1481;
died 1500, Hicks, NH, xiv, 106; CB, 524.