Sir Philip Wentworth's Petition
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir Philip Wentworth's Petition
- Reference
- Add. 27444, f. 69
- Date
- November or December 1459
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol III, item 397
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume III'
MEKELY besechith Phelip Wentworth, Knyght, that
where the warde and mariage of Thomas, sone and
heire of John Fastolf, late of Cowhaugh in the
[county] of Suffolk, squyer, and of the lond of the same John,
belonged to the Kyng of rigth, and among other by reason of
the nonnage of the sayd heir, the maner of Bradwell in the
said counte was sesed in to his handes by vertu of an
enquest take a fore his Eschetour of the seid counte. The
whiche offices2 John Fastolf, Knyght, and other tented to
traverse, and by that meane had the sayd maner to ferme,
accordyng to the statute in that case made, and it was
founden and jugement yoven for the Kyng in the said
traverse by the labour of the said Phelipp, which, the xviij.
day of Novembre, the yer of the regne of the Kyng the
xxvj.,1 bougth of Marmaduke Lampney, than Tresorer of
Englond, the said ward and mariage for an C. marc, as it
appereth in the Kynges receyte, be syde all other costes and
charges that the said Phelipp hath don uppon the same, as
weel in fyndyng of the Kyngges title of the said ward, as in
the meyntenauns of all other sewtes dependyng uppon the
same, to the costes of the said Sir Phelypp more than D.
marc. And the said John Fastolf, Knyght, was adjuged in
the Kynges eschequer to pay an C.ixli xiijs. viijd. ob. for the
issuez and profites which he had take of the londes of the
same warde. And where the Kyngges lettres patentes be
entred in the remembrauns on the Tresorer parte in the said
eschequyer in this fourme:Rex omnibus ad quos, &c., salutem. Sciatis quod per
manucaptionem Thomae West de London armigeri, et
Willelmi Barker de Norwico gentilman, commisimus Johanni
Paston armigero et Thomae Howes clerico custodiam omnium
terrarum et tenementorum cum pertinentiis quae fuerunt
Johannis Fastolf de Cowhaugh in com Suffolk armigeri die
quo obiit et quae per mortem ejusdem Johannis Fastolf ac
ratione minoris aetatis Thomae, filii et haeredis dicti Johannis
Fastolf, ad manus nostras devenerunt et in manibus nostris
ad huc existunt; habendam a tempore mortis praefati Johannis
Fastolf usque ad plenam aetatem dicti haeredis, una cum
maritagio ejusdem haeredis, absque disparagatione; et si de
haerede illo humanitus contingat antequam ad plenam aetatem
suam pervenerit, haerede illo infra aetatem existente non mari-
tato, tunc dicti Johannes Paston et Thomas Howes habeant
custodiam et maritagium hujusmodi haeredis, simul cum
custodia omnium terrarum et tenementorum praedictorum;
et sic de haerede in haeredem quousque aliquis haeres haeredum
praedictorum ad plenam aetatem suam pervenerit: Reddendo
nobis prout concordari poterit cum Thesaurario nostro Angliae
citra festum Paschae proximo futuro, ac sustentando domos
clausuras et aedificia, necnon supportando alia onera dictis
terris et tenementis cum pertinentiis spectantia sive aliquo
modo incumbentia quam diu custodiam habuerint supra-
dictam, ac inveniendo dicto haeredi compententem susten-
tationem suam: Eo quod expressa mentio de vero valore
annuo praemissorum in praesentibus minime facta existit, aut
aliquo statuto, actu sive ordinacione in contrarium edito sive
proviso non obstante. Proviso semper quod si aliquis alius
plus dare voluerit de incremento per annum pro custodia et
maritagio praedictis, quod tunc praedicti Johannes Paston et
Thomas Howys tantum pro eisdem solvere teneantur si
custodiam et maritagium habere voluerint supradictam. In
cujus &c. Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium vjto die Junij
anno H. vjti xxxijdo.And after that an accorde is entred in the sayd Eschequer
in thys forme:—In Hillarii record’, anno xxxvjto Regis H. vjti ex
parte Remembr’ Thesaurarii:Et modo, xx. die Februarii hoc termino, praedicti Johannes
Paston et Thomas Howys venerunt hic in propriis personis
suis et optulerunt se ad concordandum cum Thesaurario
Angliae pro custodia omnium terrarum et tenementorum, una
cum maritagio ejusdem haeredis. Et super hoc concordatum
est inter Johannem Comitem Wigorniae, Thesaurario Angliae
et praefatos Johannem Paston et Thomam Howys quod ipsi
solvent domino Regi pro custodia omnium terrarum et tenemen-
torum praedictorum, videlicet a tempore mortis praefati Johannis
Fastolf usque ad plenam aetatem dicti haeredis ac maritagium
ejusdem haeredis, decem marcas tantum; de quibus quidem x.
marcis consideratum est per Barones quod praedicti Johannes
Paston et Thomas Howys et manucaptores sui praedicti pro
custodia et maritagio praedictis erga Regem onerentur prae-
textu Regis literarum patentium et concordiae predictorum ac
aliorum praemissorum.So by the sayd lettres patentez and the sayd accorde the
sayd John Paston and Thomas Howys schuld have the sayd
C.ixli. xiijs. viijd. ob. and the sayd ward and mariage, the
whiche is worthe CCli., for the sayd x. marc only. And also,
for as moche as the sayd Tresorer recordeth in the Kyngges
High Court of Parlement begonne at Westminster the ix. day
of Jule the yer of the Kyngges noble regne xxxiij., that he
made never no suche accord wyth the sayd John Paston and
Thomas Howys of the sayd ward, the whiche mater is of
record in the Kyngges chauncerye certefyed by the sayd Erle
of Worceter, as weell as by other his lettres to dyvers persones
directed, sealed with his signet, wretyn and signet with hys
owen hand, as plenerly dooth appere: Where for plese it
your gret wysdams, the premisses considered, to pray the
Kyng oure soverayn Lord, that, by the advys and assent of
his Lordes spirituelx and temperelx, and by you hys comunes
in the present parlement assembled, stablysshed and inacted
that the sayd entre of accord and jugement theruppon be
anulled and of non effect. And the sayd Phelyppe schall pray
to God for you, &c.1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This petition was presented to the Parliament
which sat at Coventry in 1459, and received the Royal assent. It has already been
printed in the Rolls of Parl., v. 371.2 An inquisition taken before an escheator, by virtue of his office, was frequently
called an office.1 A.D. 1447.