Sir Marmaduke Constable of Flamborough to Sir William Gascoigne
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir Marmaduke Constable of Flamborough to Sir William Gascoigne
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 1, p. 181
- Date
- 19 November [1514]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 171; Kirby, item 211
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
211 Sir Marmaduke Constable to Sir William Gascoigne, 19 November
[1514]a (No. 1, p. 181)Right worshipfull coussin, I recomend me vnto you.b And this Saterday
at thre of the clock at after nowne I receiued your letter, whearby I
perceiue that both ye and my coussin Plompton is content to kepe the
Tewsday next after the Twelt Day at York, and whether ye think to be
theare that Tewsday at viij clock, and haue comunication in that matter
vpon Wedsnday by viij or ix of the clock in the morning, or els to be
theare the Monday <at> night, and haue our comunication vpon the
Tewsday: this I had nede to know before I send to my cossin Parpoint
because he comes farre and I wold not disapoint him. And furthermore,
coussin, ye rehearse to me in your said letter that you haue spoken
with my cossin William Plompton in the matter that ye comond with
me of, at that ye trust at our metting to giue me such an<swer>c in
that matter as I shall be content. Coussin, as towching the matter
betwixt Sir Robart Plompton and Sir John Rouclif and his cooparseners,
if my sayd coussin be of any towardnes to take end, and to be ordred
by frinds in that matter, I shall well content both in that and other
things [. . .] frind apoynted to kepe the day at York, such as ye haue
appoynted. And as for any answer or other comunication with my
cossin William Plompton in any other matter, but onely this old matter,
betwixt my coussin Sir Robart Plompton, his father, and Sir John
Rouclif and his cooparseners, I trust verrely that ye think that I, of my
honnestey, may neither common nor take answer in that [p. 182] matter.
And so if that be the princepall cause, or any part of any meting, I
wold neither ye, nor I, lost no labor, but rather remit all matters to the
common law. And, coussin, for the more perfit and suer knowledg of
your mind touching this day of our metting, I shall send a servant of
mine, who shall not faill to be with you vpon Thursday at viij clock
next coming, and to bring me suer writting from you in ?at behalfe.
And thus our Lord perserue you. Writtin at Holme the xixth of
Nouember.4Your louing coussin Marmaduke Constable of Flaynbrough knight
Endorsed (p. 181): To my right worshipfull coussin Sir Wm Gascoine
thes delliuereda Marginal note: 1 letter.
b Marginal note: To Sir Wil: Gascoin by Sir Marm: Constable.
c quer deleted.
d Marginal note: Copied the 2 of June 1626.
- Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my right worshipfull Coussin, Sir William Gascoine, be thes
delllivered.Right worshipfull Coussin, I recomend me unto you; and this
Saterday, at thre of the clock at after nowne, I received your
letter, whearby I perceive that both ye and my coussin Plompton is
content to kepe the tewsday next after the twelt day at York.
And whether ye think to be theare that twesday at viij clock,
and have communication in that matter upon wednsday by viii
or ix of the clock inthe morning, or els to be theare tha monday
at night, and have our comunication upon the tewsday, this I
had nede to know, before I send to my cossin Parpoint, because
he comes farre, and I wold not disapoint him. And furthernore,
Coussin, ye rehearese to me in your said letter that you have
spoken with my cossing William Plompton int he matter that ye
comond with me of, and that ye trust at our metting to give me
such answer in that matter, as I shall be content. Coussin, as
towching the matter betwixt Sir Robart Plompton, and Sir John
Rouclif and his cooparseners, if my sayd coussin be of any toward-
nes to take end, and to be ordred by frinds in that matter, I shall
well content both in that and other things... frind apoynted
to kepe the day at York, such as ye have appoynted. And as for
any answer, or other communication with my Cossing William
Plompton, in any other matter, but onely this old matter betwixt
my coussin Sir Robart Plompton, his father, and Sir John
Rouclif and his cooparseners, I trust verrely that ye think,
that I of my honestie may neither common, nor ake answer in
hat matter. And so if that be the princepall cause, or any part
of any meting, I wold neither ye, nor I, lost no labor, but rather
remit all matters to the Common Law. And, Coussin, for the
more perfit and suer knowledg of your mind, touching this day
of our metting, I shall send a servant of mine, who shall not
faill to be with you upon Thursday at viii clock next coming, and
to bring me sure writting from you in that behalfe. And thus our
Lord preserve you. Written at Holme, the xixth of November.Your loving coussin,
(19 Nov. 1514.) of Flaynbrough, knight.