In the square trussyng coffre.
A boxe with evydence off my place in Fletstrett.
A lytell box with obligacions off the Archbisshop off York and W. Jennyes oblygacion.
A box with evydence of Tytlyshall.
A box with the letter of attorney off Fastolffes londes by Sir John Paston. j. A box de actis inter episcopum Wynt’ et J. P. militem. Item endentur’ de argento mutuato termino Trinitatis anno xo, et testamentum W. Paston, Justic’.
Item, ij. pixides de novis cartis de terris Fastolffes.
Item, a litell box with the obligacion off T. Fastolff and one off James Gresham.
Item, a box with the dede off gyfft off J. P., and the byll assygnyd for the dyamant.
Item, the bagge de placitis in usu.
Item, the bagge with ger taken owt off my caskett.
Item, a bagge with the bondell where on was wreten ‘London.’
Item, a bagge with evydence off Est Bekham.
Item, a bondell de actis parlimenti et de excambia in Paston.
Item, a bondell de actis Cantuariensis.
Item, a bondell de fyrma Caster Berdolffis.
The endenture off Snaylwell by Wylleys.
A bondell of Gresham Moleyns.
A bondell off processe off th’eschekyr letter and byllys sirca (sic) festum Johannis anno ixo.
Item, th’endenture off W. Jeney. Item, a bondell off letteris and byllis anno xo.
A bondell with inquisicions not returnyd in to the Chanceri.
Copia voluntatis Fastolff ultima et probata.
Enventorium (sic) apud Caster per Episcopum Norwic’ et dominum de Scales et alia ad rediseisinam (?)
Apunctuamentum Regis et litera amici. Endentura de Fennes per patrem Hugonis Fenne.
The verray endenture off my mariage.
Item, a bondell off letteris from my brother John.
Item, iij. billis, the endenter of W. Jenney for Bacton, a byll of Wylleys and one off J. Owdin (?)
Item, a bondell with the names off them that had stoff from Heylesdon.
Item, a byll off Sweynesthorp. Item, a byll off Brok off Dedham off the purchace theroff, a quitance pro Scaccario.
A bonde towchyng the probatt off Fastolffes will, with mi olde testament.
A copie off a generalle releffe de terris Fastolffes.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The following inventory is in the handwriting of Sir John Paston. The date at which it was drawn up must, from internal evidence, be later than the tenth year of Edward IV.; so perhaps it may be a list of the contents of the coffer mentioned by John Paston in Letter 784.