Sir John Paston to Roger Townsend
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir John Paston to Roger Townsend
- Reference
- Add. 34889, f. 186
- Date
- 12 February, 1467-1469
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 699; Gairdner, 'Paston Letters', item 76
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
To the ryght worshypfull and hys best betrustyd
Frende, Roger Townesende.RIGHT worshipfull sir, I comaunde me to yow, praying
yow hertly to remembre that by the award made by-
twen yow and me by Roger Townesend for a tenement
in Stratton in Norfolk callid Rees, I shuld delyver yow all the
evydens apperteynyng to the said plase, and not from thens
forth to chalenge nor interupte my lady your wife ner yow of
the said tenement; And that for thes said causes ye shuld and
therto were agreyd to geve me an horse and xli. to an harneys.
And moreovir before Cristemasse in the kynges chambre ye
ther ageyn promysed me that ye wold such tyme as I send to
yow home to yowre plase by any servant of myne er any man
from me, that ye wold delyver it hym and send it to me by
hym. My brothir John hath send me word that he remembird
yow therof on my behalfe and that you answerid hym that ye
wold gyfe hym or me a fayre harneys at your comyng to
London. I deme in yow that ye thynke par case to bye a
fayre harneys here for x. markz; but, cosyn, as God help
me, I bowte an harneys syn that tyme for my self, which cost
me xxli. But I con not desire of yow so moch. Wherfore,
cosyn, with all myn hert I pray yow accordyng to yowre
promyse that it like yow to send me by my servaunt, berer
herof, the said somme of xli., as my trust is in yow, and as I
wolde in like case have don to yow, and as in the premysses I
delt feithfully with yow and evir so shall dele, with the grase
of God, Who have yow in Hys kepyng. Wretyn at London
the xii. day of Feveryer.—Youris,JOHN PASTON, K.
1 [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 186.] This letter was probably written after the death of
John Paston, the writer’s father, but the precise year is uncertain.1467-9
FEB. 121467-9
FEB. 12 - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, 1422-1509'
A.D. 1467-9, 12 Feb.
[Add. MS. 34,889, f. 186]
This letter is No. 1057 in the Inventory. It was probably written after
the death of John Paston, the writer’s father.To the ryght worshypfull and hys best betrustyd Frende,
Roger Townesende.RIGHT worshipfull sir, I comaunde me to yow,
praying yow hertly to remembre that by the
award made bytwen yow and me by Roger
Townesend for a tenement in Stratton in
Norfolk callid Rees, I shuld delyver yow all the
evydens apperteynyng to the said plase, and not
from thens forth to chalenge nor interupte my lady
your wife ner yow of the said tenement; And
that for thes said causes ye shuld and therto were
agreyd to geve me an horse and xli. to an harneys.
And moreovir before Cristemasse in the kynges
chambre ye ther ageyn promysed me that ye wold
such tyme as I send to yow home to yowre plase by
any servant of myne er any man from me, that ye
wold delyver it hym and send it to me by hym. My
brothir John hath send me word that he remembird
yow therof on my behalfe and that you answerid hym
that ye wold gyfe hym or me a fayre harneys at your
comyng to London. I deme in yow that ye thynke
par case to bye a fayre harneys here for x. markz;
but, cosyn, as God help me, I bowte an harneys syn
that tyme for my self, which cost me xxli. But I con
not desire of yow so moch. Wherfore, cosyn, with all
myn hert I pray yow accordyng to yowre promyse
that it like yow to send me by my servaunt, berer
herof, the said somme of xli., as my trust is in yow,
and as I wolde in like case have don to yow, and as
in the premysses I delt feithfully with yow and evir
so shall dele, with the grase of God, Who have yow
in Hys kepyng. Wretyn at London the xii. day of
Feveryer.?Youris, JOHN PASTON, K.1 Here occurs an interlineation of an incomplete clause: ‘is feffe of the
seid——(word crossed out) and also therein and——.’2 Omitted in MS.