Sir John Paston to Master Writtill
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir John Paston to Master Writtill
- Reference
- Add. 34889, f. 85
- Date
- [September] 1469
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 722; Fenn, Vol IV, Edward IV item 91
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (1st transcript)
To Mastyr Wryttyll.
MASTr Wryttyll J recomande me to yow besechyng yow
hertely as myn holl trust is in yow that ye doo yowr de-
voyr to contynes trews tyll Fryday or Satrday in the mornyng
by whych tyme J hope the massangr shall come and that ye be
not drynen to take an appoyntment if ye kan undrestand by any
lyklyyed that itt be able to be abydyn and recystyd and that ye
fele my brotherys dysposycon therin as my trust is in yow, pra-
yng yow to remembre that ir restythe as god helpe me on all
my well. For as God helpe me I hadd leuyr the place wer
brennyd my brother and feruants sauyd than the best appoynt-
ment that euyr ye and I comonyd of scholde be my goode wyll
be takyn if this massage from the Kynge may reskwe it. And
if it be so that my lorde be remevyd by the Kynges comande-
ment whyche restythe wt hys honor J may in tyme to kome do
hym fervyse as schall recompence andy grodge or dysplefur that
he euyr had or hathe to me or myn and ye if it the rather by
your wysdam and polesye the moene above wryten may be hadd
schall be as sewr of the servyce of my trewe brother and ser-
uantys and me as ye kan devyse by my trowthe for in goode
seythe thys mat'r stykyth mor nyghe myn hart and me than I
kan wryght on to yow, and to my brother and fruants mor ner
than as God knowyth they wot off. Eherfor Mastr Wryttyll
all owre welfare restyth in yow besechyng yow to remembre it.
For thys matr is to all uffe eyther makyng or marryng It'm affor
Arblastr or Louell I kan not thynke that they or any of them
may be wt yow. Wherfor in yow is all and God haue yow in
kepyng Wretyn at london the day next affor yowr deprtyng. J
schall sende yow mor knowleche to morow wt godds grace.Yowrs
John Paston, It.11 ? by 8 ?
Master Writtill, or Wrettell, the person to whom this Letter is addressed, was a Ser-
vant of the Duke of Clarence, and appears to have been sent down to endeavour at an
accommodation between the besiegers and the besieged, during the truce which was
then taken.Sir John Paston, however, seems fearful lest any appointment should be take detri-
mental to his interest, though at the same time he would submit to any thing rather than
that his Brother's and his Servant's lives should be endangered.John, Duke of Norfolk, claimed this Manor and Castle of Caister, under an agree-
ment for a purchase which had passed between him and Sir William Yelverton, and
Thomas Howys, two of Sir John Fastolf's Executors.It does not appear that they could legally convey this Estate, as, by Sir John Fastolf's
Will, it had been lest for charitable uses, and towards founding and endowing a College,
&c. &c.Autograph. Pl. IV. No 9.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (2nd transcript)
To Master Writtill.
MASTER Writtill, I recommend me to you, beseeching you
hearrtily, as mine whole trust is in you, that ye do your
devoir to continue truce till Friday or Saturday in the morning,
by which time I hope the messenger shall come, and that ye be
not driven to take and appointment if ye can understand by any
likelihood that it be able to be avoided and resisted, and that ye
feel my Brother's disposition therein, as my trust is in you,
praying you to remember that it refteth, as God help me, on
all my weal; for as God help' me, i had lever (rather) the
place were brenned (burnt), my Brother and Servants saved,
than the best appointment, that ever ye and I communed of,
should by my good will be taken, if this message from the
King may rescue it; and if it be so, that my Lord be removed by
the King's commandment, which resteth with his honour, I
may in time to come do him service, as shall recompence any
grudge or displeasure that he ever had, or hath to me or mine;
and ye if it the rather by your wisdom and policy the mean
above written may be had, shall be as sure of the service of my
true brother and servants, and me, as ye can devise by my troth;
for in good faith this matter sticketh more nigh mine heart
and me than I can write unto you, and to my brother and servants
more near than, as God Knoweth, the wot of; wherefore, mas-
ter Writtill, all our welfare resteth in you, beseeching you to
remember it, for this matter is to all us either making or marring.Item, as for Arblaster or Lovell, I cannot think that they or
any of the may be with you, wherefore in you is all; and God
have you in keeping.Written at London, the next day after your departing; I shall
send you more knowledge to-morrow, with God's grace.Yours
JOHN PASTON, Knight.London, September,
1469. 9. E. IV.Master Writtill, or Wrettell, the person to whom this Letter is addressed, was a Ser-
vant of the Duke of Clarence, and appears to have been sent down to endeavour at an
accommodation between the besiegers and the besieged, during the truce which was
then taken.Sir John Paston, however, seems fearful lest any appointment should be take detri-
mental to his interest, though at the same time he would submit to any thing rather than
that his Brother's and his Servant's lives should be endangered.John, Duke of Norfolk, claimed this Manor and Castle of Caister, under an agree-
ment for a purchase which had passed between him and Sir William Yelverton, and
Thomas Howys, two of Sir John Fastolf's Executors.It does not appear that they could legally convey this Estate, as, by Sir John Fastolf's
Will, it had been lest for charitable uses, and towards founding and endowing a College,
&c. &c.Autograph. Pl. IV. No 9.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
To Mastyr Wryttyll.
MASTER WRYTTYLL, I recomande me to yow,
besechyng yow hertely, as myn holl trust is in yow,
that ye doo yowr devoyr to contynew trews tyll
Fryday or Saturday in the mornyng, by whych tyme I hope
the massanger shall come, and that ye be not dryven to take
an appoyntment if ye kan undrestand by any lyklyed that itt
be able to be abydyn and recystyd, and that ye fele my
brotherys dysposycion therin, as my trust is in yow, prayng
yow to remembre that it restythe, as God helpe me, on all my
well. For as God helpe me, I hadd levyr the place wer
brennyd, my brother and servants savyd, than the best
appoyntment that evyr ye and I comonyd of scholde be my
goode wyll be takyn, if this massage from the Kynge may
reskwe it. And if it be so, that my Lorde be remevyd by
the Kynges comandement, whyche restythe with hys honour, I
may in tyme to kome do hym servyse, as schall recompence
any grodge or dysplesur that he evyr had, or hathe to me or
myn; and ye, if it the rather by your wysdam and polesye the
moene above wryten may be hadd, schall be as sewr of the
servyce of my trewe brother and servantys, and me, as ye kan
devyse by my trowthe; for in goode feythe thys mater stykyth
mor nyghe myn hart and me than I kan wryght on to yow, and
to my brother and servaunts mor ner than as God knowyth
they wot off. Wherfor, Master Wryttyll, all owre welfare
restyth in yow, besechyng yow to remembre it. For thys
mater is to all usse eyther makyng or marryng.Item, asfor Arblaster or Lovell, I kan not thynke that
they or any of them may be with yow. Wherfor in yow is
all, and God have yow in kepyng.Wretyn at London, the day next affor yowr departyng.
I schall sende yow mor knowleche to morrow, with Godds
grace. Yowrs, JOHN PASTON, K.2 [From Fenn, iv. 370.] Master Writtill, to whom this and the next letter are
addressed, is mentioned later as a servant of the Duke of Clarence, by whose means
Sir John was endeavouring to arrange a suspension of hostilities with the Duke of
Norfolk, who was now besieging Caister.[SEPT.]