Sir John Paston to Margaret Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir John Paston to Margaret Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34889, ff. 89v-90r
- Date
- 15 September 1469
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 725; Fenn, Vol IV, Edward IV item 94
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (1st transcript)
MOODR uppon Sat'day last was Dawbeney and bernay wer
on lyve and and mery And I suppose ther Com no man owt
of the place to yow syn that tyme that cowde haue afferteynyd
to yow of ther dethys. And as towchyg the Fyrsenesse of the
Duke or of hys peple schewyd syn that tyme that Wryttel de-
prtyd J trowe it was concludyd that trews and abstynence of
werre scholde be hadd er he deprtyd whych shalle dewr tyl
Monday next Comyng and by that tyme i trow yt trews shall be
takyn tyll that day vij nyght aftr by whych tyme I hope of a
goode dyreccon schall be hadde And wher as ye wryght to me yt
I scholde sewe for lett'is from my lordys of Claranc and Yorke
they be not her and if they wrot to hym as yey haue don ij
tymes I trow it wolde nat advayle and as for to labor thois let-
t'is and the rescu to gedre they ben ij sendry thyngys For when
the rescu is redy that the Cost ther of is don For if J be dreuyn
therto to rescu it er they Com ther that scholde do it it shall cost
a ml escuys And as meche aftr whyh wey wer harde for me to
take whyll yt I maye do it otherwise but as to sey yt they schall
be rescuyd if all the lands yt I haue in Jngelond and frendys
maye do it they shall and god be frendly and that as schertly as
it may goodlely and wele be brout abut and the grettest defawt
erthly is mony and som frendys and neyborys to helps Wherfor I
beseche yow to sende me c?fort what what money ye coude fynde
the menys to get or cheuysche uppon suerte sufficient er uppon
lyflod to be Jnmorgē er yit solde and what peple by lyklyed
yowr frendys and myn kowde make uppon a schort warnyng and
to send me worde in all the hast as it is needfull but moodre J
fele by yowr wryghtyng that ye deme in me I scholde not do my
deuyr wtowt ye wrot to me som hevye tydyngs And modre if I
had nede to be qwykynd wt a lettr in thys nede J wer of my
selfe to slawe a felaw but moodre J ensur yow yt J haue herde x
tymes werse tydyngs syn the assege by gan than any lettr that ye
wrot to me and somtyme J haue herde ryght goode tydyngs
both but thys J ensure yow that they that be wtin haue no werse
reste than I haue ner castyth mor Jupperte but whethyr I had
goode rydyngs er ill J take Gode to wittnesse yt I have don my
devoyr as I wolde be don for in case lyke and schall doo tyll ther
be an ende of it. J haue sent to the Kynge to Yorke and to ye
lordys and hope to haue ansswer from them by Wednysday at ye
ferthest and aftr that answer shall J be rewlyd and than send yow
word for tyll that tyme kan J take non dyreccon And to en-
comfort yow dypeyre yow not for lak of vytayle ner of gonne
powder ner be natt to heuy ner to mery therfor For and hevy-
nesse or sorow wolde haue be the remedy ther of I knew neuyr
mater in my lyfe yt I kowde haue ben so heuy or sory for and
wt goddys grace it schall be remedyed well jnow For by my
trowthe I hadde leuer lose the manr of Castr than ye symplest
mannys lyfe therin if that maybe hys saueacon Wherfor I be-
seche yow to sende me worde wat money And men ye thynke yt
I am lyke to get in that cotr For the hasty purchace of money and
men schall be the getyng and rescu of it and the sauevacon of most
mennys lysys if we take yt weye Also thys daye I porpose to
sende to Yorke to ye Kyng for a thyng Whych same only maye
be lyklyod be the savcon of all ye must remembre that the res-
cue of it is the last remedy of all and how it is nat easy to get.
and also ye sende me worde yt I scholde nat kome hom wtowt
yt I kome stronke but if I had hadd on other stronge place in
Norfolke to haue comen to thowe J had browt ryght fewe wt me
I scholde wt godds grace haue rescued it by thys tyme er ellys he
scholde haue ben fayne to haue besegyd bothe placys or yit And
the Duke had not kept Yarmoth owthe. but Mother J beseche
yow sende me som mony for by my trowth I haue but xs I wot
not wher to haue mor and Moreouy' J haue be x tymes in lyke
case or werse wt in thys x wekys. J sent to Rychard Call for mo-
ny but he sendyth me non J beseche yow to gyde the euydence
yt Pekok can tell yow of and to se it saffe for it is tolde me yt
Richard Call hath hadd right large langage of them J wolde nat
they com in hys fyngrys. J haue no worde from yow of them.
ner whether ye haue yit in yowr kepyng the euydence of Est
Bekh'm owt of hys handys. Ner whethyr ye haue sent to my
manerys that they schold not paye hym No mor mony or not.
Also yt it like yow to geve credence to Robyn in other thyngs
Wret the Fryday next aftr Holy roode day.John Paston, K.
11 ? by 16 ?.
Paper Mark,
A Demy Bull.
Pl. x. No 5.
Sir John Paston here seems hurt at his Mother's suspecting him of not exerting him-
self to the utmost in endeavoring either to accommodate matters, or to assist his brother
and friends within the place. He shews himself likewise both a man of spirit in coming
with a few to their relief, if he had a place in Norfolk for their reception, and of feeling
for the distress of those shut up in his Castle at Caister.Autograph. Pl. IV. No 9.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (2nd transcript)
To Margaret Pasron.
MOTHER, upon Saturday (that) last was, Dawbeney and
Berney were alive and merry,and I suppose there came
no man out of the place to you since that time, that could have
ascertained to you of their deaths; and as touching the fierceness
of the Duke or of his people, shewed since that time that Writ-
till departed, I trow it was concluded that truce and abstinence
of war should be had ere he departed, which shall endure till
Monday next coming; and by that time I trow that truce shall
be taken till that day sev'night after, by which time, I hope of,
a good direction shall be had; and whereas ye write to me that
I should sue for letters from my Lords of Clarence and York,
they be not here, and if they wrote to him as they have done
two times, I trow it would not avail; and as for to labour those
letters and the rescue together, they be two sundry things, for
when the rescue is ready, that the cost thereof is done, for if I
be driven thereto to rescue it ere they come there, that should
do it, it shall cost a thousand Escutys, and as much after, which
way were hard for me to take while that I may do it otherwise;
but as to say, that they shall be rescued if all the lands that I
have in England, and Friends may do it, they shall, and (if)
God be friendly, and that as shortly as it may goodly and well
be brought about; and the greatest default earthly is money, and
some friends and neighbours to help, wherefore I beseech you
to send me comfort with what money ye could find the means
to get or chevise (borrow upon interest), upon surety sufficient,
or upon livelihood to be in mortgage or yet sold, and what
people by likelihood your friends and mine could make upon a
short warning, and to send me word in all the haste as it is need-
ful; but, Mother, I feel by your writing that ye deem in me,
I should not do my devoir (endeavour) without ye wrote to me
some heavy tidings, and, Mother, if I had need to be quickened
with a Letter in this need, I were of myself too slow a fellow;
but, Mother, I ensure (assure) you that I have heard ten times
worse tidings since the siege began, than any Letter that ye wrote
to me, and sometimes I have heard right good tidings both; but
this I assure you that they that be within have no worse rest than I
have, nor casteth more jeopardy; but whether I had good tidings
or ill, I take God to witness, that I have done my devoir, as I
would be done for in case like, and shall do till there be an end
of it.I have sent to the King to York, and to the Lords, and hope
to have answer from them by Wednesday at the furthest, and
after that answer shall I be ruled, and then send you word, for
till that time can I take none direction; and to encomfort you,
despair you not for lack of victuals nor of gunpowder, nor be not
too heavy nor too merry therefore; for and (if) heaviness or
sorrow would have been the remedy thereof, I knew never mat-
ter in my life that I could have been so heavy or sorry for, and
with God's grace it shall be remedied well enough, for by my
troth I have lever (rather) lose the Manor of Caister than the
simplest man's life therein, if that may be his salvation; where-
fore I beseech you to send me word what money and men ye
think that I am like to get in that country; for the hasty pur-
chase of money and men shall be the getting and rescue of it,
and the salvation of most men's lives, if we take that way.Also, this day I purpose to send to York to the King for a
thing, which same only may by likelihood be the salvation of
all; ye must remember that the rescue of it is the last remedy of
all, and how it is not easy to get; and also ye send me word
that I should not come home without that I come strong, but if
I had had one other strong place in Norfolk, to have come to,
thought I had brought right few with me, I should with God's
grace have rescued it by this time, or else he should have been
fain to have besieged both places are yet, and (if) the Duke had
not kept Yarmouth out: but, Mother, I beseech you send me some
money, for by my troth I have but ten shilling, and wot not
where to have more; and moreover I have been ten times in like
case, or worse, within this ten weeks.I sent to Richard Calle for money, but he sendeth me none;
I beseech you to guide the evidence that Peacock can tell you of,
and to see it safe, for it is told me that, Richard Calle hath had
right large laguage of them; I would not they come in his
fingers: I have no word from you of them, nor whether ye
have yet in your keeping the evidence of East Beckham out of
his hands, nor whether ye have sent to my Manors that they
should not pay him no more money or not; also that it like
you to give credence to Robin in other things.Written the Friday next after Holy Rood day.
London, Friday,
15th of September,
1469 9 E. IV.
Sir John Paston here seems hurt at his Mother's suspecting him of not exerting him-
self to the utmost in endeavoring either to accommodate matters, or to assist his brother
and friends within the place. He shews himself likewise both a man of spirit in coming
with a few to their relief, if he had a place in Norfolk for their reception, and of feeling
for the distress of those shut up in his Castle at Caister.Autograph. Pl. IV. No 9.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
MOODR, uppon Saterday last was, Dawbeney and
Bernay wer on lyve and mery, and I suppose ther
com no man owt of the place to yow syn that
tyme that cowde have asserteynyd to yow of ther dethys.
And as towchyng the fyrsenesse of the Duke or of hys
peple schewyd syn that tyme that Wryttel departyd, I trowe
it was concludyd that trews and abstynence of werre scholde
be hadd er he departyd, whych shalle dewr tyl Monday
next comyng; and by that tyme I trow that trews shall be
takyn tyll that day vij. nyght aftr, by whych tyme I hope of
a goode dyreccion schall be hadde.And wher as ye wryght to me that I scholde sewe for
letteris from my Lordys of Clarans and Yorke, they be not
her, and if they wrot to hym as they have don ij. tymes, I
trow it wolde nat advayle; and as for to labor thois letteris
and the rescu to gedre, they ben ij. sendry thyngys, for when
the rescu is redy, that the cost ther of is don. For if I be
drevyn therto to rescu it er they com ther that scholde do it,
it shall cost a m1. escuys, and as meche after, whyh wey wer
harde for me to take, whyll that I maye do it otherwise;
but as to sey that they schall be rescuyd if all the lands that
I have in Ingelond and frendys maye do it, they shall, and
God be frendly, and that as schertly as it may goodlely and
wele be brout abut. And the grettest defawt erthly is mony
and som frendys and neyborys to helpe; wherfor I beseche
yow to sende me comfort with what money ye coude fynde
the menys to get or chevysche uppon suerte sufficient, er uppon
lyflod to be inmorgage er yit solde, and what peple by
lyklyed yowr frendys and myn kowde make uppon a schort
warnyng, and to send me worde in all the hast as it is need-
full. But, moodre, I fele by yowr wryghtyng that ye deme
in me I scholde not do my devyr withowt ye wrot to me
som hevye tydyngs; and, modre, if I had nede to be qwyk-
ynyd with a letter in thys nede, I wer of my selfe to slawe
[too slow] a felaw; but, moodre, I ensur yow that I have herde
x. tymes werse tydyngs syn the assege by gan than any letter
that ye wrot to me, and somtyme I have herde ryght goode
tydyngs both. But thys I ensure yow that they that be
within have no werse reste than I have, ner castyth mor
jupperte; but whethyr I had goode tydyngys er ill, I take
Gode to wittnesse that I have don my devoyr as I wolde be
don for in case lyke, and schall doo tyll ther be an ende
of it.I have sent to the Kynge to Yorke, and to the Lordys,
and hope to have ansswer from them by Wednysday at the
ferthest, and after that answer shall I be rewlyd, and than send
yow word, for tyll that tyme kan I take non dyreccion. And
to encomfort yow, dy[s]peyre yow not for lak of vytayle ner
of gonne powder, ner be natt to hevy ner to mery therfor;
for and hevynesse or sorow wolde have be the remedy ther of,
I knew nevyr mater in my lyfe that I kowde have ben so hevy
or sory for, and with Goddys grace it schall be remedyed well
inow; for by my trowthe I hadde lever lose the maner of
Caister than the symplest mannys lyfe therin, if that may be
hys saveacion. Wherfor I beseche yow to sende me worde
wat mony and men ye thynke that I am lyke to get in that
contre; for the hasty purchace of mony and men schall be the
getyng and rescu of it, and the sauevacion of most mennys
lyfys, if we take that weye.Also thys daye I porpose to sende to Yorke to the Kyng
for a thyng, whych same only maye by lyklyod be the savacion
of all. Ye must remembre that the rescue of it is the last
remedy of all, and how it is nat easy to get; and also ye sende
me worde that I scholde nat kome hom withowt that I kome
stronke. But if I had hadd on other stronge place in Norfolke
to have comen to, thowe I have browt ryght fewe with me, I
scholde, with Godds grace, have rescued it by thys tyme, er
ellys he scholde have ben fayne to have besegyd bothe placys
or yit, and the Duke had not kept Yarmoth owthe. But,
mother, I beseche yow sende me som mony, for by my trowth
I have but xs. I1 wot not wher to have mor, and moreovyr I
have ben x. tymes in lyke case or werse within thys x. wekys.
I sent to Rychard Call for. mony, but he sendyth me non.I beseche yow to gyde the evydence that Pekok can tell
yow of, and to se it saffe; for it is tolde me that Richard Call
hath hadd right large langage of them. I wolde nat they com
in hys fyngrys. I have no worde from yow of them, ner
whether ye have yit in yowr kepyng the evydence of Est
Bekham owt of hys handys, ner whethyr ye have sent to my
manerys that they schold not paye hym no mor mony or not.
Also that it like yow to geve credence to Robyn in other
thyngs.Wret the Fryday next after Holy Roode Day.
1 [From Fenn, iv. 386.] This letter was clearly written in reply to the last.
1 I. The right-hand copy in modern spelling reads ‘and.’
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