Sir John Paston to Margaret Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir John Paston to Margaret Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27445, f. 62
- Date
- 22 November 1472
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 815; Fenn, Vol V, Edward IV item 6
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume V' (1st transcript)
To Mestresse Margret Paston,
or to John Paston esqer or
to Roose dwyllyng affor ther
gate to delyur to them.PLEASE it yow to weete yt I have opteyned lett’ys from the
Kynge to my lorde of Norfolke to my lady of Norff and to
ther Concell whyche lettr to ther Concell is not suprscrybyd
For cawse we wyst nott serteyn whyche of the Councell
sholde be present when the Massenger cowme I therfor
thynke yt thoso namys mast be somwhatt by yowr advyce
and for get nat Gernaye nor yitt Brome if ye thynke so
best Nor Sowthewelle J trust to my Cosyn Gornaye and
on to Brom and barnard in cheffe and as to bernarde
brother I praye yow to take hys advyce For I hope he is
my welwyller as ye know and iffe he do me prffyght ease in
thys matr I thynke verrely in tyme to come to gyff him xx
scutys and yit a goode turne whan so eur it lythe in my
power. The Kynge hathe specially doon for me in thys
case and hathe putte me and so have ye lordys in ryght
greete comfort yt iff thys fayle yt I shalle have ondelayed
Justyce and he hathe sente a man of worship and in greet
Favor wt hym on thys Massage whyche hathe nott ofte ben
seyne whyche gentylman kan well do hys mastrys Massage
and brynge trywe reporte I have gevyn hym v li For hys
costs gode sende hym and yow goodc spede in thees werks
I feer thatt he shall nott speke wt my lady for yt she hathe
takyn hyr Chambr if she be my verry goode ladye as she
hathe seyde hertofor yt she wolde be J hope yt she wolle
speke wt hym. Neur the lesse J praye yow by the means of
Mestresse Jahne Rothen that will have my ladye mevyd for
me and wher yt herr to for J wolde have deprtyd wt C m’rke
to have hadde hyr goode helpe and to be restoryd to my
place. Whyche nott acceptyd I tolde mysede lady yt I
feeryd yt my power sholde natt be ther aft’r to gyf so large
a plesyr For at yt tyme I was in hope yt the bysshop of
Wynchest’r sholde have payd it thoghe it hadde drawen a
c li yet for as moche as men may nott lur none hawks wt
empty handys J wolde yitt agre to gyfe my lady xx li For an
horse and a sadell so yt I be restoryd to my place and that
doone to have a relesse of my lorde and my gouns and boks
to be restoryd if it maye bee neurthelesse thys mony is nott
yit redy wt me I remytte thys to yowr dyscressyons It’m if
if it be so yt itt be thowte behovefull I thynke yt thoghe
nowther Slyfelde nor ye brother John maye come in to my
ladyes chamb’r yt my mood’r if she weer at Norwyche she
myght speke wt hyr for yt she is a woman and of worshyppe
J thynke yt my mood’r sholde meve my lady moche
J thynke yt ther most be som body for me havyng auctoryte
to conclude for me orellys knowynge myn entente they
myght make delaye and seye they wolle at ye Kyngs
enstance comon wt me neur the lesse I was nott ther present
wherfor Rather than fayle yf neede be I wolle wt owte any
abode if I heer from yow Come home and Slyfelde is agreyd
to tary the a vij nyghte for mysake so yt the matr take effecte
I praye yow make hym goode cheer and if it be so that he
tarye I most rememb’r hys costs. therfor if I shall be sent
for and he tery at Norwyche ther whylys it wer best to sette
hys horse at ye maydes hedde and I shalle content for ther
expenc’s. Jt’m ye maye largely sey on my behalve for
suche servyse yt I sholde do to my lorde and lady hereaft’r
whyche by my trowthe I thynke to doo neurthelesse to sey
yt I woll be hys sworyn man I was neur yitt lordys sworyn
man yit have J doone goode seruyce and nott left any at hys
most neede ner for fear but as gode helpe me I thynke my
lady shall have my servyce above any lady erthely whiche
she scholde weell have knowyn had I been in suche case as
I hadde nott been alweye ye werse welkome for that on of
my herands alweye was undrestande yt it was for Castr
whyche was nott acceptable and I evyr the wersse welkome.
It’m brother I ame concludyd wt my lorde for yow yt ye
shalle be at Caleys if ye list and have iij men in wags undr
yow. wherof my lorde seythe yt Will’m lovedaye most be
on tyll tyme yt he have prveyd other Rome for hym, if ye
be dysposyd to goo as I tolde hym yt ye weer yitt wer it
nott best yt ye lete it be knowe tyll thys matr be doone and
then ye maye acordyng to yowr promyse let my ladye have
knowliche ther of neur ye lesse my lorde shall be her wt in
xx dayes or ther abowt if ye come thys weye ye maye speke
wt hym Neurthelesse ye shall nott lose no tyme if ye weer
at Caleys at thys owr For my lorde p’mysed me yt he wolde
wryght to Elkenhed ye Tresorer at Caleys for yow by the
next Massengr thatt went It’m ther hathe Peraunts wyfe
wryte to me yt bernaye servyth hyr onkyndely he owythe
hyr xxxij’ and she is in noon hope yt euyr he will come ther
ageyn sende me worde if he wyll he shall nott lyf so well
and trywly to geedr I trowe but if he goo thyder J hadde
Comen home butt yt J ame nott yitt verely prveyd For
payment for my oncle Willm y’ xxvj daye of thys monythe
and he dothe me harme he delythe so oncurteysly wt
Towneshende for he wole nott yitt paye hym the C m’rke
payable att Halowmesse whyche he hadde a monythe affore
Wherfor I feer yt Towneshende wille nott do for me ageyn
I shall doo as I kan Wretyn on Sondaye nest Seynt
11 ½ by 11.
This long Letter chiefly respects the methods Sir J. Paston had used, and
intended to use, to induce the Duke of Norfolk to relinquish Caister to him:
the steps he takes seem to promise success, as presents are not forgotten to
those from whom he hopes for service. From this letter it appears that when
a woman of rank had taken her chamber, which was often done some time
previous to her lying-in, no men were admitted, nor many women, unless
women of worship.Sir John Paston here shows his high spirit, by declining to be the Duke?s
?sworn man,? and declares he never yet bound himself to serve any nobleman;
and what he farther says of himself, shows him to be a man of honour and
courage.Autograph, Pl. IV. No. 9.
On the back of this letter, in an ancient hand, are the following memoranda:
“Anne Haute.” “A Letter of Sr Jo. Paston showing the Kings favor towards
hym for the restoring of Caistr.” - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume V' (2nd transcript)
To Mistress Margaret Paston, or to John Paston, Esq. or to
Roos dwelling afore their Gate to deliver to them.PLEASE it you to weet that I have obtained letters from the
King to my Lord of Norfolk, to my Lady of Norfolk, and to
their counsel, which letter to their counsel is not super-
scribed, for cause [because] we wist not certain which of the
counsel should be present when the messenger come; I
therefore think that those names must be some what by your
advice; and forget not Gurney, nor yet Broome, if ye think
so best, nor Southwell: I trust to my Cousin Gurney, and
unto Broome, and Barnard in chief; and as to Barnard, bro-
ther, I pray you to take his advice, for I hope he is my well
wilier, as ye know; and if he do me perfect ease in this
matter, I think verily in time to come to give him 20 scutes
(3l. 6s. 8d.), and yet [also] a good turn, whensoever it lyeth
in my power.The King hath specially done for me in this case, and
hath put me, and so have the Lords, in right great comfort,
that if this fail, that I shall have undelayed justice; and he
hath sent a man of worship, and in great favour with him,
on this message, which hath not oft been seen: which gentle-
man can well do his master’s message, and bring true report.
I have given him 5l. for his costs; God send him and you
good speed in these works: I fear that he shall not speak to
my Lady, for that she hath taken her chamber. If she be
my very good Lady, as she hath said heretofore that she
would be, I hope that she will speak with him: nevertheless
I pray you, by the means of Mistress Jane Rothen, that [ye]
will have my Lady moved for me, and where that heretofore
I would have departed with an 100 marks (66l. 13s. 4d.) to
have had her good help, and to be restored to my place,
which not accepted, I told my said Lady that I feared that
my power should not be hereafter to give so large a
pleasure; for at that time I was in hope that the Bishop of
Winchester should have paid it, though it had drawn an 100l.
yet for as much as men may not lure none hawks with
empty hands, I would yet agree to give my Lady 20l. for a
horse and a saddle, so that I be restored to my place; and
that done, to have a release of my Lord, and my gowns and
books to be restored, if it may be; nevertheless this money
is not yet ready with me: I remit this to your discretion.Item, if it be so, that it be thought behoveful, I think
that though neither Slyfield, nor ye, brother John, may come
into my Lady’s chamber, that my mother, if she were at
Norwich, she might speak with her; for that she is a
woman, and of worship. I think that my mother should
move my Lady much; I think that there must be somebody
for me, having authority to conclude for me, or else know-
ing mine intent, they might make delay, and say, they will
at the King’s instance commune with me; nevertheless I
was not there present: wherefore rather than fail, if need
be, I will without any abode, if I hear from you, come
home; and Slyfield is agreed to tarry [with] thee a sev’night
for my sake, so that the matter take effect: I pray you
make him good cheer, and if it be so that he tarry, I must
remember his costs; wherefore if I shall be sent for, and
he tarry at Norwich the while, it were best to set his
horse at the Maid’s Head, and I shall content for their
expenses.Item, ye may largely say on my behalf for such service as
I should do to my Lord and Lady hereafter, which by my
troth I think to do; nevertheless to say that I will be his
sworn man, I was never yet Lord’s sworn man, yet have I
done good service, and not left any at his most need for fear;
but as God help me, I think my Lady shall have my service
above any Lady earthly, which she should well have known,
had I been in such case as I had not been always the worse
welcome, for that one of my errands always was understood
that it was for Caister, which was not acceptable, and I ever
the worse welcome.Item, brother, I am concluded with my Lord for you,
that ye shall be at Calais if ye list, and have three men in
wages under you, whereof my Lord saith that William
Loveday must be one, till [the] time that he have purveyed
other room for him, if ye be disposed to go, as I told him
that you were: yet were it not best that ye let it be known
till this matter be done, and then you may according to your
promise let my Lady have knowledge thereof; nevertheless
my Lord shall be here within twenty days, or thereabout; if
ye come this way ye may speak with him: nevertheless ye
shall not lose no time, if ye were at Calais at this hour, for
my Lord promised me that he would write to Elkenhead
the Treasurer at Calais for you, by the next messenger that
went.Item, there hath Peraunt’s wife written to me, that
Berney serveth her unkindly; he oweth her 32s. and she
is in none hope that ever he will come there again; send
me word if he will: he shall not live so well and truly
together I trow, but if [unless] he go thither.I had come home, but that I am not yet verily purveyed
for payment for my uncle William, the 26th day of this
month, and he doth me harm, he dealeth so uncourteously
with Townshend; for he will not yet pay him the hundred
marks payable at Hallowmass, which he had a month afore;
wherefore I fear that Townshend will not do for me again.
I shall do as I can. Written on Sunday next Saint
Clement.JOHN PASTON, Knt.
Sunday, 22d November,
1472. 12 E. IV.This long Letter chiefly respects the methods Sir J. Paston had used, and
intended to use, to induce the Duke of Norfolk to relinquish Caister to him:
the steps he takes seem to promise success, as presents are not forgotten to
those from whom he hopes for service. From this letter it appears that when
a woman of rank had taken her chamber, which was often done some time
previous to her lying-in, no men were admitted, nor many women, unless
women of worship.Sir John Paston here shows his high spirit, by declining to be the Duke?s
?sworn man,? and declares he never yet bound himself to serve any nobleman;
and what he farther says of himself, shows him to be a man of honour and
courage.Autograph, Pl. IV. No. 9.
On the back of this letter, in an ancient hand, are the following memoranda:
“Anne Haute.” “A Letter of Sr Jo. Paston showing the Kings favor towards
hym for the restoring of Caistr.” - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
To Mestresse Margret Paston, or to John Paston, Esquier,
or to Roose dwyllyng affor ther gate, to delyver to them.PLEASE it yow to weete that I have opteyned letterys
from the Kynge to my Lorde off Norffolke, to my
Lady of Norffolk, and to ther concell, whyche letter
to ther concell is nott superscrybyd, for cawse we wyst nott
serteyn whyche of the councell sholde be present when the
massenger cowme. I therffor thynke that thoos namys most
be somwhatt by yowr advyce; and for get nott Gornaye, nor yitt
Brome, iff ye thynke so best, nor Sowthewelle. I trust to my
cosyn Gornaye, and on to Brome and Barnard in cheffe; and
as to Bernarde, brother, I praye yow to take hys advyce, for I
hope he is my welwyller, as ye know, and iffe he do me per-
ffyght ease in thys mater, I thynke verrely in tyme to come to
gyff him xx. scutys, and yit a goode turne whan so ever it
lythe in my power.The Kynge hathe specially doon for me in thys case, and
hathe pitte me, and so have the Lordys, in ryght greete com-
fort, that iff thys fayle, that I shalle have ondelayed justyce;
and he hathe sente a man of worship and in greet favor with
hym on thys massage, whyche hathe nott ofte ben seyne,
whyche gentylman kan well do hys mastrys massage and
brynge trywe reporte. I have gevyn hym vli. for hys costes:
God sende hym and yow goode spede in thees werkes. I feer
thatt he shall nott speke with my Lady, for that she hathe
takyn hyr chambre. Iff she be my verry goode Ladye, as she
hathe seyde hertoffor that she wolde be, I hope that she wolle
speke with hym. Neverthelesse I praye yow by the meanes of
Mestresse Jahne Rothen that [you]1 will have my Ladye mevyd
for me, and wher that herr to fore I wolde have departyd with
C. marke to have hadde hyr goode helpe and to be restoryd
to my place; whyche nott acceptyd, I tolde my seyde Lady
that I feeryd that my power sholde natt be ther aftre to gyff
so large a plesyr, for at that tyme I was in hope that the
Bysshop of Wynchester sholde have payd it, thoghe it hadde
drawen a Cli. Yet for as moche as men may nott lure none
hawkes with empty handys, I wolde yitt agre to gyffe my
Lady xxli. for an horse and a sadell, so that I be restoryd to
my place, and that doone, to have a relesse of my Lorde, and
my gounes and bokes to be restoryd, iff it maye bee. Never-
thelesse thys mony is nott yit redy with me. I remytte thys
to yowr dyscressyons.Item, iff it be soo that itt be thowte behovefull, I thynke
that thoghe nowther Slyfelde, nor ye, brother John, maye
come in to my Ladyes chambre, that my moodre, iff she weer
at Norwyche, she myght speke with hyr, for that she is a
woman and off worshyppe. I thynke that my moodre sholde
meve my Lady moche. I thynke that ther most be some body
for me, havyng auctoryte to conclude for me, or ellys know-
yng myn entente, they myght make delaye, and seye they
wolle at the Kynges enstance comon with me; never the lesse
I was nott ther present. Wherffor, rather than fayle, yff
neede be, I wolle with owte any abode, iff I heer from yow,
come home; and Slyfelde is agreyd to tary the a vij. nyghte
for my sake, so that the mater take effecte. I praye yow make
hym goode cheer, and iff it be so that he tarye, I most
remembre hys costes; therffor iff I shall be sent for, and he
tery at Norwyche ther whylys, it wer best to sette hys horse
at the Maydes Hedde, and I shalle content for ther expences.Item, ye maye largely sey on my behalve for suche servyse
that I sholde do to my Lorde and Lady hereaffter, whyche by
my trowthe I thynke to doo; neverthelesse to sey that I woll
be hys sworyn man, I was never yitt Lordys sworyn man, yit
have I doone goode servyce, and nott leffte any at hys most
neede ner for feer. But as Gode helpe me, I thynke my Lady
shalle have my servyce above any lady erthely, wheche she
scholde weell have knowyn, had I been in suche case as I
hadde nott been alweye the werse welkome; for that on of
my herandes alweye was undrestande that it was for Caster,
whyche was nott acceptable, and I evyr the werse welkome.Item, brother, I ame concludyd with my Lorde for yow,
that ye shalle be at Caleys if ye list, and have iij. men in wages
undre yow, wheroff my Lorde seythe that William Lovedaye
most be on, tyll tyme that he have purveyed other rome for
hym. Iff ye be dysposyd to goo, as I tolde hym that ye weer,
yett wer it nott best that ye lete it be knowe tyll thys mater
be doone, and then ye maye acordyng to yowr promyse lete
my Ladye have knowleche ther off. Never the lesse my
Lorde shalle be here with in xx. dayes or ther abowt; iff ye
come thys weye ye maye speke with hym; neverthelesse ye
shall nott lose no tyme, iff ye weer at Caleys at thys owr, for
my Lorde promysed me that he wolde wryght to Elkenhed the
tresorer at Caleys for yow by the next massenger thatt went.Item, ther hathe Perauntes wyffe wryte to me that Bernaye
servyth hyr onkyndely. He owythe hyr xxxijs. and she is in
noon hope that evyr he will come ther ageyn; sende me
worde iff he wyll. He shall nott lyf so weell and trywly to
geedre, I trowe, but iffe he goo thyddre.I hadde comen home, butt that I ame nott yitt verrely
purveyd for payment for my oncle William the xxvj. daye of
thys monythe, and he dothe me harme. He delythe so on-
curteysly with Towneshende, for he wille nott yitt paye hym
the C. marke, payable at Halowmesse, whyche he hadde a
monythe affore; wherffor I feer that Towneshende wille nott
do for me ageyn. I shall doo as I kan.Wretyn on Sondaye next Seynt Clement.
2 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] In this letter, as in the last, allusion is made to the
visit paid by John Paston to the Duchess of Norfolk in November 1472.1 Omitted in MS
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