Sir John Paston to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir John Paston to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 43491, f. 25
- Date
- 25 August 1478
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol VI, item 936; Fenn, Vol II, Edward IV item 85
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (1st transcript)
To John Paston esquyer be thys Lettre delyu’yd or to my Mestresse
hys wyffe at Norwych to delyu’ to hym.BROTHER John I recomaund me to yow and I thanke
God my Sustr yowr wyffe and yow off my ffayr Nevywe
Crystofore whyche I undrestande ye have wher off I ame ryght
gladde and I praye God sende yow manye if it be hys plesyr,
neu’theless ye be nott kynde yt ye sende me no wetyng ther off
I hadde knowlege by ffootemen or eu’ ye kowde ffynde any
Messengr on horsbak to brynge me worde theroff.Sr. it is soo yt the Duke off 1 Bokyngh’m shall come on Pil-
grymage to 2 Walsyngh’m and so to Bokenh’m Castell to my
Lady hys 3 Sustr, and then it is supposyd yt he shalle to my
Lady off 4 Norff’, and myn Oncle Will’m comythe wt hym and
he tellyth me yt ther is like to be troble in the man’ off Oxenhed
wherffor I praye yow take hedde lesse yt the Duke off Suff’
coūcell pley therwt now at the 5 vacacōn off the Beneffyse as
they ded wt the Beneffice off Drayton, whyche by the helpe off
Mr. John Salett and Doñe hys man ther was a Qweste made
by the seyde Donne yt ffownde yt the Duke off Suff’ was verrye
Patrone whyche was ffalse yitt they ded it ffor an evydence,
but nowe iff any suche pratte scholde be laboryd it is I hope
in bettr case ffor suche a thynge most needs be ffownde byffor
Mast’ John Smyth whyche is owr olde ffreende wherffor I praye
yow labor hym yt iff neede bee he maye doo use a ffreends torne
therin.It’m bothe ye and I most neds take thys mater as owr owne
and it weer ffor noon other cawse butt ffor owr goode Grawnt
Dames sake neu’thelesse ye woote well thatt ther is an other
entresse longyng to usse afftr her dyscease, iffe ther be any suche
thynge begune ther by suche a Fryer or Prest as it is seyde
I mervayle yt ye sente me no worde ther off, butt ye have
nowe wyffe and chyld and so moche to kar ffor thatt ye ffor-
gete me.As for tydyngs her I her telle yt my Cosyn Sr. Robt Chamb’-
leyn hathe entryd the man’ of Scolton uppon yowr 6 Bedffelawe,
Conyerse wheroff ye sende me no worde.It’m yonge Will’m 7 Brandon is in warde and arestyd ffor
thatt he scholde have by fforce ravysshyd and swyvyd an olde
Jentylwoman and yitt was nott therwt easyd butt swyvyd hyr
oldest Dowtr and than wolde have swyvyd the other Sustr bothe
wherffor men sey ffowle off hym and that he wolde ete the
Henne and alle hyr Chekyñys and som seye yt the Kynge
entendyth to sitte uppon hym and men seye he is lyke to be
hangyd ffor he hathe weddyd a wedowe.It’m as ffor the Pagent yt men sey yt the Erle off 8 Ox-
enforde hathe pleyid atte Hammys I suppose ye have herde
theroff itt is so longe agoo I was nott in thys contre when
the tydyngs come therfor I sent yow no worde theroff.Butt ffor cōclusion as I her seye he lyepe ye wallys and
wente to ye Dyke and in to ye Dyke to ye chynne to whatt
entent I can nott telle some sey to stele awey and some thynke
he wolde have drownyd hymselffe, and so it is demyd.No mor but I ame nott sertayne whether I shall come home
in hast’ or nott.Wretyn at London the daye nexte Seynt 9 Bartelmewe Ao.
E. iiijti. xviijo.John Paston, K.
11 ¾ by 10 ¾.
London, Sunday or Tuesday,
23d or 25th of August,
1478, 18 E. IV.We see by this Account the methods practised by the great men of the time to get
possession of Estates and Benefices; and we are informed of the King’s Intention of sitting
as a Judge to try a Criminal: the Anecdotes likewise of the Earl of Oxford are cu-
rious.1 Henry Stafford; he was beheaded in 1483, 1 Richard III.
2 Pilgrimages to our Lady of Walsingham, in Norfolk, were at this time undertaken
by all ranks of people from the King to the Beggar.3 Joan, Sister to Henry, Duke of Buckingham, was the second wife of Sir William
Knevet, knight, of Bokenham Castle, in Norfolk.4 Elizabeth, Widow of John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk.
5 Agnes Paston, Grandmother to Sir John, (Pl. IV. No 9.) presented Thomas
Everard to the Rectory of Oxnead in 1475, and in 1479 she again presented William
Barthulmew, so that the Duke of Suffolk either did not attempt to disturb her right; or at
least did not succeed,’ if he endeavoured to do it.6 A word at this time, implying a Friend, or intimate Acquaintance.
7 We are not told who this William Brandon was, therefore it must remain uncertain
whether he was related to Sir William Brandon or not.8 John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, had been for several years a Prisoner in the Castle of
Hammes, in Picardy.He became a great Favourite of Henry VII. and died in the reign of Henry VIII.
9 24th of August.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (2nd transcript)
To John Paston, Esquire, be this Letter delivered, or to my Mistress
his Wife at Norwich, to deliver to him.BROTHER John, I recommend me to you, and I thank
God, my Sister your Wife, and you, of my fair Nephew
Christopher, which I understand ye have, whereof I am right
glad, and I pray God send you many, if it be his pleasure;
nevertheless ye be not kind, that ye send me no weeting thereof;
I had knowledge by Footmen, or ever ye could find any messen-
ger on horseback to bring me word thereof.Sir, it is so, that the Duke of 1 Buckingham shall come on
Pilgrimage to 2 Walsingham, and so to Bokenham Castle to
my Lady his 3 Sister; and then it is supposed, that he shall to
my Lady of 4 Norfolk, and mine Uncle William cometh with
him; and he telleth me, that there is like to be trouble in the
Manor of Oxnead; wherefore I pray you take heed, lest that
the Duke of Suffolk’s Council play therewith now at the 5 Va-
cation of the Benefice, as they did with the Benefice of Drayton,
which by the help of Master John Salett and Donne his man,
there was a Quest (Inquest) made by the said Donne, that
found that the Duke of Suffolk was very Patron, which was false,
yet they did it for an evidence; but now if any such Prat
(Practice) should be laboured, it is I hope in better case, for
such a thing must needs be found before Master John Smyth,
who is our old Friend; wherefore I pray you labour him,
that, if need be, he may do us a friend’s turn therein.Item, both ye and I must needs take this matter as our own,
and it were for none other cause, but for our good Grandam’s
sake; nevertheless ye wote well, that there is another Entress
(Interest) longing to us after her decease; if there be any such
thing begun there by such a Fryer or Priest, as it is said, I
marvel that ye sent me no word thereof; but ye have now Wife
and Child, and so much to care for, that ye forget me.As sor tidings here, I hear tell that my Cousin Sir Robert
Chamberlain hath entered the Manor of Scolton upon your
6 Bedfellow Conyers, wherof ye send me no word.Item, Young 7 William Brandon is in ward and arrested for
that he should have by force ravished and swived an old Gentle-
woman, and yet was not therewith eased, but swived her eldest
Daughter, and then would have swived the other Sister both;
wherefore men say foul of him, and that he would eat the
Hen and all her Chickens; and some say that the King intend-
eth to sit upon him, and men say, he is like to be hanged, for
he hath wedded a Widow.Item, as for the Pagent (Pageant) that men say that the Earl
of 8 Oxford hath played at Hammes, I suppose ye have heard
thereof; it is so long ago, I was not in this Country when the
tidings came, therefore I sent you no word thereof, but for
conclusion, as I hear say, he leaped the Walls, and went to
the Dyke, and into the Dyke to the chin; to what intent I
cannot tell; some say, to steal away, and some think he would
have drowned himself, and so it is deemed.No more, but I am not certain whether I shall come home
in haste or not.Written at London, the day next Saint 9 Bartholomew, in
the 18th year of Edward IV.JOHN PASTON, Knight.
11 ? by 10 ?.
London, Sunday or Tuesday,
23d or 25th of August,
1478, 18 E. IV.We see by this Account the methods practised by the great men of the time to get
possession of Estates and Benefices; and we are informed of the King’s Intention of sitting
as a Judge to try a Criminal: the Anecdotes likewise of the Earl of Oxford are cu-
rious.1 Henry Stafford; he was beheaded in 1483, 1 Richard III.
2 Pilgrimages to our Lady of Walsingham, in Norfolk, were at this time undertaken
by all ranks of people from the King to the Beggar.3 Joan, Sister to Henry, Duke of Buckingham, was the second wife of Sir William
Knevet, knight, of Bokenham Castle, in Norfolk.4 Elizabeth, Widow of John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk.
5 Agnes Paston, Grandmother to Sir John, (Pl. IV. No 9.) presented Thomas
Everard to the Rectory of Oxnead in 1475, and in 1479 she again presented William
Barthulmew, so that the Duke of Suffolk either did not attempt to disturb her right; or at
least did not succeed,’ if he endeavoured to do it.6 A word at this time, implying a Friend, or intimate Acquaintance.
7 We are not told who this William Brandon was, therefore it must remain uncertain
whether he was related to Sir William Brandon or not.8 John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, had been for several years a Prisoner in the Castle of
Hammes, in Picardy.He became a great Favourite of Henry VII. and died in the reign of Henry VIII.
9 24th of August.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume VI'
To John Paston, Esquyer, be thys lettre delyveryd, or to my
mestresse, hys wyffe, at Norwych, to delyver to hym.BROTHER John, I recomaund me to yow, and I thanke
God, my sustr yowr wyffe, and yow, off my ffayr
nevywe Crystofore, whyche I undrestande ye have,
wher off I ame ryght gladde, and I praye God sende yow
manye, if it be Hys plesyr; nevertheless ye be nott kynde,
that ye sende me no wetyng ther off; I hadde knowlege by
ffootemen, or ever ye kowde ffynde any messenger on horsbak
to brynge me worde theroff.Sir, it is soo, that the Duke off Bokyngham shall come on
pilgrymage to Walsyngham, and so to Bokenham Castell to
my lady hys sustr;2 and then it is supposyd that he shalle to
my Lady off Norffolk.3 And myn oncle William comythe
with hym; and he tellyth me, that ther is like to be troble in
the maner off Oxenhed; wherffor I praye yow take hedde lesse
that the Duke off Suffolk councell pley therwith now at the
vacacion4 off the beneffyse, as they ded with the beneffice off
Drayton, whyche by the helpe off Mr. John Salett and Donne
hys man, ther was a qweste made by the seyde Donne, that
ffownde that the Duke off Suffolk was verrye patrone, whyche
was ffalse, yitt they ded it ffor an evydence; but nowe iff any
suche pratte scholde be laboryd, it is I hope in bettr case, ffor
suche a thynge most needs be ffownde byffor Master John
Smyth, whyche is owr olde ffreende; wherffor I praye yow
labor hym, that, iff neede bee, he maye doo use a ffreends torne
therin.Item, bothe ye and I most neds take thys mater as owr
owne, and it weer ffor noon other cawse butt ffor owr goode
grawnt dames sake; neverthelesse ye woote well, thatt ther is
an other entresse longyng to usse afftr her dyscease; iffe ther
be any suche thynge begune ther by suche a fryer or prest, as
it is seyde, I mervayle that ye sente me no worde ther off;
butt ye have nowe wyffe and chyld, and so moche to kar ffor,
thatt ye fforgete me.As for tydyngs her, I her telle that my cosyn Sir Robert
Chamberleyn hathe entyrd the maner of Scolton uppon yowr
bedffelawe1 Conyerse, wheroff ye sende me no worde.Item, yonge William Brandon is in warde and arestyd ffor
thatt he scholde have by fforce ravysshyd and swyvyd an olde
jentylwoman, and yitt was nott therwith easyd, butt swyvyd
hyr oldest dowtr, and than wolde have swyvyd the other sustr
bothe; wherffor men sey ffowle off hym, and that he wolde
ete the henne and alle hyr chekynnys; and som seye that the
Kynge entendyth to sitte uppon hym, and men seye he is lyke
to be hangyd, ffor he hathe weddyd a wedowe.Item, as ffor the pagent that men sey that the Erle off
Oxenforde2 hathe pleyid atte Hammys, I suppose ye have
herde theroff; itt is so longe agoo, I was nott in thys contre
when the tydyngs come, therfor I sent yow no worde theroff.But ffor conclusion, as I her seye, he lyepe the wallys, and
wente to the dyke, and in to the dyke to the chynne; to
whatt entent I can nott telle; some sey, to stele awey, and
some thynke he wolde have drownyd hymselffe, and so it is
demyd.No mor, but I ame nott sertayne whether I shall come
home in haste or nott.Wretyn at London, the daye nexte Seynt Bartelmewe,1
anno E. iiijti xviijo. JOHN PASTON, K.1 [From Fenn, ii. 270.]
2 Joan, sister to Henry, Duke of Buckingham, was the second wife of Sir William
Knevet, Knight, of Bokenham Castle, in Norfolk.—F.3 Elizabeth, widow of John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk.—F.
4 Agnes Paston, grandmother to Sir John, presented Thomas Everard to the
Rectory of Oxnead in 1475, and in 1479, she again presented William Barthulmew,
so that the Duke of Suffolk either did not attempt to disturb her right; or at least did
not succeed, if he endeavoured to do it.—F. It will be seen by No. 935 that before
presenting William Barthulmew she presented Dr. Richard Lyncoln.1 A word at this time, implying a friend, or intimate acquaintance, who really
slept in the same bed. See Steevens’ Shakspeare, Henry V. Act ii. Sc. 2.—F.2 John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, had been for several years a prisoner in the Castle
of Hammes, in Picardy. He became a favourite of Henry VII. and died in the reign
of Henry VIII.—F.1 St. Bartholomew’s Day is the 24th August. ‘The day next St. Bartholomew’
should be the 25th, unless the writer meant to say ‘next before.’1478
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