Sir John Paston to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir John Paston to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 43491, f. 20
- Date
- 27 January 1476
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 884; Fenn, Vol II, Edward IV item 68
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (1st transcript)
To John Paston Esq’er at Norwyche be thys delyu’yd.
I Recomaunde me to yow letyng yow weete yt I was infformyd
by Ric Radle yt on Scarlett yt was Undrescheryff to 1 Hast-
yngs wolde sywe to me on yowr behalff ffor that ye weer
dyspleasyd wt a retune off 2 Nichill uppon yow in ye seyde
Hastyngs tyme wherffor Ric Radle thoghte yt the seyde Scarlett
wolde be gladde to gyff yow a Noble or a Riall ffor a Sadell to
amends so yt ye wolde sease and stoppe the bylle whyche ye
entende to putt into ye corte ageyn hys Mast’ Hastyngs.Wherffor the seyde Scarlett com to me and prayed me to helpe
in the same and so I have don my devoir to ffeele off hym the
most yt he can ffynde in hys stomake to dep’t wt to please
yow and in conclusyon I trowe he shall gyff yow a doblett
clothe off Sylke p’ce xxs or yrabout whyche uppon suche
answeer as I heer ffrom yowe I deme yt Bysshop the Ator-
nye shall iff I conclude wt hym on yowr behalve paye in mony
or otherwyse to whom yt ye woll assynge heer.I shall by the means of Raddele weet at whoys sywte it
was takyn owte. I deme it som thynge doon by craffte by
the means off them that have entresse in your lond to yentent
to noyse itt therys or to make yow past shame off the sel-
lyng theroff. It’m I have receyvyd a lett’ ffrom yowe wretyn
on tywesdaye last.It’m wher yt som towards my Lady off Norff’ noyse yt I dyd
onkyndely to sende so hastely to Cast’ as I dyd, yr is no dyscrete
p’son yt so thynkyth, ffor if my Lorde hade ben as kynde to me
as he myght have ben and acordyng to suche hert and servyce as
my Grauntffadr my ffadr yowr selff and I have owght and doon
to my Lords off Norff’ yt ded ben, and yitt iff I hadde weddyd
hys Dowghtr, yitt most I have doon as I dydde.And moor ovyr iff I had hadde any demyng off my Lordys
Dethe iiij howrs or he dyed I most neds but iff I wolde be
knowyn a ffoole have entryd it the howr byffor hys dycesse,
but in effecte theygh that in yt mater have alweyr ment on-
kyndely to me they ffeyne yt Rumor ageyn me, but ther is
noon that ment truly to hym yt dede is yt wolde be sory yt
I hadde itt and in especiall suche as love hys sowle.It’m wher it is demyd yt my Lady wolde herafftr be the
rather myn hevy Lady ffor yt delyng I thynke yt she is to
resonable so to be, ffor I did it nott onwyst to hyr Cowncell,
yr was no man thoght yt I sholde doo otherwysse an as to seye
yt I myght have hadde my Ladyes advyce or lyve, I myght have
teryed yitt or I cowde have speken wt hyr, or yitt have hadde
any body to have mevyd hyr yron my behalve as ye wote
I dydde what I cowde. Moreovyr I taryed by the advyce
off Sr. Robt. Wyngffelde iij dayes yr, ffor yt he putte me in
comffirt yt ye 3 Lord Howard and hys brother Sr. John sholde
have comen to Norwyche att whoys comyng he dowtyd nott but
yt I sholde have a goode dyrecton takyn ffor me in that mat’
they leyhe to me onkyndenesse ffor ovyrkyndenesse.It’m as ffor my Mat’ heer itt was thys daye beffoor alle the
Lordes off the Cowncelle and amonge them all it was nott
thowght yt in my sendyng off Whetley thyddr in media’tly afftr
the dycesse off ye Duke yt I dalt onkyndly or onfyttyngly but yt
I was moor onresonably dalte wth wherffor lat’ men deme what
they wylle grettest clerkys are nott alweye wysest men, but I
hope hastely to have on weye in it or other.It’m I wende to have ffownde a Gowne off myn heer, but it
come home the same daye yt I come owte browght by Herry
Betker lodr I wolde in alle hast possible have that same Gowne
off 4 puke ffurryd wt whyght lambe. It’m I wolde have my
longe russett Gowne off ye ffrenshe russett in alle hast ffor I
have no Gowne to goo in her.It’m I praye yow recomande me to my Moodr and lat us
alle prey God sende my Lady off Norff’ a Soone, for uppon yt
restythe moche mat’ ffor if the Kyngys 5 Soone mary my
Lords Dowghtr the Kynge wolde yt hys Soone sholde have a
ffayr place in Norff’ thowhe he sholde gyffe me ij tymes ye
valywe in other londe as I am doon to weete. I praye yow sende
me worde off my Ladyes spede as soone as ye kan.It’m as ffor Bowen I shall ffele hym and sholde have doon
thowghe ye hadde nott sente.It’m ther is offryd me a goode marriage for my Sust’ Anne
Skypw’thys sone and heyr off Lynkolneshyre a man v or vjc
mrke by year. No mor.Wretyn at London ye xxvij daye off Janyver Ao. E. iiijti.
xvo.It’m my Lady off 6 Excest’ is ded and it was seyde yt bothe ye
olde Dywchesse off 7 Norff’ and ye Cowntesse off 3 Oxenfforde
weer ded but it is nott soo yitt. It’m I shall remembr Caleyse bothe
for horse and alle, &c.11 ¾ by 10 ¼
Saturday, 27th of January,
1475, 45 E.IV.I have given the whole of this Letter as conveying to us some information relative
to the ordinary transactions of the times.The Anecdote of the Duke of York’s marrying Anne, the Daughter of the deceased
Duke of Norfolk, depending on the Duchess (who appears to have been lest with child
at the Duke’s decease) not having a Son, is I believe both new and curious, and shows
us that Alliances as well in those days as at present, were estimated according to the
Possessions and pecuniary advantages they brought with them.1 John Hastyngs was Sheriff of Norfolk the preceding year.
2 Nihils or Nichils, are issues which the Sheriff that is apposed in the Exchequer says,
are nothing worth and illeviable, through the insufficiency of the Parties from whom
due.3 Afterwards Duke of Norfolk.
4 As it is probable that Sir John Paston (Pl. IV. No 9.) would put on mourning for
the Duke of Norfolk, if it was the custom of the times, I should wish to know whether
Gowns of Puke and Russet colours were then used on those occasions.5 Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York, second Son of King Edward IV. in January
1477, married Anne, sole Daughter and Heir of John Mowbray, late Duke of Norfolk.
She died in her early years without issue, and he is supposed to have been murdered by
his Uncle the Duke of Gloucester, in 1483.The Duchess of Norfolk therefore either miscarried, or the Child died soon after its
birth, as Anne was at her marriage sole Daughter and Heir of the Mowbray Honours and
Possessions.6 Anne, Daughter of Richard, Duke of York, Sister of Edward IV. and widow of
Henry Holland, the last Duke of Exeter, her first husband; she died 14th of January,
1475, and lies buried with Sir Thomas Saint Leger, Knight, her second Husband, in a
private Chapel at Windsor.7 Ellenor, only Daughter of William Bourchier, Earl of Ewe, in Normandy, and
widow of John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk.8 Margaret, Daughter of Richard Nevile, Earl of Salisbury, and wise of John de
Vere, Earl of Oxford, now a Prisoner in the Castle of Hammes, in Picardy: or it may
refer to Elizabeth, widow of the late Earl of Oxford, and daughter and heir of Sir John
Howard, Knight. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (2nd transcript)
To John Paston, Esquire, at Norwich, be this delivered.
I Recommend me to you, letting yow weet, that I was in-
formed by Richard Radle, that one Scarlett, that was Under-
sheriff to 1 Hastyngs, would sue to me on your behalf, for that
ye were displeased with a Return of 2 Nichil upon you in the
said Hastyngs’ time; wherefore Richard Radle thought that
the said Scarlett would be glad to give a Noble (6s. 8d.) or a
Rial (10s. 0d.) for a Saddle to amends, so that ye would cease
and stop the bill, which ye intend to put into the Court
against his Master Hastyngs.Wherefore the said Skarlett came to me, and prayed me to
help in the same, and so I have done my devoir (endeavour)
to feel of him the most he can find in his stomach to depart
with to please you; and in conclusion I trow, he shall give you
a Doublet Cloth of silk, price 20s. or thereabout; which upon
such answer as I hear from you, I deem that Bishop the
Attorney shall, if I conclude with him on your behalf, pay
in money or otherwise, to whom that ye will assign here.I shall by the means of Radle weet at whose suit it was
taken out; I deem it something done by crast, by the means of
them that have entresse (interest) in your land, to the intent to
noise it theirs, or to make you past shame of the selling thereof.Item, I have received a letter from you written on Tuesday last.
Item, where that (whereas) some towards my Lady of Norfolk
noise that I did unkindly to send so hastily to Caister as I did;
there is no discreet person that so thinketh; for if my Lord had
been as kind to me as he might have been, and according to
such heart (good will) and service as my Grandfather, my Father,
yourself, and I, have ought and done to my Lords of Norfolk
that dead been, and yet (even) if I had wedded his Daughter,
yet must I have done as I did; and moreover, if I had had any
deeming of my Lord’s death four hours ere he died, I must
needs, but if (unless) I would be known a Fool, have entered it
the hour before his decease; but in effect, they that in that
matter have always meant unkindly to me, they feign that
Rumour against me; but there is none that meant truly to him
that dead is, that would be sorry that I had it, and in especial
such as love his Soul.Item, where (as) it is deemed that my Lady would hereafter
be the rather mine heavy (unkind) Lady for that dealing, I
think that she is too reasonable so to be, for I did it not unwist
(unknown) to her Council; there was no man thought that I
should do otherwise, and as to say, that I might have had my
Lady’s advice and leave, I might have tarried yet, ere I could
have spoken with her, or yet have had any body to have
moved her on my behalf, as ye wot I did what I could;
moreover I tarried by the advice of Sir Robert Wingfield three
days there, for that he put me in comfort that the Lord
3 Howard, and his brother Sir John, should have come to
Norwich, at whose coming he doubted not but that I should
have a good direction taken for me in that matter, they lay
to me unkindness for overkindness.Item, as for my matter here, it was this day before all the
Lords of the Council, and among them all, it was not thought,
that in my sending of Wheatley thither, immediately after the
decease of the Duke, that I dealt unkindly or unsittingly, but
that I was more unreasonably dealt with; wherefore, let men
deem what they will, greatest Clerks are not always wisest men;
but I hope hastily to have one way in it or other.Item, I wend (thought) to have found a Gown of mine here,
but it come home the same day that I come out, brought by
Harry Berker Loadr. I would in all haste possible have that
same Gown of 4 puke furred with white Lamb.Item, I would have my long Russet Gown of the French
Russet in all haste, for I have no Gown to go in here.Item, I pray you recommend me to my Mother, and let us all
pray God (to) send my Lady of Norfolk a Son, for upon that
resteth much matter; for if the King’s 5 Son marry my Lord’s.Daughter, the King would that his Son should have a fair place
in Norfolk, though he should give me two times the value in
other land, as I am done to weet, (informed.)I pray you send me word of my Lady’s speed as soon as
ye can.Item, as for Bowen I shall feel him, and should have done,
though ye had not sent.Item, there is offered me a good marriage for my Sister Anne,
Skipwith’s son and heir of Lincolnshire, a man (of) 5 or 600
marks (between 3 and 400l.) by the year.No more, written at London the 27th day of January, in the
15th year of Edward IV.Item, my Lady of 6 Exeter is dead, and it was said, that both
the old Duchess of 7 Norfolk, and the Countess of 8 Oxford
were dead, but it is not so yet.Item, I shall remember Calais both for horse and all, &c.
11 ? by 10 ?
Saturday, 27th of January,
1475, 45 E.IV.I have given the whole of this Letter as conveying to us some information relative
to the ordinary transactions of the times.The Anecdote of the Duke of York’s marrying Anne, the Daughter of the deceased
Duke of Norfolk, depending on the Duchess (who appears to have been lest with child
at the Duke’s decease) not having a Son, is I believe both new and curious, and shows
us that Alliances as well in those days as at present, were estimated according to the
Possessions and pecuniary advantages they brought with them.1 John Hastyngs was Sheriff of Norfolk the preceding year.
2 Nihils or Nichils, are issues which the Sheriff that is apposed in the Exchequer says,
are nothing worth and illeviable, through the insufficiency of the Parties from whom
due.3 Afterwards Duke of Norfolk.
4 As it is probable that Sir John Paston (Pl. IV. No 9.) would put on mourning for
the Duke of Norfolk, if it was the custom of the times, I should wish to know whether
Gowns of Puke and Russet colours were then used on those occasions.5 Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York, second Son of King Edward
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
To John Paston, Esquier, at Norwyche, be thys delyveryd.
I RECOMAUNDE me to yow, letyng yow weete that I
was infformyd by Ric. Radle, that on Scarlett, that was
undrescheryff to Hastyngs,2 wolde sywe to me on yowr
behalff, ffor that ye weer dyspleasyd with a returne off Nichill3
uppon yow in the seyde Hastyngs tyme; wherffor Ric. Radle
thoghte that the seyde Scarlett wolde be gladde to gyff yow a
noble or a riall ffor a sadell to amends, so that ye wolde sease
and stoppe the bylle, whyche ye entende to putt into the corte
ageyn hys Master Hastyngs.Wherffor the seyde Scarlett com to me, and prayed me to
helpe in the same, and so I have don my devoir to ffeele off
hym the most that he can ffynde in hys stomake to depart
with to please yow; and in conclusyon I trowe, he shall
gyff yow a doblett clothe off sylke, price xxs. or therabout;
whyche uppon suche answeer as I heer ffrom yowe, I deme that
Bysshop the atornye shall, iff I conclude with hym on yowr
behalve, paye in mony or otherwyse, to whom that ye woll
assynge heer.I shall by the means of Raddele weet at whoys sywte it
was takyn owte; I deme it som thynge doon by craffte, by the
means off them that have entresse in your lond, to th’entent
to noyse itt therys, or to make yow past shame off the sellyng
theroff.Item, I have receyvyd a letter ffrom yowe wretyn on
Tywesdaye last.Item, wher that som towards my Lady of Norffolk noyse
that I dyd onkyndely to sende so hastely to Caster as I dyd;
there is no dyscrete person that so thynkyth, ffor iff my lorde
hade ben as kynde to me as he myght have ben, and acordyng
to suche hert and servyce as my grauntffadr, my ffadr, yowr
selff, and I, have owght and doon to my Lords of Norffolk
that ded ben, and yitt iff I hadde weddyd hys dowghtr, yitt
most I have doon as I dydde.And moor ovyr, iff I had hadde any demyng off my
lordys dethe iiij. howrs or he dyed, I most neds, but iff I
wolde be knowyn a ffoole, have entryd it the howr byffor hys
dycesse; but in effecte, theygh that in that mater have alweys
ment onkyndely to me, they ffeyne that rumor ageyn me; but
ther is noon that ment truly to hym that dede is, that wolde
be sory that I hadde itt, and in especiall suche as love hys
sowle.Item, wher it is demyd that my lady wolde herafftr be the
rather myn hevy lady ffor that delyng, 1 thynke that she is to
resonable so to be, ffor I did it nott onwyst to hyr cowncell;
there was no man thoght that I sholde doo otherwysse; an as
to seye, that I myght have hadde my ladyes advyce or lyve
[leave], I myght have teryed yitt, or I cowde have speken with
hyr, or yitt have hadde any body to have mevyd hyr there on
my behalve, as ye wote I dydde what I cowde. Moreovyr I
taryed by the advyce off Sir Robert Wyngffelde iij. dayes
there, ffor that he putte me in comffirt that the Lord Howard,1
and hys brother Sir John, sholde have comen to Norwyche, att
whoys comyng he dowtyd nott but that I sholde have a goode
dyrection takyn ffor me in that mater, they leyhe to me
onkyndenesse ffor ovyrkyndenesse.Item, as ffor my mater heer, itt was thys daye beffoor alle
the lordes off the cowncelle, and amonge them all, it was
nott thowght, that in my sendyng off Whetley thyddr, in
mediately afftr the dycesse off the Duke, that I dalt onkyndly
or onfyttyngly, but that I was moor onresonably dalte with;
wherffor, late men deme what they wylle, grettest clerkys are
nott alweye wysest men; but I hope hastely to have on weye
in it or other.Item, I wende [expected] to have ffownde a gowne off myn
heer, but it come home the same daye that I come owte,
browght by Herry Berker, loder [carrier]. I wolde in alle
hast possible have that same gowne off puke ffurryd with
whyght lambe.Item, I wolde have my longe russett gowne off the Frenshe
russett in alle hast, ffor I have no gowne to goo in here.Item, I praye yow recomande me to my moodr, and lat us
alle prey God sende my Lady off Norffolk a soone, for uppon
that restythe moche mater; ffor if the Kyngys soone1 mary
my lords dowghtr, the Kynge wolde that hys soone sholde
have a ffayr place in Norffolk, thowhe he sholde gyffe me ij.
tymes the valywe in other londe, as I am doon to weete. I
praye yow sende me worde off my ladyes spede as soone as
ye kan.Item, as ffor Bowen I shall ffele hym, and sholde have
doon, thowghe ye hadde nott sente.Item, ther is offryd me a goode marriage for my suster
Anne Skypwithys sone and heyr off Lynkolneshyre, a man v.
or vj. mrke by year. No mor.Wretyn at London, the xxvij. daye off Janyver, anno E.
iiijti xvo.Item, my Lady off Excester2 is ded, and it was seyde
that bothe the olde Dywchesse off Norffolk,1 and the Cown-
tesse off Oxenfforde2 weer ded, but it is nott soo yitt.Item, I shall remembr Caleyse bothe for horse and alle, &c.
1 [From Fenn, ii. 190.]
1 Afterwards Duke of Norfolk.—F.
1 Richard, Duke of York, second son of King Edward IV., in or before January
1478, married Anne, sole daughter and heir of John Mowbray, late Duke of Norfolk.
—Rolls of Parliament, vi. 168. She was at that time only in her sixth year, and she
died early.2 John Hastyngs was Sheriff of Norfolk the preceding year.—F.
2 Anne, daughter of Richard, Duke of York, sister of Edward IV., and widow of
Henry Holland, the last Duke of Exeter, her first husband; she died 14th of January
1475, and lies buried with Sir Thomas Saint Leger, Knight, her second husband, in
a private chapel at Windsor.—F.3 Nihils, or Nichils, are issues which the sheriff that is apposed in the Exchequer
says are nothing worth and illeviable, through the insufficiency of the parties from
whom due.—F.JAN. 27
JAN. 271476
JAN. 271476
JAN. 27