Sir John Paston to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir John Paston to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 43491, f. 19
- Date
- 8 November 1472
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 813; Fenn, Vol II, Edward IV item 50
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (1st transcript)
A John Paston Esquyer soyt done.
BROTHER I comend me to yow, letyng yow weet, &c.
(The first part of this Letter treats of some money trans-
actions of no consequence, &c.)As for the delyu’ance off the Rynge to Mestresse Jane Ro-
thon’ I dowt nott but it shall be doon in the best wyse so yt
ye shall geet me a thank moor than the Rynge and I ar worthe
or deserve.And wheer ye goo to my Laydy off Norffolk and wyll be
theer att the takyng off hyr Chambre I praye God spede yow
and our Ladye hyr to hyr plesur wt as easye labor to over-
kom’ that she is abowt as evyr had any Lady or Gentyll-
woman, saff owr Lady heer selsse and soo I hope she shall to
hyr greet joye and all owres and I prey God it maye be lyke
hyr in worship wytt gentylnesse and every thynge excepte the
verry verry thynge.No moor to yow at thyme but I woll sleepe an howr ye
lenger tomorrow by cawse I wrote so longe and late to nyght.Wretyn
Wretyn betwyen ye viij and ye xj daye off Novembre Ao.
xijo E. iiijti.J. P. K
12 by 8 ?.
Paper Mark,
The Letter
P. and Quaterfoil.
Pl. XI. No 13.Between the 8th and 9th of November,
1472, 12 E. IV.I should have thought that this child was Anne, if it had not been for the Memorandum
of “Ao. xo,” (10 E. IV.) on the back of a Letter from John Paston to Sir John
Paston, Knight, and numbered in this Collection XXXIV. to which I refer the Reader.The Child here expected therefore, whether Boy or Girl, died soon after its birth;
and whether Sir John’s good wishes, as to the Sex of the Child, were successful or not,
must remain undetermined. Autograph. Pl. IV. No 10. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (2nd transcript)
To John Paston, Esquire, be this given.
BROTHER I commend me to you, letting you weet, &c.
(The first part of this Letter treats of some money trans-
actions of no consequence, &c.)As for the deliverance of the Ring to Mistress Jane Rothon,
I doubt not but it shall be done in the best wise, so that ye
shall get me a thank more than the Ring and I are worth or
deserve.And whereas ye go to my Lady of Norfolk, and will be
there at the taking of her chamber, I pray God speed you,
and Our Lady her, to her pleasure with as easy labour to over-
come that she is about, as ever had any Lady or Gentlewoman,
save Our Lady herself; and so I hope she shall to her great joy,
and all ours; and I pray God it may be like her in wor-
ship, wit, gentleness, and every thing, except the very very
thing.No more to you at this time, but I will sleep an hour the
longer to-morrow, because I wrote so long and late to night.Written between the 8th and the 9th day of November, in
the 12th year of Edward IV.JOHN PASTON, Knight.
12 by 8 ?.
Paper Mark,
The Letter
P. and Quaterfoil.
Pl. XI. No 13.Between the 8th and 9th of November,
1472, 12 E. IV.I should have thought that this child was Anne, if it had not been for the Memorandum
of “Ao. xo,” (10 E. IV.) on the back of a Letter from John Paston to Sir John
Paston, Knight, and numbered in this Collection XXXIV. to which I refer the Reader.The Child here expected therefore, whether Boy or Girl, died soon after its birth;
and whether Sir John’s good wishes, as to the Sex of the Child, were successful or not,
must remain undetermined. Autograph. Pl. IV. No 10. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
A John Paston, Esquyer, soyt done.
BROTHER, I comend me to yow, letyng yow weet, &c.2
As for the delyverance off the rynge to Mestresse
Jane Rothone, I dowt nott but it shall be doon in the
best wyse, so that ye shall geet me a thank moor than the
rynge and I ar worthe or deserve.And wheer ye goo to my Laydy off Norffolk, and wyll be
theer att the takyng off hyr chambre, I praye God spede yow,
and our Ladye hyr, to hyr plesur, with as easye labor to over-
kome that she is abowt, as evyr had any lady or gentyllwoman,
saff our Lady heer selffe, and soo I hope she shall to hyr greet
joye, and all owres; and I prey God it maye be lyke hyr in
worship, wytt, gentylnesse, and every thynge excepte the verry
verry thynge.3No moor to yow at [this] thyme, but I woll sleepe an howr
the lenger to-morrow by cawse I wrote so longe and late to
nyght.Wretyn betwen the viij. and the jx. daye off Novembre
anno xijo E. iiijti. J. P., K.1 [From Fenn, ii. 118.]
2 The first part of this letter treats of some money transactions of no consequence,
etc.—F.3 Fenn, in his modernised text, makes this ‘except the sex.’
NOV. 8