Sir John Paston to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir John Paston to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 43490, f. 7
- Date
- 18 May 1473
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 833; Fenn, Vol II, Edward IV item 55
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (1st transcript)
To John Paston Esquyer in Norwich.
RYGHT wershypfull brother I recomand me to yow, &c.
(Then follow some orders concerning Servants, Debts, Se-
curities, &c.)As for tydyngs the Erle of 1 Wylshyr and the Lord 2 Sudele
be ded and it was seyd yt Sr. W. Stanle was deed but now
it is seyd naye, &c.It’m as ffor your goyng to Seyn James I 3 beleve it but
atwyen ij, &c.I herd seye that a man was thys daye examyned and he
confessed yt he knewe greet tresor was sende to ye Erle offOxenfford wheroff a mle li sholde be conveyd by a 4 Monke
off Westm’ and som’ seye by a Monke off Chartrehows.It’m that the same man schulde acuse C Gentylmen in Norff’
and Suff ‘ yt have agreyd to assyst the seyd Erle at hys comynge
thyder whyche as itt is seyd sholde be wtin viij dayes afftr
5 Seynt Donston iff wynde and weddyr serffe hym fflyeng tales.
No mor at thys tyme but God have yow in kepyng. Wretyn
at London on Seynt Donstones daye xviij daye of Maye Ao.
E. iiijti. xiijo.6 John Paston, K.
11 ? by 8 ?.
Paper Mark,
Bull’s Head and Star.
Pl. x. No 1.London,
St. Dunstan’s day,
Tuesday, 18th of May, 1473,
13 E. IV.This shews us the unsettled state of the nation, and the apprehensions of the King
concerning the coming of the Earl of Oxford.—The man’s confession seems to be
founded on good authority, as the Earl arrived in England soon after.1 John Stafford, was created Earl of Wiltshire in 1470. He was brother to Henry,
Duke of Buckingham.2 . . . . . Butler, Lord Sudley.
3 This seems to signify, I do not believe it.
4 We see here that the Clergy favoured the Earl of Oxford, though King Edward
always endeavoured to keep them on his side.5 In the next Letter he is said to have landed in Essex on the 28th of May.
6 Autograph. Pl. IV. No 9.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (2nd transcript)
To John Paston, Esquire, in Norwich.
RIGHT worshipful Brother, I recommend me to you, &c.
(Then follow some orders concerning Servants, Debts, Se-
curities, &c.)As for tidings, the Earl of 1 Wiltshire and the Lord 2 Sudley
be dead, and it was said, that Sir W. Stanley was dead, but
now it is said, nay, &c.Item, as for your going to Saint James’s I 3 believe it but
atween two, &c.I heard say, that a man was this day examined, and he
confessed, that he knew great treasure was sent to the Earl ofOxford, whereof a 1000l. should be conveyed by a 4 Monk of
Westminster, and some say, by a Monk of Charterhouse.Item, that the same man should accuse an hundred Gentlemen
in Norfolk and Suffolk, that have agreed to assist the said Earl
at his coming thither, which, as it is said, should be within
eight days after 5 St. Dunstan, if wind and weather serve him;
flying tales.No more at this time, but God have you in keeping,
Written at London on Saint Dunstan’s day, the 18th day of
May, in the 13th year of Edward IV.6 JOHN PASTON, Knight.
11 ? by 8 ?.
Paper Mark,
Bull’s Head and Star.
Pl. x. No 1.London,
St. Dunstan’s day,
Tuesday, 18th of May, 1473,
13 E. IV.This shews us the unsettled state of the nation, and the apprehensions of the King
concerning the coming of the Earl of Oxford.—The man’s confession seems to be
founded on good authority, as the Earl arrived in England soon after.1 John Stafford, was created Earl of Wiltshire in 1470. He was brother to Henry,
Duke of Buckingham.2 . . . . . Butler, Lord Sudley.
3 This seems to signify, I do not believe it.
4 We see here that the Clergy favoured the Earl of Oxford, though King Edward
always endeavoured to keep them on his side.5 In the next Letter he is said to have landed in Essex on the 28th of May.
6 Autograph. Pl. IV. No 9.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
To John Paston, Esquyer, in Norwich.
RYGHT wershypfull brother, I recomand me to yow,
&c.2 . . . . . . . . . .As for tydyngs, the Erle of Wylshyr3 and the
Lord Sudele4 be ded, and it was seyd that Sir W. Stanle was
deed, but nowe it is seyd naye, &c.Item, as ffor your goyng to Seyn James,5 I beleve it but
atwyen ij., &c.I herd seye that a man was thys daye examyned, and he
confessed that he knewe greet tresor was sende to the Erle off
Oxenfford, wheroff a mle li. [£1000] sholde be conveyd by a
Monke off Westminster, and some seye by a Monke off
Chartrehows.Item, that the same man schulde acuse C. gentylmen in
Norffolk and Suffolk that have agreyd to assyst the seyd Erle
at hys comynge thyder, whyche as itt is seyd, sholde be within
viij. dayes afftr Seynt Donston, iff wynde and weddyr serffe
hym—fflyeng tales. No mor at thys tyme, but God have yow
in kepyng.Wretyn at London on Seynt Donstones daye, xviij. daye
of Maye, Anno, E. iiijti xiijo.JOHN PASTON, K.
1 [From Fenn, ii. 136.]
2 Then follow some orders concerning servants, debts, securities, etc.—F.
3 John Stafford was created Earl of Wiltshire in 1470. He was uncle to Henry,
Duke of Buckingham.4 . . . . . Butler, Lord Sudley.—F.
5 Apparently John Paston had talked of making a pilgrimage to the shrine of St.
James of Compostella in Spain.1473
MAY 18