Sir John Paston to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir John Paston to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34889, f. 34
- Date
- 3 October 1465
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 613; Fenn, Vol IV, Edward IV item 23
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (1st transcript)
To my Ryth reverrend and
worchepfull Fadyr Iobn Paston
be thys delyuryd.AFTER all humbyll and most due recomendacion as lowly
as I can I beseche yow of yor blyssyng plesyt yow to
have knowlege yt as on Sonday next be for Myhelmas day as
my modyr came fro london ward sche cam homward by Cotton
and sche sent for me to Heylysdon to come to hyr thedyr
and so I haue ben in the plase eur sethyn And as sone as
Myhelmas day was past I begane to dystreyne the ten'nts and
gadryd some syllvyr as myche I trowe as wyll pay for our costs
and yet I cepe here ryth a good Felawschep and mor wer
p'mysyd me whyche yt came not to me wherby I was ner de-
seyuyd for when Debnam herd sey how yt I began to gadyr
sylvyr he reysyd many men wt in j daye and an halfe to ye
nombyr of iijc men as I was credebly assartaynyed by a yeman
of ye Chambyr of my lordys that owythe me good wyll whech
yeman as sone as he had sene ther felauschep rod streyth to my
lord and jnformyd hym of it and also he informyd my lord how
ys I had gadryd a nothyr gret felashschep whyche felawschep he
namyd more then we wer by jc and an halfe and yett more and
he seyd on to my lord and my lady and to ther consell yt wt owt
that my lord took a dyrectyon in the matr that ther wer leek
to be do gret harme on bothe our pertyes wheche wer a gret
dysworchep to my lord Consederyng how yt he takyth us bothe
for hys men and so we be knowyn well jnow upon whyche
Jnformacion and dysworchep to my lord yt twyn of hys men
schold debat so ner hym Contrary to ye Kyngs pese Consedryd
of my lord and my lady and ther Cownsell my lord sent for me
and Syr Gylberd Debnam to come to hym to Framlyngh'm
bothe and as it fortunyd well my modyr come to me to Cotton
not half an owyr be for yt the mesenger cam to me fro my lord
wheche was late upon twysday last past at nyth and the next day
on the mornyng I rod to my lord to Framlyngh'm and so ded Syr
Gylberd also and as sone as we wer come we wer sent for to come
to my lord and when we come to my lord he desiyryd of us bothe
yt we schold neythyrthyr gadyr no felawschep but syche men
as we had gadryd yt we schold send hem home a yen and yt the
Coort schold be Contenuyd in to the tyme yt my lord or syche
as he wold asyngne had spok bother wt yow and Yelvrton and
Ienney and yt on Jndeferent man chosyn by us bothe schold be
assynyd to kep' the plase in to ye tyme yt ye and they wer spook
wt And then I answed my lord and seyd how yt at that tyme I
had my maistyr w in ye manr of Cotton whyche was my modyr
and in to the tyme ty I had spook wt hyr I cowd geve none an-
swer and so my lord sent Rychord Fulmrston berer hereof to my
modyr thys day for an Answer whyche Answer he schold bryng
to my lord to london for my lord rod to londons word as yestrday
any ye soner be cause he trustyd to haue a good end of yis matr
and alle othyr be twyx yow whyche he takyth for a gret wor-
chep to hym and a gret Auantage bothe and he cowd bryng
yis matr abowt for then he wold trust to have your servyse alle
whyche wer to hym gret tresour and Aunatage And yis was the
answer yt my modyr and I gaue hym yt at ye instans of my
lord and my ladye we wold do yus myche as for to put ye Coort
in Coutenuans and no more to receyve of ye profyts of ye manr
than we had and had dystresid for tyll in to ye tym that sche and
I had werd ayen fro my lord and yow if so wer yt yey wold ney-
thyr mak entreys nor dystreyn the ten'ntys nor chepe no coort
mor then we wold do and we told Rychord Fulmrston that
thys my modyr and I ded at ye Instans and gret request of my
lord be cause my lord intendyd pes whyche resonably we wold
not be ayenst and yet we seyd we hnew well yt we schold haue
no thank of yow when ye knew of it wt owt it wer be eause we
ded it at my lordys Iustans but be for thys answer we had re-
ceyvyd as myche sylvyr full ner as Rychord Calle sent us bokys
of for to gadyryt bye and as for ye possessyon of ye plase we told
hym yt we wold kepe it and Syr Gylberd agreyd so that Yelvrton
and leney wold do ye same for it was tyme for hym to sey so for
my lord told hym yt he wold hym fast by the Feet ellys to be
suyr of hym yt he schold make non Jnsurreccions in to ye tyme
yt my lord came aven fro London I wene and so dothe my mo-dyr bothe yt thys appoyntment was mad in good tyme for I was
deseyvyd of bettyr than an C men and an halfe yt I had promyse
of to haue Come to me when I sent for hem thys promes had I
befor yt I sent to yow the last lettyr the daye aftyr seynt Myhell
Ienney herd seye yt I cepyd Cotton and he rod to Nacton and
ther held a cort and receyvyd ye profytys of the manr I beseche
yow yt I may haue knowlage in hast fro yow how ye wyll yt I
be demenyd in thys matr and in al othyr and I schal aplye me
to fulfyll your intent in them to my power by the grace of god
whom I beseche haue yow in guydyng and sende yow yowyr
herts desyir Wretyn at Hemnalle Halle in Cotton the Thursday
next before Seynt Feythe.My modyr recomandyth her to yow and
preyith yow to hold hyr excusyd that sche
wrytyth not to yow at thys tyme for shce
may haue no leyser the berer her of schall
informe yow whedyr Ieney wyll agre to
thys Appoytment or not J thynk he dar do
non othyr wyse.Yor. sone and lowly servūt,
John Paston.12 by 13.
Paper Mark,
A Coronet.
Pl. XXVI. No 2.
Hemnales Hall,
Cotton, Suffolk,
Thursday, October E. IV.
We have here an exact picture of the times, and are furnished with the steps taken to
keep and defend landed property. Possession seemed to depend entirely upon the number
of men the Possessor was able to bring together at a short notice, to resist such a fellow-
ship as his Adversary brought to dispossess him. The influence of the Great, however,
extended far, and if they interfered, the others were obliged to submit. This seems to
have been the case here, as the heads of both parties were Retainers of the Duke of Nor-
folk. Had they been under different Nobles, perhaps a local civil commotion would
have been stirred up, and many lives have been lost before the contest had been decided.It is difficult to ascertain the exact year in which this Letter was written. I think it
must have been in the beginning of King Edward's reign, but I am not certain.
Autograph. Pl. IV. No 9.
The Debenhams were a family of consequence in Suffolk, and Hemnaleshall in the pa-
rish of Cotton, since belonged to the Pretymans, a family of respectability in the county
of Suffolk; it is now the estate of Edmund Tyrel, Esq. of Gipping. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (2nd transcript)
To my right reverend and worshipful Father John Paston, be
this delivered.AFTER all humble and most due recommendation, as lowly
as I can, I beseech you of your blessing; please it you
to have knowledge that as on Sunday next before Michaelmas
Day as my mother came from London ward, she came homeward
by Cotton, and she sent for me to Hellesdon to come to her
thither, and so I have been in the place ever since; and as soon
as Michaelmas day was passed I began to distrain the tenants,
and gathered some silver, as much, I trow, as will pay for our
costs, and yet I keep here right a good fellowship, and more
were promised me, which that came not to me, whereby I was
near deceived, for when Debenham heard say how that I began
to gather silver, he raised many men within one day and an half
to the nnmber of three hundred men, as I was credibly ascer-
tained by a Yeoman of the Chamber of my Lord's (of Norfolk)
that oweth me good will, which Yeoman as soon as he had seen
their fellowship rode strait to my Lord and informed him of it;
and also he informed my Lord how that I had gathered another
great fellowship, which fellowship he named more than we
were by one hundred and an half and yet more; and he said
unto my Lord, and my Lady, and to their Counsel that without
that my Lord took a direction in the matter, that there were like
to be done great harm on both our parties, which were a great
disworship to my Lord considering how that he taketh us both
for his men, and so we be known well enough; upon which
information, and disworship to my Lord, that twain of his men
should debate so near him, contrary to the King's peace, con-
sidered of my Lord and my Lady and their Counsel, my Lord
sent for me and Sir Gilbert Debenham to come to him to Fram-
lingham both; and as it fortuned well my Mother came to me
to Cotton not half an hour before that the messenger came to me
from my Lord, which was late upon Tuesday last past at night,
and the next day on the morning I rode to my lord to Framling-
ham, and so did Sir Gilbert also, and as soon as we were come,
we were sent for to come to my Lord, and when we came to my
Lord, he desired of us both that we should neither gather no
fellowship, but such men as we had gathered, that we should
send them home again, and that the Court should be continued
into the time that my Lord, or such as he would assign had
spoken both with you, and Yelverton, and Jenny; and that one
indifferent man, chosen by us both, should be assigned to keep
the place into the time that ye and they were spoken with.
And then I answered my Lord and said, how that at that time
I had my Master within the Manor of Cotton, which was my
Mother, and into the time that I had spoken with her, I could
give none answer; and so my Lord sent Richard Fulmerstonbearer hereof to my Mother this day for an answer, which an-
swer he should bring to my Lord to London; for my Lord rode
to London ward as yesterday, and the sooner because he trusted
to have a good end of this matter and all others betwixt you,
which he taketh for a great worship to him ward, and a great
advantage both, and (if) he could bring this matter about, for
then he would trust to have your service, all which were to him
great treasure and advantage.And this was the answer that my Mother and I gave him, that
at the instance of my Lord and my Lady we would do thus
much as for to put the Court in continuance, and no more to re-
ceive of the profits of the Manor than we had, and had distressed
for, till into the time that she and I had word again from my
Lord and you; if so were that they would neither make entries
nor distrain the tenants, nor keep no Court more than we
would do, and we told Richard Fulmerston that this my Mother
and I did at the instance and great request of my Lord, because
my Lord intended peace, which reasonably we would not be
against, and yet we said we knew well that we should have no
thank of you, when ye knew of it, without it were because we
did it at my Lord's instance; but before this answer we had re-
ceived as much silver, full nigh, as Richard Calle sent us books
of, for to gather it by; and as for the possession of the place, we
told him that we would keep it, and Sir Gilbert agreed, so that
Yelverton and Jenney would do the same, for it was time for
him to say so, for my Lord told him that he would set him fast
by the feet else, to sure of him, that he should make none
insurrections into the time that my Lord came again from
London.I ween, and so doth my Mother both, that this appointment
was made in good time, for I was deceived of better than an
hundred men and an half, that I had promise of to have come to
me when I sent for them, this promise had I before that I sent to
you the last Letter the day after Saint Michael. Jenney heard
say that I kept Cotton, and he rode to Nacton, and there held a
Court, and received the profits of the Manor.I beseech you that I may have knowledge in haste from you
how ye will that I be demeaned in this matter and in all others,
and I shall apply me to fulfil your intent in them to my power
by the grace of God, whom I beseech have you in guiding, and
send you your heart's desire. Written at Hamnale's Hall, in
Cotton, the Thursday next before Saint Faith.My Mother recommendeth her to you, and prayeth you to
hold her excused that she writeth not to you at this time, for she
may have no leisure; the bearer hereof shall inform you, whe-
ther Jenney will agree to this appointment or not, I think he
dare do none otherwise.Your Son and lowly Servant,
JOHN PASTON.Hemnales Hall,
Cotton, Suffolk,
Thursday, October E. IV.
Exact year uncertain, but in the beginning of E. IV th's Reign.
We have here an exact picture of the times, and are furnished with the steps taken to
keep and defend landed property. Possession seemed to depend entirely upon the number
of men the Possessor was able to bring together at a short notice, to resist such a fellow-
ship as his Adversary brought to dispossess him. The influence of the Great, however,
extended far, and if they interfered, the others were obliged to submit. This seems to
have been the case here, as the heads of both parties were Retainers of the Duke of Nor-
folk. Had they been under different Nobles, perhaps a local civil commotion would
have been stirred up, and many lives have been lost before the contest had been decided.It is difficult to ascertain the exact year in which this Letter was written. I think it
must have been in the beginning of King Edward's reign, but I am not certain.
Autograph. Pl. IV. No 9.
The Debenhams were a family of consequence in Suffolk, and Hemnaleshall in the pa-
rish of Cotton, since belonged to the Pretymans, a family of respectability in the county
of Suffolk; it is now the estate of Edmund Tyrel, Esq. of Gipping. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
To my ryth reverrend and worchepfull fadre,
John Paston, be thys delyveryd.AFTYR all humbyll and most due recomendacion, as
lowly as I can, I beseche yow of your blyssyng.
Plesyt yow to have knowlege that as on Sonday next
be for Myhelmas Day, as my modyr came fro London ward,
sche cam homward by Cotton, and sche sent for me to Heylys-
don to come to hyr thedyr, and so I have ben in the plase
ever sethyn. And as sone as Myhelmas Day was past, I
begane to dystreyne the tenants, and gadryd some syllvyr, as
myche, I trowe, as wyll pay for our costs; and yet I cepe here
ryth a good felawschep, and mor wer promysyd me, whyche
that came not to me, wherby I was ner deseyvyd. For when
Debnam herd sey how that I began to gadyr sylvyr, he reysyd
many men with in j. daye and an halfe, to the nombyr of iijc
men, as I was credebly assartaynyed by a yeman of the chambyr
of my Lordys1 that owythe me good wyll, whech yeman, as
sone as he had sene ther felauschep, rod streyth to my Lord
and informyd hym of it; and also he informyd my Lord how
that I had gadryd a nothyr gret felashschep, whyche felawschep
he namyd more than we wer by jc. and an halfe and yett more.
And he seyd on to my Lord and my Lady, and to their consell,
that with owt that my Lord took a dyrectyon in the mater,
that ther wer leek to be do gret harme on bothe oure pertyes,
wheche wer a gret dysworchep to my Lord, consederyng how
that he takyth us bothe for hys men, and so we be knowyn
well inow. Upon whyche informacion, and dysworchep to my
Lord, that tweyn of hys men schold debat so ner hym, contrary
to the Kyngs pese, consedryd of my Lord and my Lady and
ther cownsell, my Lord sent for me and Syr Gylberd Debnam
to come to hym to Framlyngham bothe, and as it fortunyd well
my modyr come to me to Cotton not half an owyr be for that
the mesenger came to me fro my Lord, wheche was late upon
Twysday last past at nyth; and the next day on the mornyng
I rod to my Lord to Framlyngham, and so ded Syr Gylberd
also. And as sone as we wer come, we wer sent for to come
to my Lord, and when we come to my Lord, he desiyryd of us
bothe that we schold neythyrthyr gadyr no felawschep, but
syche men as we had gadryd that we schold send hem home a
yen, and that the coort schold be contenuyd in to the tyme
that my Lord, or suche as he wold asyngne, had spok bothe
with yow and Yelverton and Jenney, and that on indeferent
man chosyn by us bothe schold be assynyd to kepe the plase in
to the tyme that ye and they wer spook with.And then I answed my Lord, and seyd how that at that
tyme I had my maistyr within the maner of Cotton, whyche
was my modyr, and in to the tyme that I had spook with hyr
I cowd geve none answer; and so my Lord sent Rychord
Fulmerston, berer hereof, to my modyr thys day for an
answer, whyche answer he schold bryng to my Lord to
London, for my Lord rod to Londons word as yesterday,
and the soner be cause he trustyd to have a good end of
this mater and alle othyr be twyx yow, whyche he takyth
for a gret worchep to hym, and a gret avantage bothe, and
he cowd bryng this mater abowt, for then he wold trust to
have your servyse, alle whyche wer to hym gret tresour and
avantage.And this was the answer that my modyr and I gave hym,
that at the instans of my Lord and my Ladye we wold do
thus myche as for to put the coort in contenuans, and no
more to receyve of the profyts of the maner than we had,
and had dystresid for tyll in to the tym that sche and I
had werd ayen fro my Lord and yow, if so wer that they
wold neythyr mak entreys nor dystreyn the tenantys, nor
chepe no coort mor then we wold do. And we told Rychord
Fulmerston that thys my modyr and I ded at the instans and
gret request of my Lord, be cause my Lord intendyd pes,
whyche resonably we wold not be ayenst, and yet we seyd we
knew well that we schold have no thank of yow when ye knew
of it, with owt it wer be cause we ded it at my Lordys instans.
But be for thys answer we had receyvyd as myche sylvyr full
ner as Rychord Calle sent us bokys of for to gadyryt bye;
and as for the possessyon of the plase, we told hym that we
wold kepe it, and Syr Gylberd agreyd, so that Yelverton and
Jeney would do the same; for it was tyme for hym to sey so,
for my Lord told hym that he wold hym fast by the feet ellys,
to be suyr of hym, that he schold make non insurreccions in
to the tyme that my Lord came ayen fro London.I wene, and so dothe my modyr bothe, that thys appoynt-
ment was mad in good tyme; for I was deseyvyd of bettyr
than an C. men and an halfe that I had promyse of to have
come to me when I sent for hem. Thys promes had I befor
that I sent to yow the last lettyr the daye aftyr Seynt Myhell.
Jenney herd seye that I cepyd Cotton, and he rod to Nacton,
and ther held a cort and receyvyd the profytys of the maner.I beseche yow that I may have knowlage in hast fro yow
ye wyll that I be demenyd in thys mater and in al othyr, and
I schal aplye me to fulfyll your intent in them to my power by
the grace of God, whom I beseche have yow in guydyng, and
sende yow yowyr herts desyir. Wretyn at Hemnalle Halle,
in Cotton, the Thursday next befor Seynt Feythe.My modyr recomandyth her to yow, and preyith yow to
hold hyr excusyd that sche wrytyth not to yow at thys tyme,
for sche may have no leyser. The berer her of schall informe
yow whedyr Jeney wyll agre to thys appoyntment or not. I
thynk he dar do non othyr wyse.Your sone and lowly servaunt,
1 [From Fenn, iv. 80.] The signature of this letter, according to the fac-simile
referred to by Fenn, is that of Sir John Paston, the eldest son of the person addressed.
The date is undoubtedly 1465, as it will be seen by Letter 610 that Margaret Paston
entered Cotton on Sunday before Michaelmas in that year.1 The Duke of Norfolk.
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