Sir John Felbrigge to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir John Felbrigge to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34889, f. 41
- Date
- ?[20] January 1466
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 625; Fenn, Vol IV, Edward IV item 61
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (1st transcript)
To my Cosyn Paston be
thys lettr delv'd yn haste.RYGHT reverent And Worshyppeful Cosyn y Comawnd
me on to you desyryng to her off yor welfare the whyche
Almyghty Ihu Prserve to hys plesawns And to yor own herts
desyres forthermore and yff yt please yor gentylnesse to be my
trusty frend as my Ful truste ys yn you as for swyche materys
as ye bryngr off yis I're shall enfome you And bethe ffectualy
my Frend And bryge yt Abowte And by my trowye y shall geve
you An C marke for yor labowr ffor yn trowthe y am aferde yt
Roberd Radclyff hathe deseyvyd me for he laboryd to me dayly
by my lords Comawndemet off warwyk And bro'ght wt hym
yllyngworth And odr off my lords cownsel And seen my evy-
dens And so we stoden upon Apoyntemet and y for to have has
An unswere sent to Felbrygge Halle and yff ne had be for ssend-
yng off my lords lordschyppe y myght have had my money for
my Ryght or y cam owt off london as my man schall enforme
you ffor yn trowye y muste now make An schiffte for Wyndham
haye sold hys Ryght and rathere yan yt schuld fo yt way to y had
levr my lord had yt ij C marke wt yn ye pryse yt y graw' t yt laste
and y'for y be scheche you to labowr to my lord yt y may have
An unswer And yies many I Townes longrye y'to Felbrygge
Aylinton Ronton Colby Bannyngham Ingworthe styrston besyde
hamelets no mor to you at yis tyme but ye holy t'nyte have you
yn his kepyng Wryten at Felbrygg ye monday affor Seynt
Augnet's day.By yor Cosyn
John ffelbragge.
Paper Mark,
The Letter C.
Pl. XXVII. No S.I have given this Letter to shew the estimation that John Paston's assistance was held
in; for the present of and hundred Marks to secure his friendship, was a very large sum
in these days.From this Letter we are likewise acquainted with the disputes subsisting between Fel-
brigg and Wymondham .The date cannot be clearly ascertained, but I have placed it in the January after
J. Wymondham's Letter, but whether rightly or not I cannot say.Autograph. Pl. XXIV. No 8.
3 Lsuppose this refers to manerial rights extending into these Towns, &c.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (2nd transcript)
To my Cousin Paston, be thin delivered in baste.
RIGHT reverend and worshipful Cousin, I commend me
unto you, desiring to hear of your desiring to hear of your welfare, the which the
Almighty Jesu preserve to his pleasaunce (pleasure) and to your
own heart's desires; furthermore, and if it please your gentle-
ness to be my trusty Friend, as my full trust is in you, as for
such matters as the bringer of this Letter shall inform you, and
be effectually my Friend, and bring it about, and by my truth I
shall give you an hundred Marks (66l. 13s. 4d.) for your labour;
for in truth I am afraid that Robert Radcliff hath deceived me,
for he laboured to me daily by my lord's commandment of
Warwick, and brought with him Illingworth. and other of my
Lord' Counsel and saw my Evidences; and so we stood upon
appointment, and I for to have had an answer sent to Felbrigg
Hall and if ne had been (if it had not been) for defending of my
Lord' Lordship, I might have had my money for my right, ere
I came out of London, as my man shall inform you ; for in truth
I must now make a shift, for Wymondham hath sold his right,
and rather than it should go that way too, i had lever (rather)
my lord had it two hundred Marks (133l. 6s. 8d.) within the price
that i granted it last, and therefore I beseech you to labour to my
Lord that I may have an answer. And these many I Towns
belongeth thereto, (namely) Felbrigg, Aylmerton, Runton, Colby.
Banningham, Ingworth, Sturston, besides Hamlets. No more
to you at this time, but the Holy Trinity have you in his keep-
ing. Written at Felbrigg, the Monday after Saint Agnes's day.By your Cousin
Felbrigg, Monday, 27th of January.
1465 . 5 E. IV.I have given this Letter to shew the estimation that John Paston's assistance was held
in; for the present of and hundred Marks to secure his friendship, was a very large sum
in these days.From this Letter we are likewise acquainted with the disputes subsisting between Fel-
brigg and Wymondham .The date cannot be clearly ascertained, but I have placed it in the January after
J. Wymondham's Letter, but whether rightly or not I cannot say.Autograph. Pl. XXIV. No 8.
3 Lsuppose this refers to manerial rights extending into these Towns, &c.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
To my Cosyn Paston, be thys letter delyverd
yn haste.RYGHT reverent and worshyppeful cosyn, y comawnd
me on to you, desyryng to her off your welfare, the
whyche Almyghty Jesu preserve to Hys plesawns, and
to your own herts desyres. Forthermore and yff yt please
your gentylnesse to be my trusty frend, as my ful truste ys yn
you, as for swyche materys as the brynger off this lettre shall
enforme you, and beth effectualy my frend, and brynge yt
abowte, and by my trowthe y shall geve you an C. marke for
your labowr. For yn trowthe y am aferde that Roberd Rad-
clyff hathe deseyvyd me, for he laboryd to me dayly by my
Lords comawndement off Warwyk, and brought with hym
Yllyngworthe and oder off my Lords cownsel, and seen my
evydens; and so we stoden uppon apoyntement, and y for to
have had an unswere sent to Felbrygge Halle, and yff ne had
be for ffendyng off my Lords lordschyppe, y myght have had
my money for my ryght or y cam owt off London, as my man
schall enforme you. For yn trowthe y muste now make an
schiffte, for Wyndham hathe sold hys ryght, and rathere than
yt schuld go that way to, y had lever my Lord had yt ij. C.
marke with yn the pryse that y grawnt yt laste, and therfor y
be scheche you to labowr to my Lord that y may have an
unswer. And thies many townes longithe thereto, Felbrygge,
Aylinton, Ronton, Colby, Bannyngham, Ingworthe, Styrston,
besyde hamelets.No mor to you at this tyme, but the Holy Trinyte have
you yn His kepyng. Wryten at Felbrygg, the Monday affor
Seynt Augnetes Day.1By your cosyn, JOHN FELBRYGGE.
1 [From Fenn, iv. 242.] The date of this letter cannot be ascertained with very
great precision; but as it belongs most probably to about the same period as Letter
619, which we have referred to November 1465, we may assign this to the January
following.1 The modern version in Fenn reads ‘the Monday after Saint Agnes’s Day,’ and
the date subjoined at the bottom of the page is in accordance with this reading. But
it is more likely the text as printed in the old spelling is correct. St. Agnes’ Day is
the 21st January. The Monday before it would have been the 20th in 1466.1466 (?)
JAN. [20]1466 (?)
JAN. [20]