Sir John Fastolf to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir John Fastolf to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 35251, f. 24
- Date
- 2 May 1456
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol III, item 329; Gairdner, 'Paston Letters', item 39
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume III'
To my worchepfull Cosyn, John Paston, Esquyer,
in hast goodly.WORCHEPFULL Cosyn, I comaunde me to yow.
Lyke yow to wete that for als moche as my lord
of Norwich shal the next wyke visite the hous of
Hykelyng, as on Thursday, as I understand, I pray yow that
ye lyke to informe my lord how it is appoynted atwix the
prior of the said hous and me that my title of xxv. marc of
yerly rente is put in the ordynaunce of yow and Fyncheham,
and if any variaunce fortune by twix yow that thanne we shall
stand to the rule and ordynaunce of my lord of Caunterbury
and of my seid lord of Norwich, they callyng to them ij. tem-
porall juges suche as them please, the ij. chef juges only except.
Wherfor that it please his good lordship to commaunde the
seid priour to be bound by obligacion to stand to the seid
appoyntement in lyke form as I at all tymes lefull am redy soe
to do, to th’entent that my lord may verily knowe that the
complysshyng of the seid appoyntement is nat deferred ner
delayed by me. Forthermore, Cosyn, I understand that ye
have a feodary concernyng all the knyght fees in this shire,
and for als moche as the lord Scalys cleymeth an homage of
my place called Essex in Hikelyng I pray yow that ye lyke to
sende me woord if it can be understand by the seid feodary if
suche an homage owe to be do or nay. Moreover like yow
to remembre that lateward I meved unto yow that I wold do
kyt out a litell fleet rennyng by twix the Comouns of your
lordship of Maulteby and Castre there it was of old tyme, and
now is over grounded and growen by reedes. Wherfor lyke
yow to write on to your baly of Mauteby to take your
tenauntes with hym to have a sight of the seid water and
ground, and that they bere half costes for ther part, and I wole
bere the other part. And all though my wrytyngges put yow
many tymes to gret labour and besynesses, I pray yow to take
it that I do it for the synguler affiaunce and feythful trust unto
yow. Besehyng All myghty God have yow, my worchepful
Cosyn, in his mercifull governaunce. Writ at Castre, the ijde.
day of Maij.And that ye lyke to come in to these partyes byfore ye
ryde to London, I pray yow hertely that I may speke with yow
for dyvers maters that I have to comowne with yow, &c.J. FASTOLF.
1 [Add. MS. 35,251, f. 24, B.M.] This letter seems to be of the same year as
No. 341.1456
MAY 21456
MAY 2 - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, 1422-1509'
A.D. 1456, 2 May
[Add. MS. 35,251, f. 24, Brit. Mus.]
This letter seems to be of the same year as No. 291.
To my worchepfull Cosyn, John Paston, Esquyer,
in hast goodly.WORCHEPFULL Cosyn, I comaunde me to
yow. Luke yow to wete that for als moche
as my lord of Norwich shal the next wyke
visite the hous of Hykelyng, as on Thursday,
as I understand, I pray yow that ye lyke to informe
my lord how it is appoynted atwix the prior of the said
hous and me that my title of xxv. marc of yerly rente
is put in the ordynaunce of yow and Fyncheham, and
if any variaunce fortune by twix yow that thanne we
shall stand to the rule and ordynaunce of my lord of
Caunterbury and of my seid lord of Norwich, they
callyng to them ij. temporall juges suche as them
please, the ij. chef juges only except. Wherfor that
it please his good lordship to commaunde the seid
priour to be bound by obligacion to stand to the
seid appoyntement in lyke form as I at all tymes
lefuil am redy soe to do, to th’entent that my lord
may verily knowe that the complysshyng of the seid
appoyntement is nat deferred ner delayed by me.
Forthermore, Cosyn, I understand that ye have a
feodary concernyng all the knyght fees in this shire,
and for als moche as the lord Scalys cleymeth an
homage of my place called Essex in Hikelyng I pray
yow that ye lyke to sende me woord if it can be
understand by the seid feodary if suche an homage
owe to be do or nay. Moreover like yow to re-
membre that lateward I meved unto yow that I wold
do kyt out a litell fleet rennyng by twix the Comouns
of your lordship of Maulteby and Castre there it was
of old tyme, and now is over grounded and growen
by reedes. Wherfor lyke yow to write on to your
baly of Mauteby to take your tenauntes with hym to
have a sight of the seid water and ground, and that
they bere half costes for ther part, and I wole bere
the other part. And all though my wrytyngges put
yow many tymes to gret labour and besynesses, I pray
yow to take it that I do it for the synguler affiaunce
and feythful trust unto yow. Besehyng All myghty
God have yow, my worchepful Cosyn, in his mercifull
governaunce. Writ at Castre, the ijde. day of Maij.And that ye lyke to come in to these partyes
byfore ye ryde to London, I pray yow hertely that
I may speke with yow for dyvers maters that I have
to comowne with yow, &c. J. FASTOLF.