Sir John Fastolf to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir John Fastolf to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34889, f. 171
- Date
- 22 June 1455
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol III, item 293; Gairdner, 'Paston Letters', item 37
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume III'
To my ryght trusty cosyn, John Paston.
WORSHYPFULL Sir and cosyn, I commaund me to
yow. And lyke yow wete that accordyng to your
desyre I sende John Russe to yow to hafe your
informacion of such materis as shall be thought exspedient to
be laboured yn your absence for the mater of Wentworth, and
hafe geve hym in commaundment to entend it in all that he
can or may. And, Cosyn, he hath a lettre of credence to the
baylly of Dedham because of doubt of syght of the baylly ys
lettre ther for disclosyng, &c., to do after the wrytyng of
T. Denys. And y sende yow ij. lettres com to me from
London that maketh mencyon of grete besynesse ayenst us,
and an accion toke ayenst yow, Howys, Bokkyng, &c., that
most nedys be tendred; in case an essoyn2 can be take, so
moche the better. And therfor, cosyn, at reverence of God,
dispose yow to London yn all the haste that ye can. For the
atthacment can not be tille ye com. And on partie adverse
besyeth hem sore in your absence, facies hominis facies leonis.
And I have worde yn a nothere lettre that my Lord Chaun-
cellor ys yn the lyke wyse disposed yn owre one syde, and
therfor that ye kepe hym ynne to helpe bere the favour of
thys mater yn all wyse; And Byngham Justys ys full well
disposed also. Dyvers new processe ys ayenst Sir Thomas.
And all othere materis I commyt to your discrecion; yf nede
be, I com thedre my sylf. Y pray God kepe yow. Wryt
hastly uppon Sonday before Seynt John Baptiste.—Your
cosyn, J. FASTOLF.Item, after that I have word from yow, so wolle I be
gouverned, and com to London yff ye sende me worde,
and that I hafe word from yow yf nede be bytyme from
London.1 [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 171.] There can be no reasonable doubt that this letter is
of the same date as Nos. 289 and 290, i.e. of the year 1455.2 An excuse allowed for not appearing in Court.
JUNE 221455
JUNE 22 - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, 1422-1509'
A.D. 1455, 22 June
[Add. MS. 34,889, f. 171]
There can be no reasonable doubt that this letter (No. 1032 in the
Inventory) is of the same date as Nos. 245 and 246, i.e. of the year 1455.To my ryght trusty cosyn, John Paston.
WORSHYPFULL Sir and cosyn, I commaund
me to yow. And lyke yow wete that
accordyng to your desyre I sende John
Russe to yow to hafe your informacion
of such materis as shall be thought exspedient to
be laboured yn your absence for the mater of Went-
worth, and hafe geve hym in commaundment to
entend it in all that he can or may. And, Cosyn, he
hath a lettre of credence to the baylly of Dedham be-
cause of doubt of syght of the baylly ys lettre ther for
disclosyng, &c., to do after the wrytyng of T. Denys.
And y sende yow ij. lettres com to me from London
that maketh mencyon of grete besynesse ayenst us,
and an accion toke ayenst yow, Howys, Bokkyng,
&c., that most nedys be tendred; in case an essoyn1
can be take, so moche the better. And therfor, cosyn,
at reverence of God, dispose yow to London yn all
the haste that ye can. For the atthacment can not
be tille ye com. And on partie adverse besyeth
hem sore in your absence, facies hominis facies leonis.
And I have worde yn a nothere lettre that my Lord
Chauncellor ys yn the lyke wyse disposed yn owre
one syde, and therfor that ye kepe hym ynne to
helpe bere the favour of thys mater yn all wyse; And
Byngham Justys ys full well disposed also. Dyvers
new processe ys ayenst Sir Thomas. And all othere
materis I commyt to your discrecion; yf nede be, I
com thedre my sylf. Y pray God kepe yow. Wryt
hastly uppon Sonday before Seynt John Baptiste.—Your cosyn, J. FASTOLF.
Item, after that I have word from yow, so wolle I
be gouverned, and com to London yff ye sende me
worde, and that I hafe word from yow yf nede be
bytyme from London.1 An excuse allowed for not appearing in Court.