To my worshipful cousyn, John Paston.
RIGHT trusty and worshipful cousyn, I recomaunde me to yow. And like it yow to wyte, myn attorny, Raulyns, hathe enformed me that the Jugis have ruled processe to goo owte ayenst the priour of Hikelyng of distresse per omnia bona et catalla, of whiche the writte and other ar not yet come fro London. I trust whan thei come, be your good counsail and meane, the Shireve wil doo his devoir; how be it, as I understande, thei have sente the Lord Scales all there evidences, and he wil come and dwelle there hym silf. And I am also enformed, for certeyn, that the Bushop of Norwiche, for all the truste I hadde to hym, that by his meane I shulde have knowen there fundacion, he hathe warned his officeres not to have adoo therinne, by cause of the Lord Scales, &c. Cousyn, I pray yow, in as moche as the matere, by agrement, was putte in you and Fyncham, and how that ye, for the same cause, specially kepte your day at London, and toke not in there defaulte and not myn, that ye wil soo in caas ye see Fyncham remembre, and to othere there as ye seme it shulde profite to be knowen, and that yet never- theles my sute soo ferforthe I wole yet, as I wolde thanne, and at all tymes am redy; and soo I wolde the priour knewe, and all othere, as weel his weelwillers as otheres, as the bringer
herof shall declare you more pleinly. As for tidinges, my folkes ar not yet come fro London. The abbot of Seint Benettes hathe ben with me, and suche as he tolde me the bringer shall enforme you. And our Lord Jesu have you in governaunce.
Writen at Castre, the last day of Julle.
Your cousyn,
J. F.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter is doubtless of the same year as No. 336, in the end of which Fastolf wishes his attorney, Rawlyns, urged to greater activity in the matter of Hickling.
1456 JULY 31
1456 JULY 31