Sir John and Lady Howard
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir John and Lady Howard
- Reference
- Add. 34889, ff. 51-52
- Date
- 22 January 1467
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 658; Gairdner, 'Paston Letters', item 69
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
THIS wrytenge made at London the vjte yer of Kynge
Edward the iiij. and the xxij. day of Jenever wyt-
nesseth what stoffe my master Sir John Howard hath
delyverd to my Lady his wyfe in this monyth of Jenever.Ferst ij. rynges of goolde set with good dyamawntes, the
wyche the quene yaff my master.Item, a rynge of goolde with a fyne rubye.
Item, a nowche of goolde set with a fyne safyre, a grete
balyse and v. perles.Item, my master yaff here a fyne pece of holand clothe as
good as Reynes conteynenge in length xl. yerdes, the yerde
was wele worth iiijs.Item, my master gaff her a noder pece of holand clothe,
corser, conteynenge in lengthe more than xl. yerdes, the yerde
was worthe ijs. iiijd.Item, my master gaff her a longe gowne of fyne cremysen
velvet furred with menyver and purfeled with ermynes.Item, my master gaff her a longe gowne of fyne grene
velvet furred with menyver and purfeled with ermynes.Item, my master gaff her vijxx scynnes of fyne ermynes.
Item, my master gaff her vij. yerdes and di. of fyne grene
velvet.Item, my master gaff here vij. yerdes of cremyson velvet.
Item, my master gaff here a devyse of goolde with xiiij.
lynkes and the ton halffe of the lynkes enamyled set with iiij.
Rubyis iij. dyamawntes and vij. perles.Item, my master gaff her an nothe devyse of goolde of the
same fassyon with odre xiiij. lynkes, and theryn vij. Rubyis
and vij. perles.Item, my master gaff her a gyrdyll of clothe of goolde and
the harneys of goolde.Item, my master gaff her a gyrdyll of grene damaske and
the harneys of sylver and gylte.Item, my master gaff her iij. edges of blak velvet set with
lviij. perles.Item, my master gaff here a longe gowne of blak velvet
furred with martrys and purfeled with marteres.Item, my master gaff her a longe gowne of murrey furred
with menever and purfeled with ermynes.Item, my master gaff here a coler of goolde with xxxiiij.
roses and sonnes set on a corse of blak sylke with an hanger of
goolde garnyshed with a saphyre.Item, my master gaff her iiij. owches of goolde garnyshed
with iij. rubyis, a saphyre, an amytes, an emerawde and xv.
perles.Item, my master gaff here a peyr of bedes for a gentyl-
womannes nekke gawdeid with viij. gawdeid of goolde and
viij. perles.Item, a rynge with a grete saphyre.
Item, my master gaff her a nother ryng with an amytes.
Item, my master gaff her iij. Agnus Dei of goolde.
Item, my master gaff her a gret sygnnet of goolde with
the vernycle.Item, my master gaff her v. odre ryngis of goolde withowt
stones.Item, my master gaff her a cheyne of goolde with a lokke
of goolde gernyshed with a rubye.Item, my master gaff her a lytell gerdyll of sylke and
goolde called a demysent and the harneys of goolde.Item, my master gaff her a longe of vyolet engreyned
furred with martres and purfeled with martres.Item, the xviij. day of Feverer my master delyverid to
my Lady to have to Braye a bed of cremysen damaske em-
browdered with Cyle counterpoynte and testour all affter one.Item, the same day my master delyverid my Lady a bede,
a cyle, a counterpeynt and a testor of Aras with out goolde.Item, a pece of Aras for hangenge conteynenge in length
xj. yerdes and iij. quarters.Item, a nother pece of Aras conteynenge in length viij.
yerdis and iii. quarters.Item, a nother pece conteynenge vij. yerdis a quarter and
di. in length.Item, a nother pece of Aras conteyneng v. yerdes and iij.
quarteres in length.Item, delyverd to my said Lady iiij. peces of new Aras
wyche cam late fro Caleys wereof on is a covertore fore a
bedde and the todde [sic] iij. ar tapettes conteynenge all iiij.
peces in flemesh elles square C iiijxx xij.Item, my master left at London at his departynge to
Braye in his place in Bathe Rowe the xx. day of feverer ij.
brede clothes of Blewe.Item, the vijth yer of Kynge Edward the iiiith and the xvj.
day of March, my master sent to my Lady to Bray a longe
coshon of cremesen velvet and iij. schorte coshones of cremesen
velvet. Item, a longe coshon of grene velvet and ij. short
cushones of grene velvet.Item, the same tyme my master delyverd her a cheyne of
goold of the olde facyon prise iiij. markis.Item, the yere above said and the xvj. day of Apryll, my
master delyverd to my Lady v. sylver spones.Added in Sir John Howard’s own hand:—And the vij. zere
of the kenge and in the monithe of Janever I delyvered my
wyffe a pote of selver to pote in grene genger that the kenge
gaffe.1 [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 51.] The date is taken from the head of the document,
but there are additions of later dates to January 1468.On the back of this MS. is the following unfinished memorandum:—
’Md that I John Legge hawe bownde mey self to John Osberne yn an
JAN. 221467
JAN. 221467
JAN. 22 - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, 1422-1509'
A.D. 1467, 22 Jan.
[Add. MS. 34,889, f. 51]
Noticed in No. 1041, Appendix. The date is taken from the head of the
documents, but there are additions of later dates to January 1468.THIS wrytenge made at London the vjte yer of
Kynge Edward the iiij. and the xxij. day of
Jenever wytnesseth what stoffe my master
Sir John Howard hath delyverd to my Lady
his wyfe in this monyth of Jenever.Ferst ij. rynges of goolde set with good dya-
mawntes, the wyche the quene yaff my master.Item, a rynge of goolde with a fyne rubye.
Item, a nowche of goolde set with a fyne safyre, a
grete balyse and v. perles.Item, my master yaff here a fyne pece of holand
clothe as good as Reynes conteynenge in length xl.
yerdes, the yerde was wele worth iiijs.Item, my master gaff her a noder pece of holand
clothe, corser, conteynenge in lengthe more than xl.
yerdes, the yerde was worthe ijs. iiijd.Item, my master gaff her a longe gowne of fyne
cremysen velvet furred with menyver and purfeled
with ermynes.Item, my master gaff her a longe gowne of fyne
grene velvet furred with menyver and purfeled with
ermynes.Item, my master gaff her vijxx scynnes of fyne
ermynes.Item, my master gaff her vij. yerdes and di. of fyne
grene velvet.Item, my master gaff here vij. yerdes of cremyson
velvet.Item, my master gaff here a devyse of goolde with
xiiij. lynkes and the ton halffe of the lynkes enamyled
set with iiij. Rubyis iij. dyamawntes and vij. perles.Item, my master gaff her an nothe devyse of goolde
of the same fassyon with odre xiiij. lynkes, and theryn
vij. Rubyis and vij. perles.Item, my master gaff her a gyrdyll of clothe of
goolde and the harneys of goolde.Item, my master gaff her a gyrdyll of grene
damaske and the harneys of sylver and gylte.Item, my master gaff her iij. edges of blak velvet
set with lviij. perles.Item, my master gaff here a longe gowne of blak
velvet furred with martrys and purfeled with marteres.Item, my master gaff her a longe gowne of murrey
furred with menever and purfeled with ermynes.Item, my master gaff here a coler of goolde with
xxxiiij. roses and sonnes set on a corse of blak sylke
with an hanger of goolde garnyshed with a saphyre.Item, my master gaff her iiij. owches of goolde
garnyshed with iij. rubyis, a saphyre, an amytes, an
emerawde and xv. perles.Item, my master gaff here a peyr of bedes for a
gentylwomannes nekke gawdeid with viij. gawdeid of
goolde and viij. perles.Item, a rynge with a grete saphyre.
Item, my master gaff her a nother ryng with an
amytes.Item, my master gaff her iij. Agnus Dei of goolde.
Item, my master gaff her a gret sygnnet of goolde
with the vernycle.Item, my master gaff her v. odre ryngis of goolde
withowt stones.Item, my master gaff her a cheyne of goolde with
a lokke of goolde gernyshed with a rubye.Item, my master gaff her a lytell gerdyll of sylke
and goolde called a demysent and the harneys of
goolde.Item, my master gaff her a longe of vyolet engreyned
furred with martres and purfeled with martres.Item, the xviij. day of Feverer my master delyverid
to my Lady to have to Braye a bed of cremysen
damaske embrowdered with Cyle counterpoynte and
testour all affter one.Item, the same day my master delyverid my Lady
a bede, a cyle, a counterpeynt and a testor of Aras
with out goolde.Item, a pece of Aras for hangenge conteynenge in
length xj. yerdes and iij. quarters.Item, a nother pece of Aras conteynenge in length
viij. yerdis and iii. quarters.Item, a nother pece conteynenge vij. yerdis a
quarter and di. in length.Item, a nother pece of Aras conteyneng v. yerdes
and iij. quarteres in length.Item, delyverd to my said Lady iiij. peces of new
Aras wyche cam late fro Caleys wereof on is a cover-
tore fore a bedde and the todde [sic] iij. ar tapettes
conteynenge all iiij. peces in flemesh elles square
C iiijxx xij.Item, my master left at London at his departynge
to Braye in his place in Bathe Rowe the xx. day
of feverer ij. brede clothes of Blewe.Item, the vijth yer of Kynge Edward the iiiith and
the xvj. day of March, my master sent to my Lady to
Bray a longe coshon of cremesen velvet and iij.
schorte coshones of cremesen velvet. Item, a longe
coshon of grene velvet and ij. short cushones of
grene velvet.Item, the same tyme my master delyverd her a
cheyne of goold of the olde facyon prise iiij. markis.Item, the yere above said and the xvj. day of
Apryll, my master delyverd to my Lady v. sylver
spones.Added in Sir John Howard’s own hand:—And
the vij. zere of the kenge and in the monithe of
Janever I delyvered my wyffe a pote of selver to pote
in grene genger that the kenge gaffe.On the back of this MS. is the following unfinished memo-
randum:—’Md that I John Legge hawe bownde mey self to John
Osberne yn an oblygacyon——’