Sir Henry Savile to William Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Sir Henry Savile to William Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 30, p. 210
- Date
- 5 May 1546
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To other members of the Plumpton family', item 25; Kirby, item 244
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
244 Sir Henry Savile to William Plumpton, 5 May 1546 (No. 30, p. 210)
Cossin Plompton,a I hartely recommend me vnto you. The caus of my
wryting to you is for that Roger Ramy said to me he thought ye would
abowte Low Sonday be at Thornhill. Ye shall come to a old howse
cleane downe and as yet litle amended, but ye shall be very welcome,
as I can think. I wold be sory that ye shold take paine and I not at
home when ye come. To morrow begging Thursday I must of force
ride to Tankersley viij [p. 211] myles henceb and mete my lord of
Shrewsbury,1 who will be thear to morrow by ij of the clock, and se a
showt at [. . .]c <a> stage, as my keper hath sent me wourd.And of Monday, Tewsday & Wedsday thear is apoynted a great
number of gentlemen to mette at cocxs at Sheifeild, whear I entend,
God willing, to be, and every night will ly at Tankerslay. Soe it will be
Friday or I come to Thornhill, which is the xviij of May. Wherfore, I
desire you either put of your comming to that day, or take so much
paine to come the viij myles to Tankerxlay, whear I haue no lodging,
but you shall haue the best bed the keper hath, and ye shall se a polard
or tow, both rid and falow, and se all our good coxs fight, if it plese
you, and se the maner of our cocking. Ther wilbe Lanckeshre of one
parte, and Derbeshire of another parte, & Hallomshire of the third
parte.2 I perceiue your cocking varieth from ours, for ye lay but the
battell; and if our battell be but xli to vli, theare wilbe xli to one laye
or the battell be ended. And whensoeuer ye come, I require you to
take time to hunt with me for one weke. Bring bowes and grayhounds,
and at the time of the year, hownds. A polard is swet now, and I loue
it best now, at this season. And by Whytsonday this year I shall haue
fatt bucks, & or any red deare be fatt it will be July, as far as my
experience serves. Com when ye will, and such as I haue, ye shall se.
And bring good strife, for I warne you they ar wild abowt Tankerxlay
and ill to each. And if all fale, I haue that ar tame enough.I make all these brages to cause you to come, for I neuer yet did se
you in thease parts; and ye shall come no time wrong, fence time then
other. I haue tame plenty lyeth out; [p. 212] I can make you gamed at
rid and falow, and stir noe rascall. I besich Jesus send vs merry meting.
Thus hertyly far ye well, this Wendsday, at Thornhill, the vth of May,
anno 1546, 38 H.8.Your asured frind Henry Savill knte
Endorsed (p. 210): To my cossin Plompton this be deliurerd
a Marginal note: 30 letter by Henry Savill knt.
b Marginal note, as above.
c the deleted.
d Marginal note: 30 letter by Henry Savill knt.
e Marginal note: Copied 16 June, Friday.
1 Francis Talbot, 5th earl of Shrewsbury (d.1560), son of George Talbot, 108.
2 Suggesting that the ‘county might have become a focus for loyalty and affection’,
Roger Virgoe comments on the intercounty rivalry displayed here, in Hicks (ed.), Profit,
Piety and the Professions, 6. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my Cossin Plompton this be delivered.
Cossin Plompton, I hartely recommend me unto you. The
cause of my wryting to you is, for that Roger Ramy said to me,
he thought ye would aboute Low sonday be at Thornhill. Ye
shall come to a old howse cleane downe, and as yet litle amended ;
but ye shall be very welcom, as I can think. I wold be sory that
ye shoold take paine, and I not at home when ye come. To-
morrow begging thursday, I must of force ride to Tankerslay, viij
miles hence, and mete my Lord of Shrewsburry, who will be thear
tomorrow by ij of the clock, and se a showt at a stage, as my
keper hath sent me wourd. And of monday, tewsday, and weds-
day, theare is apoynted a great number of gentlemen to mette at
cocxs at Sheifeild, whear I intend, God willing, to be, and every
night will ly at Tankerxlay ; soe it will be friday or I come to
Thornhill, which is the xviij (xiiij) of May. Wherfore, I desire
you either put of your comming to that day, or take so much
paine to come the viij myles to Tankerxlay, whear I have no
lodging, but you shall have the best bed the keper haith ; and
ye shall se a polard or tow, both rid and falow, and se all our
good coxs fight, if it plese you, and se the maner of our
cocking. Ther will be Lanckeshire of one parte, and Derbeshire
of another parte, and Hallomshire of the third parte. I per-
ceive your cocking varieth from ours, for ye lay but the battell ;
and if our battell be but xli to vli, thear wilbe xli to one laye, or the
battell be ended. And whensoever ye come, I require you take
time to hunt with me for one weke ; bring bowes and gray hounds,
and at the time of the year, hownds. A polard is swet now, and I
love it best now at this season ; and by Whytsonday this year I
shall have fatt bucks. And or any red deare be fatt, it will be
July, as far as my experience serves. Com when ye will, and such
as I have, ye shall se ; and bring good stufe, for I warne you they
ar wild about Tankerxlay and ill to cach : and if all fale, I have
that ar tame enough. I make all these brages to cause you to
com, for I never yet did se you in thease parts ; and ye shall come
no time wrong, fence-time then other. I have tame plenty lyeth
out ; I can make you game at rid and falow, and stir no rascall. I
besich Jesus send us mery meting. Thus hertyly far ye well.
This Wendsday at Thornhill, the vth of May, Anno 1546 : 38 H. 8.Your asured frind
(5 May 1546.) HENRY SAVILL, knt.