To my ryght wurschypfull Ser, John Paston, Esquyer.
RYGHT wurschypfull Ser, after ryzth hertely recomen- dacion, lyke it yow to wete that my Maister Fastolf, hoose sowle God asoyle, whan I bowth of hym the maner of Blyclyng, consideryng the gret payment that I payed
therfor, and the yerly annuyte duryng his lyfe after his entent, was to me gret charge; and the same tyme, in his place at Southwerk, by his othe made on his primer ther, grauntted and promitted to me to have the maner of Guton, with all the apportenaunce for a resonable pris afor ony other man. And, Ser, as I understande ye be that person that my seid maister, consideryng your gret wysdom, most trosted to have rewle and dyreccion of his lyfelode and goodes,—and, Ser, trewly, yf I hed ben nere unto yow, I wold have spoken to yow herof be for this tyme; neverthelasse I wolde desyre and pray yow to schewe me yowr goode wyll and favour in this by halve, wher inne ye schall dyscharge my seid maistres sowle of his othe and promyse, and I schall do yow servyce in that I can or maye to my power. And of yowr goode wyll and favour herynne I pray yow to late me have wetyng, and I schall be redy to wayte on yow at ony tyme and place wher ye wull assyne. And owr blysyd Lord have yow in his kepyng.—Wret the v. day of Decembre.
Be youer owyn,
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter was probably written in the year 1460. It is evident some time had elapsed since Sir John Fastolf’s death, but as the subject was one which the writer wished to bring early before Paston’s notice, it is not likely that he allowed much more than a twelvemonth to pass by.
1 The subscription and signature only are in Boleyn’s hand.
1460(?) DEC.5
1460(?) DEC.5