Simon Stallworth to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Simon Stallworth to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/206
- Date
- 9 June 1483
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 330; Kingsford, Vol II, item 330
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
Printed in Excerpta Historica, p. 16. From A.C ., xlvi, 206.
Master Stoner, after dew recommendacons, I recommend me to
youe. As for tydyngs seyns I wrote to yove we her noun newe. Þe
Quene kepys stylle Westm., my lord of зorke, my lord of Salysbury
with othyr mo wyche wyll nott departe as зytt. Wher so evyr kanne be
founde any godyse of my lorde Markues it is tayne. Þe Priore of
Westm. wasse and зytt is in a gret trobyll for certeyne godys delyverd
to hyme by my lord Markques. My lord Protector, my lord of
Bukyngham with all othyr lordys, as well temporale as spirituale, were
at Westm. in Þe councel chambre from x to ij, butt ?er wass none Þat
spake with Þe Qwene. Þer is gret besyness ageyns ?e coronacion,
wyche schalbe Þis day fortnyght as we say. When I trust зe wylbe at
London, and Þen schall зe knove all Þe world. Þe Kyng is at Þe towre.
My lady of Glocestre come to London on thorsday last. Also my lord
commendys hyme to yove,73 and gave me in commaundement to wryte
to you, and prayes you to be god Master to Edward Jhonson of Thame;
He wass with my lord, and sued to be made a denyson for fer of Þe
payment of Þis subsedy: and my lord send to Jeves Þe clerke of Þe
corone and sawe Þe commissione and schewyde to hyme Þat he schold
pay butt vj s. viij d. for hymeself: and so wer he better to do Þen to
be mayde denyson, wyche wold coste hym Þe thyrd parte of his goods.
And as for suche as have trobyld with in ?e lordchype of Thame my
lord wylbe advysyd by you at your commyng for Þe reformacion, yf зe
take note or зe come: for he thynkes Þat Þei schalbe punyshed in
examplee of othyr. And Jhesu preserve yove. In haste from London
by Þe handys of your servande, Þe ix day of June.Simon Stallworthe.
To the ryht honorabille Sir William Stoner, knyghte.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
Printed in Excerpta Historica, p. 16. From A.C., xlvi, 206.
Master Stoner, after dew recommendacons, I recommend me to
youe. As for tydyngs seyns I wrote to yove we her noun newe. þe
Quene kepys stylle Westm., my lord of Зorke, my lord of Salysbury
with othyr mo wyche wyll nott departe as Зytt. Wher so evyr kanne be
founde any godyse of my lorde Markues it is tayne. þe Priore of
Westm. wasse and Зytt is in a gret trobyll for certeyne godys delyverd
to hyme by my lord Markques. My lord Protector, my lord of
Bukyngham with all othyr lordys, as well temporale as spirituale, were
at Westm. in þe councel chambre from x to ij, butt þer wass none þat
spake with þe Qwene. þer is gret besyness ageyns þe coronacion,
wyche schalbe þis day fortnyght as we say. When I trust Зe wylbe at
London, and þen schall Зe knove all þe world. þe Kyng is at þe towre.
My lady of Glocestre come to London on thorsday last. Also my lord
commendys hyme to yove, and gave me in commaundement to wryte-
to you, and prayes you to be god Master to Edward Jhonson of Thame.
He wass with my lord, and sued to be made a denyson for fer of þe
payment of þis subsedy: and my lord send to Jeves þe clerke of þe
corone and sawe þe commissione and schewyde to hyme þat he schold
pay butt vj s. viij d. for hymeself: and so wer he better to do þen to
be mayde denyson, wyche wold coste hym þe thyrd parte of his goods.
And as for suche as have trobyld with in þe lordchype of Thame my
lord wylbe advysyd by you at your commyng for þe reformacion, yf Зe
take note or Зe come: for he thynkes þat þei schalbe punyshed in
examplee of othyr. And Jhesu preserve yove. In haste from London
by þe handys of your servande, þe ix day of June.Simon Stallworthe.
To the ryht honorabille Sir William Stoner, knyghte.