Simon Stallworth to Sir William Stonor, knight of the king's body
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Simon Stallworth to Sir William Stonor, knight of the king's body
- Reference
- SC 1/46/208
- Date
- 1 May [1482]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 312; Kingsford, Vol II, item 312
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR1 MAY [1482 ?]
Stallworth's other letters (Nos. 300 and 331) to Sir W. Stonor were written
in 1483; but in that year the first of May was on a Thursday, so that the
date of this letter is more probably 1482. "My lord" is John Russell,
bishop of Lincoln. Stallworth was afterwards sub-dean of Lincoln, and pre-
bendary of St. Stephen, Westminster; he died in 1511 (will ap. P.C.C., 21
Fetiplace). As to Christopher Holand, see No. 283. From AC, xlvi, 208.64Worchypfull Syr, with dewe recomendacions and acordyng I recom-
mend me unto you, prayng you to have me excusyd of my commyng:
for withowt dowt I hadde purposyd to have bene with you Þis nyght.
A kynsman of myne and felowe of Mertyne college, I trust to God schall
be Þe proctor, and hathe send for me in suche wysse as withowte I be
with hym Þis night he is lykley to be distrenyd, suche labor ther is
ageyne hym: I trust he shall do you servyce herafter. Syr, also ac-
cordyng to your plesur I send for Wiliam Walche to Þe intent to have
dronkyn wyth hym, and he wass not in Thame. My lord send me
wrytyng Þat he hadde abyld Christofore Holand in Þat rowmythe by Þe
labor of you, I am content, and ye for to have be delyng betwyx W.
Walche and hym. Notwithstandyng my lorde send me word Þat he
hadde takyne hym a byll of his awne hand. I askyd Christofor, but I
cowthe nott se it. Syr, my lord wyld Þat Christofor shold answer hym
at thys tyme for hys payment, and Þat mony Þat W. Walche hathe re-
ceyvyd Christofor to have it. As for Þe rentalls and oÞer evydence
hadde by Wylyam Walche, Ʒe kanne have Þe delyveraunce of Þem to
Christofore: for my lord profytt better Þen I wer with you: and in Þe
balywyke of Dorchester my lord send me word Þat Ʒe hade spok to hym
Þer for, and he wyll contynue it to he, Ʒe and I spek to gydyr Þer inne:
I trust Ʒe schalbe plesyde. And wher ye wyld me to be frend to
Christofore Holand, I schalbe redy to fullfyll Þat commaundement.
Syr, also I undyrstand Þat my lord wyld Þat a copy of Þe vicaries land
in Dorchester schold be hadde to Þe beholve of Rychard Idley, and Þe
fyne reservyde to you and me: so I have wrytyng: it wer ryght wel
done an end to be hadd in Þis mater: it is lytyll valewe and mykyll
mony spend Þerinne. I schal schewe Þe presedent of iij. li. vj. s. viij. d.
fyne in Þe same land. On Thorsday I most be at Thame Abby, and so
depart to Bukden: yf ye schall please any thyng Þat I may do by Þat
tyme or after I schalbe redy. I beseke ye also Þat I may have your
mynd and speke with Christofore Holand and [sic] Thame on Thorsday:
for Þen I must send to my lord of theys thynges and other, howe Þat I
doo in thys countre and in theys maters. I ame ryght sory Þat I may not
speke with you or ye departe: but I trust to Jhesu to avate on you at
Nottyngham with my servyce: who ever have you in hys blyssyd kepeng.
At Dorchester in gret hast Þe fyrst day of May by Þe hand of youre
servantSimon Stallworthe.
To the Ryght worchypfull and my god maister Syr Wylyam Stonore,
knyght for Þe body, be thys delyverde in godly haste &c. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR1 MAY [1482 ?]
Stallworth’s other letters (Nos. 330 and 331) to Sir W. Stonor were written
in 1483; but in that year the first of May was on a Thursday, so that the
date of this letter is more probably 1482. “My lord” is John Russell,
bishop of Lincoln. Stallworth was afterwards sub-dean of Lincoln, and pre-
bendary of St. Stephen, Westminster; he died in 1511 (will ap. P.C.C., 21
Fetiplace). As to Christopher Holand, see No. 283. From A.C., xlvi, 208.Worchypfull Syr, with dewe recomendacions and acordyng I recom-
mend me unto you, prayng you to have me excusyd of my commyng:
for withowt dowt I hadde purposyd to have bene with you þis nyght.
A kynsman of myne and felowe of Mertyne college, I trust to God schall
be þe proctor, and hathe send for me in suche wysse as withowte I be
with hym þis night he is lykley to be distrenyd, suche labor ther is
ageyne hym: I trust he shall do you servyce herafter. Syr, also ac-
cordyng to your plesur I send for Wiliam Walche to þe intent to have
dronkyn wyth hym, and he wass not in Thame. My lord send me
wrytyng þat he hadde abyld Christofore Holand in þat rowmythe by þe
labor of you, I am content, and ye for to have þe delyng betwyx W.
Walche and hym. Notwithstandyng my lorde send me word þat he
hadde takyne hym a byll of his awne hand. I askyd Christofor, but I
cowthe nott se it. Syr, my lord wyld þat Christofor shold answer hym
at thys tyme for hys payment, and þat mony þat W. Walche hathe re-
ceyvyd Christofor to have it. As for þe rentalls and oþer evydence
hadde by Wylyam Walche, Зe kanne have þe delyveraunce of þem to
Christofore: for my lord profytt better þen I wer with you: and in þe
balywyke of Dorchester my lord send me word þat Зe hade spok to hym
þer for, and he wyll contynue it to he, Зe and I spek to gydyr þer inne:
I trust Зe schalbe plesyde. And wher ye wyld me to be frend to
Christofore Holand, I schalbe redy to fullfyll þat commaundement.
Syr, also I undyrstand þat my lord wyld þa[ILL]a copy of þe vicaries land
in Dorchester schold be hadde to þe beholve of Rychard Idley, and þe
fyne reservyde to you and me: so I have wrytyng: it wer ryght wel
done an end to be hadd in þis mater: it is lytyll valewe and mykyll
mony spend þerinne. I schal schewe þe presedent of iij. li. vj. s. viij. d.
fyne in þe same land. On Thorsday I most be at Thame Abby, and so
depart to Bukden: yf ye schall please any thyng þat I may do by þat
tyme or after I schalbe redy. I beseke ye also þat I may have your
mynd and speke with Christofore Holand and [sic] Thame on Thorsday:
for þen I must send to my lord of theys thynges and other, howe þat I
doo in thys countre and in theys maters. I ame ryght sory þat I may not
speke with you or ye departe: but I trust to Jhesu to avate on you at
Nottyngham with my servyce: who ever have you in hys blyssyd kepeng.
At Dorchester in gret hast þe fyrst day of May by þe hand of youre
servantSimon Stallworthe.
To the Ryght worchypfull and my god maister Syr Wylyam Stonore,
knyght for þe body, be thys delyverde in godly haste &c.