Roger Taverham to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Roger Taverham to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34888, f. 197
- Date
- ?1461
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 491; Fenn, Vol IV, Edward IV item 65
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (1st transcript)
To my Right Wourshipful
maister Iohn Paston Esquyer
be this letter delyvred.RIGHT Wourshipful maister I Recomaunde me un to your
maistership and I thank yor maistership that hit pleased yor
maistership to sende me wourde a yen of my lettr that I sende
you by the bryngr herof Sr as I am enfourmed ye sent me Wourde
how that my fader was dede long tyme passed and also ye de-
sired to know my titylle of Ryght Sr I am very heyre by the
disceas of my fader to a place called Keswyk in Tauerham with
all the apportenauncez and that comyth by enherytaunce and
discente to me for I am the helder and heyr and though my lorde
z Cromwell hath taken Thomas Tavrham my younger brother as
warde for the same enheritaunce that maketh no mater to me in
so moche I am helder brether wher for I beseche you to sende me
a letter of attournay made to you in my name in the strengest
wise that ye can for to entre in to the same lyvelode and I shal
asseal that and than I shal do my s r vice and feaute to the seid
lorde Cromwell in all thing as by the tenure of the same lyvelode
of olde tyme aught to be done and herin I kno well the king
shal cause my lorde Cromwel to do me bothe lawe and right and
also my lorde Chaunceler wr oder lordes diurse shal do the same
and Sr I beseche your maistership to do and to take possession in
the saide place wt the apportenaunce in short tyme for losyng ofthe rent this yer passed And Sr as for the place of Attylbrigge that
my moder in lawe now duellith in Sr yor maistershep shal right
not attempte ther now in for my lorde of 2Warwik hath seen
how the same place was yeven me by testament by Sr Roger Dal-
lyng after the disease of my fader whiche is redy to be shewed
and therupon my lorde of Warwik hath comaunded certeyn gen-
tilmen to entre in the same place and yor maistership hadde be
moved ther in or this but for cause that ye love wel 3Lumpnor
and that my moder in lawe is his sister but I knowe wel hit
woul cost CCC li. but that she shal be dispossedded of that place
in short tyme And maistr how ye would be rewled in the seid place
of Keswyk I be seche you to sende me wourde as my sengler
trnst is in you for and ye woulde not take possession in the saide
place my lorde 4Wenlok woulde haue that ful fayne for all the
Contray knowith while that while I leve I am heyr and non
other and therfor I beseche you in all hast sende me wourde by
the bryngger herof in hast q' mora trahit p r ic'l' m and Sr I would
Come speke wt you I am seke and may not goo but telle the
brynggr heroff all yor entent for my liff duryng I hadde lever that
ye hadde that place for jd than a nother man thow he woulde yeff
me meche mony for yor maistership y' shewed to me in my yong
Age and God kepe you, &c.Yor Chapeleyn
5 Aoger Daberham.12 by 7 ?.
Seal, a Head erased on an Helmet, having
the Letter I on one fide and B on the
other. P1. XXVIII. No 6.1 Humphry Bourchicr, Lord Cromwell, so created in 1461.
2 Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick.
3 William Lumner, of Mannington, in Norfolk.4 John Wenlock was created Baron Wenlock, in 1461, by Edward IV. but he after-
warde left the York party, and joined that of Lancaster; he was cleft down with a battle
axe by the Duke of Somerset, for not coming up in time at the battle of Tewkesbury, in
1471, whereby that battle was lost.5 Autograph. P1. XXV. No 19.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (2nd transcript)
To my right worshipful Master, John Paston, Esquire, be this
Letter delivered.RIGHT worshipful Master, I recommend me unto your
mastership, and I thank your mastership that it pleased
your mastership to send me word again of my Letter that I sent
you by the bringer hereof; Sir, as I am informed ye sent me
word how that my Father was dead long time passed, and also
ye desired to know my title of right; Sir, I am very heir by the
decease of my Father to a place called Keswick, in Taverham,
with all the appurtenances, and that cometh by inheritance and
descent to me, for I am the elder, and heir; and though my
Lord x Cromwell hath taken Thomas Taverham, my younger
brother, as ward for the same inheritance, that maketh no matter
to me, insomuch (as) I am elder brother; wherefore I beseech
you to send me a Letter of Attorney, made to you in my name,
in the strongest wise that ye can, for to enter into the same live-
lihood, and I shall asseal that, and then I shall do my service and
fealty to the said Lord Cromwell in all things, as by the tenure
of the same livelihood of old time, ought to be done; and herein
I know well the King shall cause my Lord Cromwell to do me
both law and right; and also my Lord Chancellor, with other
Lords divers, shall do the same; and, Sir, I beseech your master-
ship to do, and to take possession in the said place with the ap-
purtenances in short time, for losing of the rent this year
passed.And Sir, as for the place of Attlebrigg, that my Mother in
law now dwelleth in, Sir, your mastership shall right not attempt
there now in, for my Lord of 2Warwick hath seen how the
same place was given me by testament, by Sir Roger Dalling,
after the decease of my Father, which is ready to be shewed;
and thereupon my Lord of Warwick hath commanded certain
gentlemen to enter in the same place, and your mastership had
been moved therein ere this, but for cause that ye love well
3Lumnor, and that my Mother-in-law is his sister; but I know
well that will cost three hundred pounds, but that she shall be
dispossessed of that place in short time; and, Master, how ye will
be ruled in the said place of Keswick I beseech you to send me
word, as my singular trust is in you, for and (if) ye would not
take possession in the said place, my Lord 4Wenlock would have
that full fain, for all the Country knoweth while that while I live
I am heir and none other, and therefore I beseech you in all
haste send me word by the bringer hereof in haste, quia mora
trahit periculum, and, Sir, I would come (and) speak with you;
I am sick and may not go; but tell the bringer hereof all your
intent, for my life during I had lever (rather) that ye had that
place for one penny, than another man though he would give
me much money, for your mastership shewed to me in my young
age, and God keep you, &c.Your Chaplain
5 ROGER TAVERHAM.July, before 1466. 6 E. IV.
1 Humphry Bourchicr, Lord Cromwell, so created in 1461.
2 Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick.
3 William Lumner, of Mannington, in Norfolk.4 John Wenlock was created Baron Wenlock, in 1461, by Edward IV. but he after-warde left the York party, and joined that of Lancaster; he was cleft down with a battle
axe by the Duke of Somerset, for not coming up in time at the battle of Tewkesbury, in
1471, whereby that battle was lost.5 Autograph. P1. XXV. No 19.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
To my right wourshipful maister, John Paston,
Esquyer, be this letter delyvered.RIGHT wourshipful maister, I recommaunde me un to
your maistership, and I thank your maistership that
hit pleased your maistership to sende me wourde a yen
of my letter that I sende you by the brynger herof. Sir, as I
am enfourmed, ye sent me wourde how that my fader was dede
long tyme passed, and also ye desired to knowe my titylle of
ryght. Sir, I am very heyre, by the disceas of my fader, to a
place called Keswyk, in Taverham, with all the apportenauncez,
and that comyth by enherytaunce and discente to me, for I am
the helder and heyre; and though my Lorde Cromwell1 hath
taken Thomas Taverham, my yonger brother, as warde for the
same enheritaunce, that maketh no mater to me, in so moche I
am helder brother. Wher for I beseche you to sende me a
letter of attournay made to you in my name in the strengest
wise that ye can, for to entre in to the same lyvelode, and I
shall asseal that, and than I shall do my service and feaute to
the seid Lorde Cromwell in all thing as by the tenure of the
same lyvelode of olde tyme aught to be done. And herin I
kno well the King shal cause my Lorde Cromwel to do me
bothe lawe and right; and also my Lorde Chaunceler, with
oder Lordes diverse, shall do the same. And, sir, I beseche
your maistership to do and to take possession in the saide place
with the apportenaunce in short tyme, for losyng of the rent
this yer passed.And, sir, as for the place of Attylbrigge that my moder in
lawe now duellith in, sir, your maistershep shal right not
[naught] attempte ther now in; for my Lorde of Warwik2
hath seen how the same place was yeven me by testament by
Sir Roger Dallyng after the disease of my fader, whiche is redy
to be shewed. And therupon my Lorde of Warwik hath
comaunded certeyn gentilmen to entre in the same place, and
your maistership hadde be moved ther in or this, but for cause
that ye love wel Lumpnour,3 and that my moder in lawe is his
sister; but I knowe wel hit woul cost CCCli., but that she
shal be dispossedded of that place in short tyme. And,
maister, how ye woul be rewled in the seid place of Keswyk,
I be seche you to sende me wourde, as my sengler trust is in
you; for and ye woulde not take possession in the saide place,
my Lorde Wenlok4 woulde have that ful fayne, for all the
contray knowith while that while I leve, I am heyr and non
other. And therfor I beseche you in all hast sende me wourde
by the bryngger herof in hast, quia mora trahit periculum.
And, sir, I would come speke with you. I am seke, and may
not goo; but telle the bryngger heroff all your entent. For
my liff duryng I hadde lever that ye hadde that place for jd.
than a nother man, thow he woulde yeff me meche mony, for
your maistership ther shewed to me in my yong age. And
God kepe you, &c.Your chapeleyn, ROGER TAVERHAM.
1 [From Fenn, iv. 258.] The mention of Lord Wenlock in this letter proves that
it cannot be earlier than 1461; but if the writer be, as we have surmised, the ‘old
Taverham’ mentioned by Margaret Paston in No. 489, it is most probably of that
year.1 Humphrey Bourchier, Lord Cromwell, so created in 1461.
2 Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick.
3 William Lumner, of Mannington, in Norfolk.—F.
4 John Wenlock was created Baron Wenlock in 1461 by Edward iv.; but he
afterwards left the York party, and joined that of Lancaster. He was cleft down with
a battle-axe by the Duke of Somerset for not coming up in time at the battle of
Tewkesbury in 1471, whereby that battle was lost.—F.1461(?)